
Sovereign Dragon System

Long ago humans ruled the world as the dominant race, well that was until mana was introduced and elves suddenly rose to the top of the race tree. Humans had mediocre mana mastery and plummeted down to become the lowest race, even goblins sat above humans. --------- Aaron Plight a human slave who was constantly been sold off to the elves since he was six until he finally settled with the Aeravansels, An elven family who ruled over a little human village called "Bryxlyn". On one unfaithful day, Aaron got himself into a pinch and was thrown into an underground dungeon and was constantly been punished for months. He had become the embodiment of despair and self-loath as he could no longer stomach the pain of being below all races. Well, that was until he heard a light-sounding bell in his head and a message popped before his face. [Ding! You've met the requirements for a race reset... Would you like to proceed?]

KhingOfPages · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Attain A Domain.


[Name: Aaron Plight]

[Race: Dragon <Night breed>]

[Level: 5]

<HP: 201/212>

<Mana: 121/175>

<XP: 23/350>

[Job Class: <None>]

[Title: <None>]

<Strength: 112>

<Agility: 98>

<Intelligence: 203>

<Stamina: 110>

<Durability: 100


< Sovereignty (Legendary - Level 2)>

<Majestic dark flames (Unique - Level 1)>

<Ancient dominion (Mythic - Level 2)>

Extra Skill point: 0

Extra stat point: 103


[Ding! Legendary skill: Sovereignty has been activated.]

As soon as Aaron used sovereignty a dark and chilling aura filled the entire hall.

Immediately Chaalmyth felt this aura he could only hear one voice in his head. "Bow, bow down or we'll all die here," It said to him, Chaalmyth obeyed his survival instinct and went on his knees.

'How does a human command such a spell... Or has mana blessing shifted towards humans?.'

"Wife undo the binding spell right now," Chaalmyth ordered.

"Alright!" she replied.

"Don't bother," Aaron said stopping Elénaril as she was about to get up.

[Ding! Unique skill: Dark flames have been activated.]

Dark flames emerged from the vines that bound Aaron, the flames gradually ate the vines till they were nothing but ashes.

Aaron then stood up from his knees and massaged his wrist, subtly flexing on the elves, it was almost like he was saying "Is this the binding spell you're so proud of?".

"This is a sturdy barrier wench, I got rid of the vines but this green veil might be a problem," Aaron said as he tapped the light green barrier that enclosed him.

Elénaril bit her lips in anger upon hearing Aaron's words.

'Why do we have to bow before a peasant, what a coward I have for a husband... So what if he uses mysterious spells.'

'There's no way he's leaving my barrier'

"System, invest 100 stat points into my strength."

<Strength: 212>

"While we're at it, invest the remaining points into my agility."

<Agility: 101>

Extra stats point: 0

"Alright, this should be enough." Aaron declared as he felt the power streaming through his veins.

He pulled his fist backward and charged his punch. After some seconds his punch came flying into the barrier and a huge crack could be seen at the point of impact.

"See? Told you it was a sturdy barrier Elénaril" Aaron let out with a grin on his face.

'One punch? It took only one strike to crack my C-ranked barrier?' Elénaril couldn't mask the total disbelief on her face.

Aaron once again punched the cracked spot and in an instant, the barrier shattered to bits.

"Please spare us... Allow us to serve you," Chaalmyth began pleading as Aaron stepped out of the broken barrier.

"What is this? Have you no pride as an elf?."

"Not so long ago you were all rejoicing you had me locked down, do you think I'll let that slide?," Aaron said as he drew nearer to Chaalmyth.

"Arise Chaalmyth... face me and die with honor," Aaron spoke. "You and your family will all die anyways, so at least die with pride."

"So there's no negotiating our lives?" Chaalmyth asked with an immense sigh.

"Yea there isn't, but before that," Aaron assured as he approached Eleanor.

"So you still don't remember me, Eleanor?" He questioned while holding Eleanor's chin.

"Huh?" she reacted looking quite confused.

