
Sovereign Dragon System

Long ago humans ruled the world as the dominant race, well that was until mana was introduced and elves suddenly rose to the top of the race tree. Humans had mediocre mana mastery and plummeted down to become the lowest race, even goblins sat above humans. --------- Aaron Plight a human slave who was constantly been sold off to the elves since he was six until he finally settled with the Aeravansels, An elven family who ruled over a little human village called "Bryxlyn". On one unfaithful day, Aaron got himself into a pinch and was thrown into an underground dungeon and was constantly been punished for months. He had become the embodiment of despair and self-loath as he could no longer stomach the pain of being below all races. Well, that was until he heard a light-sounding bell in his head and a message popped before his face. [Ding! You've met the requirements for a race reset... Would you like to proceed?]

KhingOfPages · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Ancient Dominion.

<Please call me system, I'm here as a guide... I've downloaded the basic information into you so you should know what status, quest, skills etc.. means.>

"System, please open my stats, Aaron said, and just as he had requested his stats were floating in the air in front of him.

"The system even knows my name... What am I even saying, that'd be a piece of cake for something that could change someone's race." He shakes his head in awe.

"I have no idea what this job thing does exactly, is it like being a merchant, cook or something along those lines?." Aaron rubbed his chin trying to figure out the system.

'Since I'm Level 1 all I have to do is level up and everything will come to me, right?

Having said that Aaron walked to his cell and with one hand he grabbed the bars and yanked them. The iron bars were ripped clean from their hinges and tossed outside his cell.

The cells were built to hold humans and other races but not newly ordained dragons.

The loud metal noise of the destroyed iron bars resounded through the dungeon causing the elf guards to come running. In less than a minute three guards stood in Aaron's path.

"How did he break out of his cell?" one guard asked.

"Just like their race the bars must have been extremely weak,"

"Yea he's a human let's just toss him back into another cell and be done here."

Elves seldom wore amours but instead relied on buffs and defensive skills, not even the guards had any form of metal protection on them.

One of the guards walked towards Aaron and grabbed his shoulder.

Aaron had been standing there for a little while assessing how he could take on three elf guards all at once.

Before today he wouldn't venture to upset even a baby elf talk more of three guards.

"He didn't even try to escape, guess this one knows nothing he does will amount to anything" The guard added.

Aaron held the fingers of the elf who had grabbed his shoulder and began tightening his hold till he could hear his own bones snap like twigs.

Elves had spectacular mastery skills in magic but they lacked physical strength. The lack of strength was probably the only downside of being an elf but they made up for it in various aspects.

While still holding onto the first guard's fingers Aaron stretched forth his right hand and activated one of his skills.

[Mythic skill: Ancient dominion activated]

[Ancient dominion - Mythic: level 1 (Using the skill of ancient dominion the user can manipulate any physical body within 5 meters whose mana falls below 250)]

<Consumes 10 mana with every use>

<This skill can be stacked>

As soon as Aaron stretched forth his hand the second guard came flying into his grasp effortlessly as if he was been sucked in by a black hole.

Aaron held his neck and squeezed it firmly as he watch the life leave the guard's body.

After making sure the guard was dead he then let go of his lifeless body as it dropped to the cold hard ground.

[Ding! You have acquired 12 gold coins]

[Ding! You've gained 15xp]

[Ding! You've earned 10 stat points]

The third guard tried running to call for backup but Aaron caught on and using the ancient dominion skill once more he held him in place.

[Mythic skill: Ancient dominion has been activated]

"Where do you think you're going?" Aaron inquired as he tightened his grip on him.

"Urghh!!" the guard let out a tender scream, he felt like he was been held by something far greater than giants.

"Are you seriously running away from a human, the feeble and pathetic race? Have you no shame?." Aaron taunted whiles tightening his hold on the guard even more causing blood to leak out his nose and mouth respectively.

"Please let go of me, my lungs and intestines are getting mashed, I-I can feel it." The guard pleaded in agony.

At this point, his eyes were bleeding and blood kept flowing out his mouth, but Aaron paid no attention to him instead he tightened his grip even more.

The guard screamed as his eyeballs slightly bulged out of his eye socket.

Aaron added a little more pressure to his grip and his eyes went flying across the dungeon in a heartbeat along with other parts of his body as he popped like a balloon.

[Ding! You have acquired 16 gold coins]

[Ding! You've gained 15xp]

[Ding! You've earned 10 stat points]

Seeing this the last guard began to cry as he begged desperately for his life.

"Ple-Please, have mercy if not for me at least for a little girl who's waiting for her dad to return from his security duty."

He wept relentlessly trying to attain Aaron's mercy.

Aaron let go of his fingers, well at this point they looked nothing like fingers but rather a lump of well-blended hand meat.

"Huh?" the guard let out with tears in his eyes.

"Thank-Thank you so much I promise you won't ever see me again" the guard lay on the floor holding Aaron's feet.

"what are you doing?" Aaron inquired.

"Who said I was letting you live? What gave you that idea?" he continued.

"Wait wha-what do you... What about my daughter?" the guard asked looking up at Aaron as tears began flowing down his cheeks.

"Your daughter? What do I care if a dumb b*tch never sees her dad again? Do you know how many human children you elves have deprived of a chance at family? Do you?" Aaron questioned.

[Mythic skill: Ancient dominion has been activated]

Aaron raised his feet above the guard's head.

"At least your daughter will find peace knowing her dad died a quick and painless death."

Before the guard could utter any word Aaron's feet came sinking into his head crushing his skull.

[Ding! You have acquired 15 gold coins]

[Ding! You've acquired 15xp]

[Ding! You've earned 10 stat points]

[Ding! Congrats you've leveled up... All your stats has increased (+10)]

"Huh? Level up?" Aaron asked.

"System pull up my stats." He demanded.

Name: Aaron Plight

Race: Dragon <Night breed>

Level: 2

Job Class: None

Title: <Empty>

HP: 36/50 (+10)

Mana: 50/50 (+10)


Strength: 30 (+10)

Agility: 40 (+10)

Intelligence: 20 (+10)

Stamina: 35 (+10)

Durability: 50 (+10)

(Extra distributional points: 30)

"Ohh I see, so that's what it takes to level up."

"I believe I've got to amass XP's to level up, and the higher my level the more XP is needed to level up," Aaron said to himself as he studied his stats.

He held the back of his neck and tilted both left and right as they crackled.

"Now that I've gotten rid of the lower-class elves, I think it's time to pay a visit to the Aeravansels and their spoilt little princess." Aaron declared as he walked out of the dungeon.

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