
10 years ago


In the middle of the night, two men are seen walking towards a lovely speed car, they both just got back to Mexico, they are best friends and have drunk the nights away.

Staurt: This is the best night ever Nicole,beers party, it's been years we had soooo much fun you know.

Nicole: Yeah yeah, well said.

Staurt: How about one more shot🥺🥺🥺?

Nicole. No No😡😡😡, let's just go, we have other days to hang out.

Staurt: Ok then I guess😟😟, can I drive then, pretty ple ee e s wi wi wi th sugar on top.

Nicole: Ok I guess , we are both drunk anyways doesn't matter who drives, get a napkins for yourself by the way, also remember to drive slow.

Staurt: We'll be fine, no one will be driving by this hour anyway.

They both get into the car, and Staurt lowers the roof and speeds all the way, they come across a shop and,

Nicole:Stoooopppp! my sis, I didn't get anything for her, can I grab some little stuffs, here,

Staurt: K sure, I will take the car for a few ride then.

Nicole:Suit yourself, just be careful.

Staurt: I always do bro.

Nicole: when exactly (before he finishes Staurt already sped off) argghhh , he never learns, anyway let's get my lovely Bella something great.

As Staurt speed off he goes through a round about route over and over for 5 times and by the sixth time,well he isn't very lucky a very big truck comes his way and BOOM! CRASH!


Back at the doll shop,Nicole get a doll who is holding a micro phone.while smiling at the doll he hears people screaming fire. Raymond pays for the doll and exit the shop, he phones the police and the fire fighter.

Nicole: Fire fire outbreak!

Police man: calm down sir, give us the details.

Nicole:I am new here, I mean I,I don't know, let me ask.

He runs to the shop keeper and she gives the exact location, after that they both race to the point of accident.

There is still smoke and little fire, suddenly Nicole recognizes the car.

Nicole: It,it my I mean Sstaaauurrtt! no no this shouldn't be happening it, it's all my fault.I am the cause,

Shop keeper:How , can you explain what is going on here. I, IAM confused.

Nicole: it's actually not good if you know the truth (in a low tone)

Shop keeper: what did you just say.

Nicole:Hem, nothing, I mean I said help the man in the truck, I, I will help the other one.

Nicole get to his own car,he breaks the window and brought out his friend, but it's toooo late, Staurt is gone.

Nicole:No, no Staurt please, don't go. What have I done. I I killed my friend, he, he got burnt for my mistakes, I am a killer, no no, this can't happen.

Nicole is very terrified and therefore he flees not just from that region but the entire country, he can't be discovered, he isn't ready to accept.

Luckily the truck driver is alive and is therefore rushed to the hospital.

Both families are anxious as they await the arrival of their children and that arrival of a father.

Little did they know that they anxiousness were in vain.

This is the past, it is the end to normal lives but beginning of a new story, and how will it turn out, we'll find out in the next chapter.

N.B chapter 2 is a cont. of the past, the present starts at chapter 3.❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️???? watch out

FancyBaecreators' thoughts
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