
I Like You Too Much…

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

'That can't do. I'm here to woo Fei Nancheng. I can't not have a place to sit.'

Shen Yugui cupped her chin and thought for a moment. She walked into the classroom and stood in front. After clapping her hands and getting the attention of the people, she opened her mouth and smiled. "Attention, students in the first three rows! I really love this course. Could one of you please give me a seat?"

Everyone simply rolled their eyes at her, disregarding her.

Shen Yugui took out her wallet and struggled for a number between fifty and one hundred. Then, she gritted her teeth and took out a 100 yuan bill. "I'll give you a hundred!"

She was ignored.

Shen Yugui. "...Two hundred!"

She was still ignored.

Shen Yugui took out another three bills in pain. "Five hundred!"

"I'll give you my seat!" A boy in the first row stood up.

Shen Yugui. "..."

'Isn't five hundred or a seat too expensive?'

She walked over. Looking at the money in her hand, her heart bled. "Five hundred is too expensive. How about three hundred? Four hundred is fine too. What about four-fifty?"

The man yanked the five hundred out of her hand and ran to the back with a smile. He squeezed in the crowd and stood there to listen to the class.

Shen Yugui cursed. "What kind of class is this? Five hundred for one seat?! That's daylight robbery…"

When she finished speaking, she suddenly realized that the atmosphere in the class was odd. A wave of low pressure came from the door.

Her body froze and she immediately changed her tune. "...Five hundred and you gave up a seat for Mr. Fei's class? You really don't know the value of things!! A seat in Mr. Fei's class could sell for thousands or tens of thousands of yuan and it'll still be considered cheap! You're really too ignorant!"

She turned around after lying through her teeth, and lo and behold, saw Fei Nancheng standing at the door. He was not wearing a suit today. Instead, he wore a white shirt with a gray vest. Delicate cufflinks reflected the details of his attire and added to his overall elegance rather than making him look like a businessman. Standing with his hands in his pockets, the handsome face was still expressionless. His dark eyes stared straight at her.

Shen Yugui. "..."

The cliche of being heard by the very person she was badmouthing happened again.

Shen Yugui coughed. "I just… Like you too much…"

Fei Nancheng's hands in his pocket clenched and his face also tightened. Then, she gasped out, "...Your class, I mean."

She explained guiltily. She quickly sat down in the seat the boy gave her.

Fei Nancheng. "..."

This woman was too absurd. Was 'I like you' something that she could say so casually? Ridiculous!

With so many students waiting for him to start class, Fei Nancheng could not waste his time on Shen Yugui. He stopped looking at her and stepped on the lectern.

Shen Yugui acted like an obedient child. Straightening her back, her earnest eyes looked at Fei Nancheng.

He did not have a lesson plan. He went up to the lectern and wrote one word on the blackboard: Money.

The word was written with profound strokes, flamboyant and bold.

He turned around and said softly "Today, I'll share with you my views on money."

His voice was very low, but his tone was modest and confident, full of charisma. Everyone in the classroom looked at him quietly, as if reluctant to miss any word he said.

He did not speak mechanically like regular professors. Instead, he combined his own ideas with some major financial cases he handled before. They should respect money, but not be dominated by it. The content of the lecture excited the audience.

Some even took out voice recorders and planned to slowly listen to and study it again when they went back.

Shen Yugui propped herself up on the table with her palms resting under her chin. She looked at him unblinkingly, paying rapt attention.

This was not Fei Nancheng's first lecture, but there was never a time where the focus of a class was not concentrated. There were so many students in the audience, and everyone was staring at him. He was used to public speaking and had become accustomed to being the focus of everyone's attention. However, now, there was one pair of eyes that were too bright. There seemed to be a fire lit in them, making him unable to resist looking over.

He paused again and fixed his eyes on her, but his expression immediately darkened the next moment. That was because he realized that although this ugly woman was looking at him, it was obvious that she was not blinking. She was daydreaming!

She dared to daydream in his class?

An inexplicable displeasure emerged in his heart.


Shen Yugui was thinking of him.