
Sound Soul

A young wanting to be a weapon master attend the academy with his bestfriend. Knowing the danger and adventure they will be doing together. Lets unravel the story of Andy as he Step in the world to achieve his goals. With the help of his friends will they be succesfull knowing that a war will be raging on . Will they be able to know their selves and will they achieve a sound soul?

johnlayson7 · Fantasy
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5 Chs


I was walking down the halls while texting Max if he's available. Due to the mini scene with my roommate it actually gives me the courage to look around. As I waited for his reply I was gazing up to look at some giant paintings on the walls. Some of it are faces of the past headmasters and headmistress. I have reached the stairs and my phone vibrated. I look to see Max reply.

At my room'* he said.

Do you want to stroll around?'* I asked knowing that he will be happy too?

Okay!! Fetch me in my room and oh. My roommate wants to come too"* he replied. Making me a little nervous.

Well it's not that I don't really talk to other people it's just that I get this anxiety that took over when ever I'm with somebody that is not Max.

O-Okay>"* I respond

I reached the floor where Max room is located. I then started to look for his room.

As I walk by I can see some students are actually staring at me and it really makes me feel disturbed. I continued walking face down to avoid eye contact.

I have reached Max's door and was about to knock when the door opened wide and reveal a guy with an endearing smile on his face. His quite tan and with a short hair taller than me of course and has black color eyelids. I was staring at him not knowing he's already waving at me.

Seriously I really should stop doing this… You know staring at people while zoning out… I sigh... and ask him a question.

Auhm..... i-is Ma-x is H-Here?'* I asked still in a stutter.

Yea--- '* he was about to reply when Max came out and meet us on the door.

Well hello there Andy shall we go then?"* Max said while smiling.

Ok-okay"* I replied.

But before that he is my roommate Lawrence Palm, and he's the one who will be coming with us… "* he said while pointing at the man before…

Oh!> so you'e Andy. Hi! Nice to meet you>'* offering his hand to shake…

I took his hand and perform a shake still face down. I let go of his hands and smiled at them. Then Lawrence walks first and were following him. In our stroll we decided to let Lawrence lead us since he's already in his Third year here. We started from the cafeteria which was the closest to us then move towards the arena. Well Lawrence said that every year there was this competition called elite Olympics where winners will get to be called elites which means the strongest students here in the Academy. And the competition is being held there that's why we have the arena. Moving away from the arena then we proceeded to the training grounds. Well He said that the training grounds are open from 7 in the morning up to 10 in the evening. It is a place where we can actually hone our skills using our own weapons.

We are walking to pass the training ground we can actually see some students there. Maybe they are same year level with Lawrence since they got their weapons already. We can see students using different styles of sword, some guns, spears, hammer and oh I can see this one girl whose weapon is actually a giant axe. Like think about it. how can she carry it like it was just a piece of stick.

The girl actually meet eyes and let me guess did I just stop to look at her.

YES I DID! I sigh inside when I saw that she was actually walking towards me.

Hi!... I'm Clarisse Cutler. But you can call me Clara. And you're"* greeted me and asking me the same time. Like why did I end up to this.

Au hmm- I- I'm Andy… A-Andy Brooks."* I replied looking down averting my gaze…

Ah… Don't be shy I'm a friend. Okay… Well nice to meet you Andy… I have to go back to training' she said while waving and running back towards her axe.

So what did she say?"* Lawrence asked.snapping some sense in me…

No-Nothing... she just introduced herself."* still stuttering.

You know what you should gain some confidence... we can be friends right…?" asking me while placing some hands on my shoulders.

I just smiled at him and nods still a little shy.

You know what let me tell you something to ease you up of that shyness of yours. I'll tell you one of my secrets to maybe at least trust me a little.'* he said in a whisper tone. We are actually walking and Max is walking ahead of us…

I nod in response waiting for him to say something.

Clarisse is actually my half sister."* he said while smiling.

I stop walking in surprise to what he just said… Regaining my composure… I run towards him ready to ask him a question but still life is unfair sometimes… I slip some rock making me stumble face flat on the ground. We heard some passing students to laugh, I was about to stand up when Max held my arm pulling me up.

What happened? Are you okay… Are you hurt somewhere or something tell me!!"* Max said in a very concerning tone with a mixture of aggressiveness while touching my whole body to check if I'm hurt?

Haha… I giggled when Max touches some of my sensitive parts. I'm fine Max I'm not hurt… "* I told him in assurance.

I didn't know you have this overreacting sense just like mom."* I snorted while smiling.

He rubbed his nape looking down before answering.

Well I promised everyone to be your brother and protect you no matter what."* he smiled at me brushing some dirt on my cheeks.

I smiled back at him feeling his touch. Until Lawrence spoke up.

So are you two a thing?"* he said in an excited tone while flashing a wide smile.

NO!!!!! ' I immediately reacted… Realizing what had just happen. I cover my mouth my hands and look down to hide my blush…

Hahaha" Max and Lawrence laugh out loud… Well watching them make me smile a little.

No… Bud were brothers. Well technically no but my mother ask me to be his brother since our family has this close relationship and he's been my childhood friends."* Max explained still smiling from the laugh while pulling me to his side as we continued to walk. Lawrence then nods in agreement.

The stroll continued from the field where I stumbled towards the classrooms, mini garden where a fountain surrounded by flowers and benches under the tress. And as we are walking back to the dorms we also have passed the girls dorm buildings. Lawrence said that we are prohibited to cross their borders so that left us just staring... like why would I cross over there… I said to my self.

  We arrived at our down building. Lawrence then excused himself said he will be joining a third years meeting before the class will officially start next week.

It was Already 6 in the evening when I went back to my room. Well Max said hell be staying on the First floor to maybe meet explore a little bit. I went to the balcony feeling the fresh air when my phone started to vibrate. It was mom she's calling.

Hey mom... "* I said over the phone as I answered.

How's my baby?'* my mo said.

I'm feeling good mom… Its a great place… Max and I with his roommate who happen to be in his third year take us out to stroll around the academy."* telling him what had happened today.

Except the time when i caught Eldren. I even told her about Eldren .

That's good baby… Knowing you are making some friends out there and slowly coming out of your own personal circle. Well enjoy your stay there. And don't forget to eat properly…"* she said before hanging up.

I smiled thinking about what she said…friends huh well maybe it's worth to try. I told my self. Then there's this one.

Ahah" a small chuckle from my back.

Well since your done talking to your phone and seems that you're almost done zoning out… Lets head to dinner."* Eldren said smiling.

I sigh… And ask him how long have you been there??"*

well lets see when you told your mom about the training grounds."* he said

Ohh okay…"* I was about to walk pass him when i he grab me in my arm and pulling me to be close to him…

U-Uhm…WH- What are you doing?'* I asked blushing and stuttering.

Sshhss... stay still …I just need to get something."* he said feeling his breath close to me while his hand touching my head to get a bug. My arm was touching his broad chest that was hard and somewhat disturbing knowing that what are we doing>>

He then let go of me while throwing the bug and smiles a little. Before talking again.

Lets head out to eat dinner shall we…"*

I nod and followed him outside our dorm room. As we close the room there Max and Lawrence stood and seems to be waiting.

Well he's here lets go"* Max said smiling and putting his right arm over my shoulders pull me close to him… We walked towards the cafeteria while I keep my head down.


heya... another update.. hope ur still enjoying the story. ohh some of you may look for some reference of what does Andy and the others look like. well im working on it too but don't worry i will be updating you with that.

comment your thought okay i will be glad to entertain each one of you..

if you have question i will be glad to asnwer it.

thank you for reading again love lots.
