
Sour Dreams

Dreams are more than just the visions we get at night. From our deepest desires to our darkest secrets, all put together and let flow freely constitute what we term as dream. Many of our dreams are purely personal. Just the mere thought of someome else witnessing them can dust our cheeks pink and red. So, what would happen if our dreams could be streamed live in front of others? What if they could be invaded or worse hacked?

FuckWebNovel · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

6. Messy Eater

Drawing a deep puff of her cigarette, Rachel stood next to the window in her room, body leaning against the wall as she took in the beautiful nature outside her window.

A bright red orb of light slowly rose up and above the Charles river, shining brightly, painting the heavens red and later orange.

"Beautiful." She admitted, "just like me."

Her stomach rumbled from hunger as it did not receive any food from two days. She caressed her tummy in a soothing manner while cooing, "Aww! Don't worry, baby! I'll get you something soon."

Tossing her half burnt cigarette in a nearby trashcan, she grabbed a towel from the closet and dried her newly washed hair.

Once done, she left her room and headed for supposedly the kitchen from where she could hear light sizzling sounds.

As she peeked in the kitchen, her gaze found Archer Frost, dressed in a loose button-up shirt and sweatpants. A grey apron hung loosely to his form as he continued tossing and turning the omelette on the pan with expertise.

His hair parted in the middle causing a few strands of his bangs to curl up and form a small heart on his forehead. His gaze fixated on the frying pan and so he took no notice of the girl witnessing his cooking.

His tongue dragged over his lower lip occasionally, causing the plump and juicy lip to look even more kissable. He chewed on it a little, involuntarily turning someone on.

"Morning." He muttered casually.

His voice had somehow managed to snap her out of whatever trance she was in but her eyes just wouldn't coordinate with her mind as they chose to stay fixed on the back of his head.

"Are you planning to bore a hole in my skull with that stare?"

And that was when she finally managed to look away. She rubbed her nape and chuckled nervously at the boy who still had his back faced towards her.

"I-" she began only to be cut off by her tummy rumbling loudly in hunger and asking her to stop beating around the bush.

"I am hungry!" She announced without realising it and slapped a hand against her mouth when she did, internally cursing at her tummy.

Chuckling at her being so straightforward, Archer slowly turned around to face her as he crossed his arms against his chest and joked, "Oh yeah? I couldn't have guessed."

Normally, in a situation like this, she would have pursed her lips and inhaled sharply, readying herself for some first hand embarrassment.

But right then, she didn't do anything close to that. The corner of her lips raised in a cheeky grin as she gazed at the blonde, admiring his eye-smile.

His chuckle was magical. A throaty laughter which was music to her ears and too contagious for her to not grin along.

Nudging her by her side, he called out, "Come on, now. We don't want that little tummy of yours to emit noises like that of a dying whale again, now do we?"

He carried two plates to the dining table as he motioned for her to join him.

Being the gentleman he was, he poured out some juice for her and even pushed in her chair as she sat.

Rachel's brain couldn't catch up to any of this. Previously, he was being a basic jerk and now a gentleman! What was up with him?

But then again, she hasn't known him for the longest, now has she?

Maybe, he was in a bad mood, previously.

Maybe, something was up with him.

Maybe, something was bothering him.

Maybe, he was on his period.

Wait, that's not possible, until he...

"You have a frequent habit of zoning out, don't you?" His voice resonated, dragging her back to reality.

"Uh, yeah. Something like that." She answered shortly, turning to look at her food with that hungry, lusty look like that of a rapist looking at his victim.

And let's say, she forgot someone called Archer Frost existed, let alone sitting across her, as she pounced on the omelette.

Barely chewing it, like some wild animal, she shoved the entire thing down her throat and chucked it down with the glass of juice.

And in what seemed like less than a minute, she was done.

Burping loudly, she rubbed her now satisfied tummy lovingly as if an actual kid of hers was staying there.

"Woah." Came an exclamation.

Oops. Looks like someone else was present there too.