
The Little Snake

After eating breakfast, Michael and his grandpa went onto the field in front of their home, as they both took their positions a few meters apart, and then Grandpa Maxwell said " Ok so the first thing I will teach you is the body".

"The body?'

"Yes the body"

" What does someones body have to do with martial arts Grandpa?" from his tone anyone can tell Alex is genuinely confused.

Hearing this Max's lips couldn't help but twitch, he then sighed and said: " Martial Arts have everything to do with someone's body, after all, how could a person take a punch at someone without knowing their weak points, how could you cultivate without knowing where your meridians are."

Hearing this Sho's mind seemed to have an influx of Questions as he went into a trance trying to explain this , seeing this Grandpa Max experienced many emotions however the main ones were excitement, joy, and shock. After all, how could one go into enlightenment only from such little information, and he's only 7 years old!

As Grandpa Max waited for Alex's trance to end he saw that there was a little snake spying on them, seeing that Max just got up and headed over to where the snake was. Seeing this the snake got shocked and started slithering away at his top speed. Yet it was all for naught as Max caught up to him within a second, and at that moment the snake started cursing his luck he had only just been reborn and he already met an overpowered old man and a genius that can go into a trance from such basic information. He couldn't help but curse the Heavens.

"Oho, a little snake eh, that is quite rare usually your type almost never meet people like me, but I guess your luck is quite bad, and to even witness my grandson going into a trance, that makes your luck twice as bad. Who did you offend in your last life little snake? But whatever that doesn't matter as you are about to die," as the snake heard the words spoken by the old man it seemed to age a thousand years, but suddenly it got an idea.

"Wait wait, don't kill me yet I have a proposal" as the snake sent a mental message towards Grandpa Max, it was preparing to burn its lifespan to use its old powers and leave.

"Hmmm, a proposal eh? What do you have that can make me interested? I hope it isn't something boring like being my servant for the rest of your life" hearing the words spoken by the Old man, the snake was about to speak but before that a voice came from the southern part of the forest, it seemed to be saying Grandpa?

"Oh, it seems my little grandson got out of his trance, well we can continue this later" hearing these words the snake suddenly felt his vision waning as all he saw was darkness before going into sleep.

"Coming Alex, I just had to take a leak" putting the snake in his pocket he left the area and went back to his grandson.

Yes, Grandpa Max is op.

Yes, the little snake could have been an mc.

Yes, there will be lots of overpowered people and things

yungNcreators' thoughts