
Ch 1. Dream Weaver's End


A black bole, one that is just recently known and still under the scientists study, is currently sucking the Dream Weaver into it.

Dream Weaver, as a Giant Scientific Space Base is not equipped to withstand such a strong gravity suction. And to make things worse, all the upgrade from many aliens technology that the Dream Weaver have applied to its own body on the years of its travels now become the reason of its demise.

Not too long after the Dream Weaver begin to get sucked by the new black hole, it begin to get cracked in the middle, almost splitting in two in an instant. Luckily, Dream Weaver still have its original body structure deep inside the case of alien tech that cover it.

The basic but somehow stronger Earth-Made materials manage to withstand the suction on the edge of black hole. But the structure strength is just barely holding on. Dream Weaver demise is waiting around the corner and no one can save it now.

All the people that is riding in the Dream Weaver can only try to save themselves as much as they can, with any Escape Pod they can find. The scientists, who knows about the black hole better than most people, decide to remain in their working site and focus on uploading the black hole data into their database.

They bet on luck. Someone somewhere might be able to find their data and somehow can be saved from the doom they was in. That is the last wish for all the scientists in the Dream Weaver.


Jonathan Streamward, a seventy years old guardsman who sail the space along with Dream Weaver from the first time it touches the empty spaces, is currently sleeping in his room.

The moment the Dream Weaver begin to cracked and almost splitting in two, Jonathan is suddenly awaken from his deep slumber only to find the people outside of his room is running in chaos and panic. No one spare a second for anyone else, as everyone is trying their best to survive from a space accident.

"What the hell is happening with the Dream Weaver? " Jonathan asked to anyone he passed by.

Unfortunately, none of them is willing to answer his question. They are all too busy trying to save themselves.

Jonathan is totally confused and didn't know what to do. He was a soldier, an experienced one who fight in many battles and wars across the galaxy. Running around in panic like a headless chicken is not his style.

"I have to find out what is happening to the Dream Weaver! "

Focusing his mind on the task he set for himself, Jonathan is running against the flow of peoples and going to the only place where every knowledge on the ship is located, the Scientific Research Room.

Jonathan is forced to slap some people aside, made them flying to the other side of the walls and made them barely able to stand up once more, just to make sure he reach the Scientific Research Room as soon as possible.

Jonathan is fully aware of the Dream Weaver condition. Many cracks have appeared all around him. Cables is pulled off from their places and metallic walls is ripped by an unknown forces. But he steeling his heart and keep his feets moving.

Without knowledge, there will be no safety wherever he may go.

Soon enough, Jonathan manage to reach the Scientific Research Room. Inside he can see all of the scientists still focus on their research.

"What are you guys doing?

Why don't you all save yourself? " Asked Jonathan, confused.

"Ah Guard Jonathan, so glad to see you here with us.

Come and take a seat. Let's us enjoy the greatest scene that is also the greatest mystery of the space. The center of a black hole. "

The other scientists just smiled when they hear their Head Scientist saying that. Even the Head Scientist herself is saying it with a mischievous smile on her face.

"This is not a joking matter!

What happen to the Dream Weaver?

You all are the best mind in the known universe, you must have known something about our situation.

And why didn't any of you try to escape?

Do you think this is a joke?

Don't yoh all realize that without all of you, we cannot continue our future research on the aliens and the worlds! "

Jonathan is trying his best to wake them up from their suicidal tendency, but it looks like his panicked voice is taken as a jokes.

"Don't worry Guard Jonathan.

We are not crazy.

We just know that this black hole will never let us go.

So instead of trying to do useless things like running around, we focus on uploding our research into the database.

Hopefully, someone can find our database and use it to save themselves.

At least we can save some lifes even after we are no longer part of the living. " Said the Head Scientist.

"But... Why.. There must be a chance..

You are.. The hope.. I have to.. Protect you all.. " Jonathan is almost lost for words.

His face is almost looks despaired, as if a terrible memories suddenly resurfaced and show him its horror once more.

The female Head Scientist see Jonathan despaired face and decided to help him sit down on the nearest chair.

"Guard Jonathan, thank you for always be there to protect us from any harm.

You are one of the most beloved guard we ever have.

If you really want to save someone, we asked you to save yourself, instead of saving us. " She said.

The Head Scientist then look at her friends and they all nodded in agreement. A few of them showed a worry and doubt expression, but Head Scientist give them an understanding look that made them give up their doubt immediately.

" What do you mean to save myself, Elsa? " Asked Jonathan.

"We all have traveled far together in the Dream Weaver.

I can say that we, you included, have spent almost our entire lifes just to learn and understanding the world and alien lifes.

Unfortunately, we are all tired. You can see how tired we are by seeing this accident. The Dream Weaver is fallen into the black hole gravity reach because we are careless." Head Scientist paused for a second before she continues.

"We want to asked you to escape using our Scientific Space Probes.

It is just a small space ship meant to learn and analyzing. But we already uploaded all our research data in it, and it might be able save you.

Please leave us here so we can finally rest.

You can finally go and find your own purpose with this new second lifes, probably. " Head Scientist Elsa is smiling so sweetly.

Head scientist Elsa then push Jonathan body who failed to give any response into a room size spaceship that is neatly hidden and integrated into the research room.

Elsa put Jonathan in pilot seat and strapped him safe. She also put a single Builder Bot inside the spaceship in case the spaceship survive and need some immediate repairs.

After she is sure that Jonathan remain on his place, Elsa get off the spaceship and activate it using remote console in her computer. She waves her hand cutely at Jonathan as the spaceship begin to move back and launched from the research room.


"Goodbye, my sweet charming Jonathan.

Please forgive me for being so selfish. "

With a tears on her face, Jonathan is forced to see the end of Dream Weaver as it finally split in two. Soon after each part of the giant spaceship is exploded and turned into smaller pieces.


Alone in a spaceship that is not meant to withstand a heavy gravity, Jonathan tried his best to direct the spaceship to safety.

Unfortunately, the black hole gravitational pull is way too strong to fight back. Jonathan tried everything in his knowledge, from activating the hyper propulsion until force activate a warp jump.

Unfortunately, none have manage to work and the spaceship is getting closer and closer to the center of the black hole.

"So escaping is really useless after all.

I should be just standing beside her right now.

Once more, i am to late to make a right decision."

With a sad acceptance, Jonathan turned off the spaceship engine and let it fly along the gravity pull. The spaceship is moving so fast, with every second made it closer and closer to the black hole.

A few minutes later, the spaceship where Jonathan is currently sitting with amazement on his face, is finally entering the center of the black hole.

It is dark, as dark as an empty skies and still even much more darker than that. Jonathan can see himself slowly but surely getting closer to the single bright dot inside the black hole.

Unfortunately, he cannot really focus on that light as he can feel his body getting squished and swirled at the same time. It is as if he is entering a pressurize machine where it spin the ingredients while also press it as hard as it can.

It is a very weird feeling, aside from the pain and fear. Jonathan can tell that his bone is not even cracking. There is no damage whatsoever to his body, but he is sure his body is pulled and pressed from all side.

If he have to describe it, Jonathan have to say that entering a black hole is like going into a very long and dark slide, where he can see a single dot of light at the end and to reach it he have to spent sometime in a pressing grain size tube that somehow he really manage to fit in.

But then, when Jonathan think that he can see where it is going, everything went black.

Jonathan suddenly lost his consciousness!

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