"Look deeper and you'll remember... My lady." Aaron said gripping her chin even harder.

Eleanor stared at him for a little while trying to recollect and then like lightning it struck her and she couldn't help but let out an enormous gasp.

"Ohh the piglet finally recalls her humble slave." He smiled finally letting go of Eleanor's chin.

"Mum, dad... He's that skinny human slave that was aroused by my body months ago. Why are we letting him have his way here?."

"No matter how loud he roars, he's still nothing but a perverted slave," Eleanor spoke up furiously to her parents.

"ELEANOR!!!! Shut the hell up, this is not the time to be naive and foolish." Chaalmyth scolded his daughter.

"We're not allowing him to have his way instead it's quite the opposite," Elénaril added.

[Ding! You have a new quest.]

'What? What in heaven's name is this about?' Aaron thought to himself after viewing the quest.

After a little while, he took his eyes off the quest tab and approached Eleanor once more.

"What do you think you can do? Hmmm?" Aaron asked raising his brow.

[Mythic skill: Ancient Dominion has been activated.]

A force began lifting Elénaril and her husband off their foot, and just as they had left the ground they went plummeting through the dining floor.

"Hngg!," Chaalmyth grunted.

"Yaaaa" Elénaril shrieked in pain.

"Look at your parents as their life gets snatched from them, now try stopping this perverted slave."

"Please let them go... I'm truly sorry, please." She pleaded in tears.

"Tears won't help you my dear piglet, why don't you try stepping on my balls... Who can tell it just might stop me." He said as Eleanor sobbed endlessly.

'This skill can be stacked right?' Aaron asked as he scrolled through his skills tab.

[Ancient dominion - Mythic: level 2 (Using the skill of ancient dominion the user can manipulate any physical body within 7 meters whose mana falls below 250)]

<Consumes 10 mana with every use>

<This skill can be stacked>

[Ding! Ancient Dominion has been used.]

At this point, Chaalmyth and his wife could only grunt because of the amount of pressure they were under.

"Please st-stop... I'll do anything. If it's my body you desire, you can have it. Just stop, please."

"Hehehehehahahaha." Aaron laughed at Eleanor's words.

Aaron proceeded to apply more pressure on her parents. Their spines could be heard cracking and blood rushed out their mouths as their organs were gradually being crunched under intense force.

"Ohh little piglet, what I desire currently is nothing as feeble as your body."

"S...so what is it you d...desire?." She asked.

"All I desire right now is revenge, gold, points, and Xp's."

"We have some gold in the treasury please take those... pleasee!." Still in tears, Eleanor said.

Aaron instantly applied more force on the two elves killing them with nothing but the weight of his hate.

[Ding! You've earned 250 gold coins]

[Ding! You've acquired 38 skill points.]

[Ding! You've acquired 67 stat points.]

"Eleanor your parents are dead, what do you plan on doing?" Aaron asked squatting in front of Eleanor whose eyes were filled with grief.

"Let me know when you've decided... If it's revenge I'll gladly send you to your parents." Aaron told as he stood up and left the dining hall.


'Open my quest tab.'

<Quest: Dragons were creatures of territory, they ruled over a domain whether it prospered or perished was up to them.>

<Pending quest: Attain a Domain>

<Status: Uncompleted.>

"Must I acquire a domain?" Aaron sighed. "If the system deems it relevant then it has to be."


The villagers had heard the screams that came from the elf's mansion and there was quite a curious crowd gathered in front of the manor.

And just as they gazed at the entrance of the manor a figure emerged from the door, wearing nothing but blood-stained white trousers.

He stood in front of the crowd and declared.

"I've killed all the elves in that mansion, and now I'm taking dominion over the little village of Bryxlyn."

"Anyone who objects should speak up now, if not you can all go back to your families."

"What do you take us for? Do you expect us to believe a human killed every elf that resides in this mansion?... Including Lord Chaalmyth." A voice resounded from the crowd as a large muscular man stepped forward.
