
Chapter 19

[Third Person's PoV] 

Futarou started accepting all the rewards at the same time each going to his inventory, and the first thing he did was call Chastiefol, which appeared in his pillow form. 

As soon as Futarou touched it and got on he was immediately impressed, "Woah this is so soft and comfy, no wonder King mostly spent most of the time sitting on this. 

Futarou then jumped off and started turning it into a Spear and started spinning it on his hands creating a storm by the way he was moving, stabbing, and wielding Chastiefol with a serious expression. His normal nonchalant aura is gone, replaced by seriousness and sharpness. 

Futarou nodded his head letting out a sigh before turning back into a pillow, Futarou then pulled out Shusui and put it to his sigh. 

He first performed a drawing technique, which was followed by rapid slashes, afterwards Futarou held it at an angle, examining it, before sheathing back and putting it on his side, leaving it permanently there. 

Futarou first accepted his Increase Charm, although he didn't feel any different, which was followed by him bringing out Yukihira's memory orb and shattering it. 

Futarou's eyes rolled to the back of his head as his Hypercognitive sorted everything, from recipes, to cooking, to all the tricks to make cooking more delicious. 

After a few minutes Futarou returned before preparing himself; he sat on Chastiefol in its pillow form and called forth Paimon. 

Paimon started to take the appearance of a beautiful, buxom woman with long hair and pointed ears. She has markings around her eyes and her fingernails have grown very long. She has multiple piercings on her ears and had her nipples exposed with an array of jewelry. Her lack of clothing reveals most of her body including her bare breasts and belly.


Futarou watched with his mouth open as he knew Paimon from Magi, but she appeared so much more beautiful in person.

"Fufufufu, what's this? I'm not in my dungeon. Were you perhaps the one that called me forth?" She asked with a smirk.

Futarou looked up and nodded, still shocked by her beauty.

"Heh, I gotta say," she said, lowering herself and taking hold of Futarou's face between her two fingers, "You're kinda cute. Why don't you be King?"

"Because there's no such thing in this world..." Futarou said, blushing slightly at the way he was being held and because he could perfectly see her pierced nipples.

"In this world? Does that mean I'm not in my world anymore? Now that complicates things slightly... oh, whatever, I'll still make you king."

"Like I said-" Before Futarou could say anything else, Paimon put a nail over his lips, "Here's the thing, sweetheart, a king doesn't really need a kingdom to be recognized as a King. A man becomes a King when enough people recognize him as such.

I'm starting to feel the magic in this world, that means there is a way to grow stronger. As you start growing stronger, more people will start to flock towards you.

Those flocks will become your believers and followers, and will start seeing you as a figure of authority. The more you grow, the more they will flock towards you for security, and before you know it... There are millions of people calling you their king."

"Huh? Who said I wanted to be king in the first place? That sounds hella tedious," Futarou said with a frown.

Paimon was taken aback slightly before she started giggling, "Hehehehehe."


Paimon started shaking her head while smiling, but to Futarou that smile looked sad... reminiscent...

"That's the thing... all great kings never wanted to be kings in the first place. You just reassured me of my decision of making you King. In other words, I'm going to make you stronger."

Futarou sighed and shook his head, "This world works differently from yours, so don't get too excited."

Paimon just shrugged her shoulders, making her breasts jiggle, "The weak flock to the strong, that's how it's always been, and I can tell at first glance, you really are strong. So, do you have a metal vessel for me to inhabit? I can't stay out too long."

Futarou then pulled out Shusui from his side and presented it to her, "Here... use this."

Paimon nodded and touched his sword. She was then sucked into the sword, where an eight-pointed star appeared surrounded by a circle near the handle.

Futarou looked at the handle and thought about what to do with her. 'Do I even need to use my ability? I just technically received a spirit for free.'

Futarou then shook his head and stared at his sword for a while before standing up straight. He closed his eyes and whispered, "Hey Paimon, let's become one. Even though we just met, I want you to put your trust in me, okay?"

Paimon, who was getting used to her metal vessel, grew confused about what Futarou was doing. 'Is he trying to fuse and make a Djinn equip? It's still too early for that. It hasn't even been that long-'

Futarou activated his Sharingan and looked at the eight-pointed star, "I said to trust me. I know trust is earned and all that, but you kept mentioning 'king this, king that, but how are you going to turn me into a king if you can't even begin to trust me?"

Paimon didn't say anything and just looked at Futarou's confident eyes. Before smirking, "You're lucky you're cute. Here, have my Djinn powers. Do as you please," she said, shaking her head at Futarou's impatience. 'I guess we would have to work on that, impatience is not a good look for a K–'

She stopped herself as her eyes widened in shock. 

Futarou smirked as his body along with his sword started to glow, his black hair started growing lighter while growing in length along with his sword which turned white, with feathers decorating the handle. 

A crown of feathers started adorning his head and around his face, and his clothing even started changing shapes.

His clothes transformed into those from Ancient Egypt. He wore a white, baggy, silky tank top with gold arm braces appearing on his forearms, also decorated with feathers, while his pants turned into baggy white harem pants. (A/N: Name of the pants, not the genre)

He gained ankle bracelets on each leg that wrapped around his calves with wings growing out of them.

Piercings started appearing alongside his ears, adorned with various kinds of jewelry. He gained a golden Egyptian broad collar with a white jewel in the middle, while also acquiring a gold metal headband with feathers along the side, decorated like wings. The image of a third eye appeared just below the headband.

If Futarou didn't stop there, he would have even gained nipple piercings as well, thanks to Paimon.

"So what do you think? Did I do well for my first Djinn equip?" Futarou asked as a final piece of equipment emerged from him. A white sash appeared above his neck, making him look like a deity of some sort.

"H-How! It shouldn't be possible!" she exclaimed in astonishment, before gaining an excited look. 'Normally I would have rejected any boys, but he caught my attention. Who knew I'd find a diamond in the rough?'

'It looks like it worked,' Futarou thought. 'After all, Djinn's are spirits, so my spirit fusion ability had some merits of working. It was fifty-fifty, and it looks like my earlier use of my blessing is still in effect.'

Futarou then looked around his body as he started levitating off the ground. He began maneuvering through the air, getting the hang of it with an ecstatic expression on his face.

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