

[ Reboot of my Story, Source: A Multiverse Travel ] Many people have asked questions like how it all originated... What came first, the chicken or the egg? Was God the one who created everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome User to Source, here you will be able to discover the answer that so many wise men have been looking for but it will be a hard road... full of dangers in every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end? Are you brave enough to take the first step? Can you find the strength to keep going? That... only you decide... advance or give up... Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Source... Do you want to start your journey? -- Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX --- Original Author : GenoXX Original Name :: Origen (Espanol) ---- I'm just Translating

Xuefang1 · Anime & Comics
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693 Chs

Chapter 153 ( Dragon meets Dragon )

"I finally made it... I'm not going to die young anymore!" The black-haired young man exclaimed with emotion as tears ran down his cheeks. His name was Rintarou, a practitioner of the Ryūha Koei Sōgetsu style and an unlucky boy with Henisei Tanshu Ijou Syndrome, or better known as Hentai Syndrome, a disease that caused all the blood to accumulate in one point when excited, causing the process that the pressure in your heart increases considerably. His father, a great martial artist, took him and took him to the mountains so that he could control impulses more easily and prevent him from dying when he sees something that a normal teenager would love to experience.

But that leaves us with the current situation, Rintarou was standing in front of the school he would attend from now on, the largest boys' high school in Japan, Nangokuren High School.

"Who's there?!" the boy exclaimed as he looked to his left.

"Wow... you're good..." - said a blond-haired boy - "I didn't expect you to discover us so easily"

"Tch, I told you to concentrate more" - mumbled a fat boy with glasses - "You're still someone interesting"

"Why were you hiding there?" Rintarou asked as he frowned.

"We were analyzing the appearance of the students that entered" - said the blond boy with pride - "By the way, my name is Kousuke"

"My name is Tamao" - answered the fat boy - "And as my friend said, we were analyzing who was coming in... because if we are going to date someone, then we have to analyze the pros and cons, as well as the colors and sizes "

Appearance? Colors? Sizes?" -Rintarou could only shake his head as he trembled as he imagined countless different men- "I suppose there is a great variety"

"You can't even say it" - smiled Kousuke.

"That voice... you're the boy who helped me find this place" - said a male voice behind the three boys, who turned around and saw a handsome blond boy with blue eyes and a slit pupil.

"Tch, Bishonen" - the two boys said while clicking their tongues.

"Are you the guy who asked me for help!" Rintarou exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes...thanks for the help" Cloud smiled as he looked at the boys.

"Wait for us, Cloud-chan~!" - A female voice was heard behind the group.

"I know you're excited, but you shouldn't leave us behind" - another female voice said.

"I'm sorry, Shizuka-chan, Chifuyu-san" - Cloud said with a smile as Rintarou's pupils contracted - "How?"

"Wow... those are quality women"-said Tamao as his saliva began to flow. In front of the three boys, two beautiful girls appeared, one was a girl of about 18 years old, blonde and huge breasts, ones that were bigger than the girls they saw in magazines, while the other was not only beautiful but she had the aura of a warrior.

"Who are they?" Shizuka asked in confusion as she hugged Cloud from behind.

"M-My name is K-Kousuke!" - The blonde exclaimed and then pointed at the fat man - "Y-Y is the Size!"

"Nice to meet you"-said Tamao as he blushed.

"Nice to meet you~" - Shizuka smiled but Chifuyu just ignored the two boys.

"Wait! Why are there girls in this place?!" Rintarou exclaimed in terror.

"Why wouldn't there be girls?" - asked Tamao in confusion - "Despite the male name, this High School was Female until last year when it became mixed"

"Yes... 99% of the students in this place are women" - answered Kousuke.

". . ." -Cloud's smile froze when he heard this, because honestly he had no prior knowledge of this world-"Just kidding..."

"What's wrong with you, Bishonen?" Tamao asked in surprise. For the company he kept, he shouldn't mind the number of women.

"I have a somewhat unstable medical condition" - Cloud said as he looked at Shizuka and Chifuyu - "This means that if I get too excited, I go into a state of frenzy that causes my fighting instinct to explode... but this has an effect secondary... which is that when I finish fighting...


His words were interrupted by the sound of combat as a girl flew out of High School.

". . ." - Shizuka and Chifuyu were surprised to see this, but their expression changed when they noticed how their partner's gaze had changed - "Oh-ho..."

