
Chapter 16

Anger seethed through Rafe as the obviousness of what had transpired still perfumed the air. Emma had cheated on him, with his clone.

Is it really cheating? Technically, we're both the same person.

Same genetic strands, maybe, yes, but when it came to personality, Rafe was real while Mikhail wasÉa product of a warped childhood.

"Just how the hell did you get from the ship to here?" he snapped at Emma. He couldn't help his anger. Why was she here? Here with him.

Rafe could see the shock in her eyes and the realization that the man she'd just been intimate with wasn't him. Could see the pleading for forgiveness. He hardened his stare. Betrayal was betrayal.

"I'm here because I came looking for you."

"Looking for me? Did you think you'd find me in his bed?" An incredulous pitch colored his words.

"I thought it was your bed."

"And I thought I told you to stay on the ship." Why couldn't she have stayed on the ship!