
【001】Han Feng! In the Great Jin Kingdom, within Central City.

[001]Han Feng! In the Great Jin Kingdom, within Central City.

At the Han family's martial arts training ground, early in the morning, children and youths aged between ten and fifteen gradually gathered to practice martial arts. When these children arrived, they were no longer surprised to see a thirteen-year-old boy, whose looks were somewhere between ordinary and handsome, performing various movements on the training ground.

"Again, it's Han Feng who arrived the earliest, it's been three years in a row now."

"Yes, what a pity. Even though he has a fourth-grade talent, higher than ours, he has not been able to cultivate internal energy due to a physical ailment. I heard the family head and others are quite disappointed."

Many children and youths, aged between ten and fifteen, murmured among themselves, clearly feeling sorry for Han Feng's situation.

But some were sarcastic: "Han Feng's father is just a failure, and he caused our Han family significant losses with his actions. Perhaps this is retribution, falling upon his son."

The youth speaking was Han Lin, Han Feng's cousin, now over fourteen years old. He had already opened three main meridians and was a leading figure among the Han family's youths under fifteen. He surpassed Han Feng in everything except for talent. Han Feng was of fourth-grade talent, while Han Lin's was fifth-grade, one level lower. When Han Feng's talent was first revealed, Han Lin was quite resentful. Unexpectedly, Han Feng's body, for some unknown reason, could not generate internal energy, wasting his fourth-grade talent. This gave Han Lin a sense of satisfaction, and he often liked to mock Han Feng.

In fact, this was also out of jealousy. If Han Lin himself had fourth-grade talent, he might have already opened four or even five main meridians by now.

Meanwhile, Han Feng, the central figure of these discussions, seemed as if he hadn't heard anything. He continued exercising, familiarizing himself with the family's basic long fist and leg techniques.

Soon, when all the children and youths had arrived, they too began practicing the basic long fist and leg techniques.

Both the basic long fist and leg techniques comprised nine forms. After practicing several times, Han Feng slowly finished and exhaled, "I have practiced the basic long fist and leg techniques to the point of perfection. Without using internal energy, none of these people are my match, but..."

At this point, Han Feng shook his head, but there was no bitterness on his face, as if he wasn't disappointed at all about not having cultivated internal energy in three years.

Even when Han Feng heard the surrounding youths' discussions and pity, the corners of his mouth curved into a mysterious smile.

Touching his heart area subtly, a flash of brilliance appeared in Han Feng's eyes, "Three years, from the start of my practice until now, I have a feeling that in a few days, or even today, I will unravel this secret, and then…"

Following this, Han Feng resumed practicing the basic fist and leg techniques.

At this moment, a middle-aged man walked onto the training ground. As soon as he appeared, all the children and youths straightened their backs, fearing being scolded.

This middle-aged man was a foreign instructor of the Han family, surnamed Lin, known as Instructor Lin. His cultivation had reached the four-star level of the human stage, making him a considerable figure in the Han family.

Instructor Lin was very strict in his teaching. The children and youths on the training ground, none older than fifteen and without any experience outside, were all very respectful and somewhat fearful of him.

Seeing everyone had arrived, Instructor Lin spoke loudly, "Youngsters of the Han family, I have taught you the basic fist and leg techniques for nearly three years. Originally, I did not plan to teach you more before you reached fifteen, but this batch of you is stronger than usual. The strongest among you, Han Lin, is not far from opening the fourth main meridian. Therefore, after obtaining approval from the family head yesterday, I will teach you the Coagulating Claw Technique in advance!"


The crowd was instantly abuzz. The Coagulating Claw Technique was a high-ranking basic martial technique, usually only practiced by warriors who had opened five or six main meridians. It was unexpected that they would learn it so soon!

For a moment, everyone's grateful gaze fell on Han Lin.

Han Lin was close to opening the fourth main meridian.

Feeling everyone's gratitude, Han Lin was extremely proud.

Han Feng's eyes sparkled with eagerness, "Coagulating Claw Technique, a high-ranking basic martial technique. The basic long fist and leg techniques I practiced before were low-ranking. Even with rewards, we are directly skipping the mid-ranking techniques."

Instructor Lin asked everyone to stand in position, then his expression suddenly changed, releasing a fierce and powerful aura, even with a hint of murderous intent!

These Han family youths had never experienced such rigor and were frightened pale by this fierce aura. Han Feng also looked pale and wavered slightly. This was still when Instructor Lin wasn't targeting them directly...

"Human-stage warriors are indeed powerful. If a four-star human stage is this strong, how formidable must our family head be, who is at the ten-star level?" Han Feng thought in awe.

For a moment, Han Feng and the other youths were lost in admiration for powerful warriors.


Instructor Lin suddenly shouted, his hand swiftly forming a claw, and he struck out. A giant rock in front of him was instantly shattered. Then, he quickly demonstrated various techniques.

After a while, Instructor Lin stopped his demonstration, and the atmosphere returned to normal. The youths watched him with fiery eyes.

Instructor Lin smiled slightly and began to demonstrate slowly, emphasizing key points.

"Alright, that's all for the key points of the Coagulating Claw Technique. Now, practice on your own."

Han Feng stood still, eyes closed, recalling Instructor Lin's every move. After a while, he opened his eyes and slowly started the movements. At first, they were a bit stiff, but gradually became more fluid and faster. Although he couldn't compare to Instructor Lin, he could at least perform the technique completely.

Instructor Lin glanced over the crowd, pausing on Han Feng, "Just as I thought, it's Han Feng who first performed the technique completely. Such extraordinary comprehension, and with fourth-grade talent, in the future..."

"What a pity, his body is afflicted."

Instructor Lin shook his head, lamenting the loss of such a promising youngster.

After Han Feng performed the Coagulating Claw Technique completely, the other youths stopped and watched, then started their own practice, but also began talking among themselves.

"Every time, it seems to be Han Feng who first performs the techniques completely. I thought it was because the basic low-ranking martial techniques were too simple, but the Coagulating Claw Technique is high-ranking, and still..."

"Who cares, if he can't cultivate internal energy, what use is an empty frame?"

"That's true. Although we are slower in practice, we have internal energy. I'm about to open my first main meridian."

"Hehe, me too, let's practice hard!"

Han Lin watched Han Feng with envy, then coldly said, "A waste is a waste. I want to see, when we learn human-stage martial techniques that require the use of true qi, how you will

lead then!"

Time flew by, and two hours passed. Instructor Lin waved his hand, "Everyone did well today. Four of you managed to perform several moves of the Coagulating Claw Technique in succession. Keep it up. Only when you are proficient in the moves will you avoid mistakes when channeling internal energy. Otherwise, you might disrupt your internal energy during a fight due to incorrect moves. You may leave now."


The young youths, still children at thirteen or fourteen years old, were very playful and ran off like the wind.

Han Feng's expression remained calm as he slowly left the training ground and headed to his father's room.

Pushing open the door to his father's room, a rather handsome man immediately stood up and said, "Son, come quickly, the meal is getting cold."

This is not an original work. Just a novel translated by me because I couldn't find a decent translation for it. Enjoy!

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