Cloud didn't say anything else, he ran inside, only to see two groups of girls facing each other.

"What's wrong with him?" Tamao asked as he looked at the busty blonde.

"As he said, his fighting instinct is at its peak... but the problem is not that, but what happens next" - Chifuyu said as she watched Shizuka blush - "When the fight is over, he will enter a state of excitement so high that he won't be able to control his instincts"

"Oh..."-the boys understood what he was trying to say.

"That boy has a disease opposite to mine..." - Rintarou thought with surprise - "Maybe... maybe he can help me and I can help him!"

* * * * *

"How many students have you hurt?" A red-haired girl asked as she looked at her opponent coldly. She was wearing the High School uniform that she couldn't hide her big breasts and had her hair pulled up in a long ponytail that reached to her perky butt- "Don't you see all the chaos? what did you cause?

"Heh~ Don't make me laugh" - said the other girl. She was wearing the same uniform, only she was wearing her shirt as if it were a swimsuit top, easily showing off her huge breasts that could give Shizuka's a run for her money. . She had black hair, eyes with slanted pupils and a fanged smile that showed her fierceness- "The Strong devour the weak! That is the only necessary law!"

"Is that how you think?" - asked the girl with red hair.

"That's right, little herbivore" - the black-haired girl smiled, but her expression changed when she felt a fighting instinct that was equal to or greater than her own - "Interesting... I think I'm going to leave my games with you for another time, now I have to receive a new guest"

"Do not ignore me!" -exclaimed the red-haired girl as she lunged at the black-haired girl, only to see how her attacks were blocked with great ease-"..."

"Normally I would have a little more fun with my prey... but... time is up"-said the black-haired girl as she watched as a blond boy walked in her direction. He had a well-trained body and it showed despite the uniform he was wearing, his blue eyes with slanted pupils a fighting desire that grew with each passing second.

The girl couldn't help but blush at how similar she was to the newcomer and that made it more interesting.

"Kyoka-sama…" one of the girls said as she looked at her leader.

"I told you not to ignore me!" -exclaimed the red-haired girl, only to feel how a fist hit her stomach-"Ugh .."

"I told you, I'm tired of playing with you, now I have something much more interesting to do" Kyouka said excitedly as she put her guard up, only to see how the blonde disappeared from her location and reappeared in front of her - "!"

With a quick movement, Cloud already had her fist on the girl's face, who quickly moved to the side to dodge.

"Kya!" - The girls screamed when they saw how their skirts rose thanks to the air current produced by the boy's blow.

Kyouka for her part, felt something warm run down her cheek, only to touch and notice that it was nothing but blood-"..."

"Kyouka-sama was hurt..." - said one of the girls from Kyouka's group - "Impossible..."

"I don't know who you are..." - Kyouka said - "But you have my full attention!"

Kyouka quickly lunged at Cloud, who blocked her attack with ease as he landed a punch to the stomach.

The girl quickly stepped back, only to move forward again when she saw that the attack had missed.

"Impressive..."-said the red-haired girl as she saw how the two opponents were fighting at high speed.

Punch, kick, block, counterattack, each movement was quick and deadly but despite everything, neither of them seemed to be backing down.

"Are you okay, Ayane-san?" asked one of the girls in her group.

"Yes... it's just that I finally understand the difference in our abilities..." Ayane said sadly seeing how Cloud and Kyouka kept fighting - "But I know what I have to do"

"?" The girls gave their leader a confused look.

"Simple... what I have to do, is make that boy my teacher" - Ayane smiled as the other girls gave her a blank look.

"You're great! Let me continue to devour this emotion!" Kyouka exclaimed as she continued to dodge and attack the blonde in front of her.

Cloud for his part was smiling with excitement, because thanks to his [Hand to Hand Combat] at such a high level, he could observe, analyze and copy his opponent's movements, although to his no surprise, she could do the same. It was as if the two of them were evolving the more they fought and to make things fair, Cloud was only using his Martial Arts.

"I think that's enough, Cloud-chan" - said a female voice that made the two fighters stop.


Well guys here starts the 3rd Volume of the novel..

New World : Dragons Rioting

You guys can read this manga...to know the background and characters on the story...


Character Images [ ] Down below at Comments section


guys support me on p@treon and read upto 164 chapters of Source and read 18k words ahead of Marvel X DC Fanfic
