
SOULSHIFT (Undertale and Deltarune AU)


Mystic_Magnificous · Video Games
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10 Chs

Timeline •---- : [Chapter 1]

"After the climactic battle with Asriel Dremurr, a sense of relief washes over the Underground. The barrier has finally shattered, and the long-awaited freedom is at hand. The monsters celebrate with joy and tears, basking in the newfound hope.

However, amidst the jubilation, something feels amiss. Frisk, who played a pivotal role in achieving this victory, approaches Asriel with a quiet determination. 'No, no, don't you DARE say that, please, Asriel, don't release the human souls just yet,' Frisk pleads with a sense of urgency.

Asriel, with his crybaby demeanor, responds, 'Why, though? This is what you wanted, right? Freedom for everyone? If I keep all these souls, I would just be Omega Flowey again...'

Their conversation takes a poignant turn, and in the background, Sans, who was curiously waiting for the kid to join the celebration into the sunset scene, feels a subtle disturbance. He decides to investigate, relying on his teleportation abilities to trace the unique soul trait signature he senses.

Sans enters the scene where Asriel is, his arrival going unnoticed in the midst of the festivities. He watches silently as Frisk, Asriel, and a shadowy figure that seems strangely familiar engage in a heartfelt conversation.

This moment marks the beginning of a new path, a divergence from the original timeline, setting the stage for unexpected twists and turns in the journey of our characters."

Frisk's determination flares, their soul glowing brightly as they say, 'Asriel, I could save you. I can help you maintain this form, your true self as a goat monster. But, to do that, I need to... let go.'

Asriel is taken aback, his eyes welling up with tears. 'You're saying that you'd... die?'

Frisk's determination shines even more brilliantly, casting a warm, reassuring glow. 'I won't really be gone. People, monsters, humans, they'll all miss me, but I'll still be here, in a way. I'll find a way to convince them.'

Asriel, overwhelmed by the proposition, stammers out, 'Chara?'

The shadowy figure steps forward, revealing themselves as Chara. 'Not quite, Asriel, but I'm here to help. We share a history, you and I. Let's make sure you get the future you deserve.'

The scene unfolds with Frisk's determination, Asriel's emotional dilemma, and the appearance of Chara, marking the start of a new path in this diverging timeline, full of mysteries and possibilities."


Asriel blinks, his eyes reflecting his disbelief. 'How, Frisk? And Chara, you're dead, and I assume without a soul. How are you attached to Frisk?'

Frisk's determination glows even brighter as they explain, 'I don't fully understand it, Asriel, but there's a way. We've seen a lot on our journey, haven't we? I believe that if we combine our determination, we can find a solution.'

Chara steps closer and replies, 'Asriel, I've been connected to Frisk in a way that defies the boundaries of life and death. Our shared experiences have forged a bond. It's an extraordinary connection that we can use to guide you.'

Asriel, still processing this revelation, nods slowly. 'If there's a way, I want to be myself again. But...'

Frisk's determination flares, illuminating the determination in their eyes. 'We'll find a way, Asriel. Together. We can't give up now, not after all we've been through.'

With these words, the scene is set for a unique and collaborative journey that will take the characters down an uncharted path."


"Chara explains casually, 'Remember how Dr. Alphys made those Amalgamates, yet made you, FLOWEY, just by injecting DETERMINATION into a GOLDEN FLOWER that bloomed first due to your monster dust remains? So-'

Their eyes glimmer red for Chara's soul trait, and then the same red gleam extends to Frisk's determination. 'Are you willing to try to bring us back? Deep down, Mom and Dad, or Toriel and Asgore, see us in Frisk, yet they can never replace what we had with them, so...'

Frisk and Chara nod in unison. 'We just had hope and stay DETERMINED to try to at least trust Alphys.'

Frisk adds thoughtfully, 'And surely, Sans is a funny guy, but when you were Flowey, you probably knew there's more than meets the eye with him. He can be clever about distinguishing changes...'

With determination burning brightly and hope renewed, the trio stands resolute, ready to embark on a new journey that may hold the key to restoring Asriel and rewriting their own destinies."

He carefully magnetizes the souls to the other six souls still attached to him and continues, his voice trembling with emotion, 'You promise, you two? That both of you would be safe in me? That I can BRING you back without me disappearing or turning into FLOWEY again? A soulless flower?'

His voice breaks, and tears well up in his eyes. The weight of this decision and the stakes involved are evident, and the room is filled with a heavy silence as they await Frisk and Chara's response."

They responded with a nod as Frisk shut their eyes while Chara gleams to her ghostly brown eyes until finally they whispered "Just had hope and TRUST us okay? You precious Crybaby prince…stay Determined.." 

the embrace of the hug they share with Asriel reflects their unwavering determination and hope. As the souls become part of the chain, a brilliant beam of white light surrounds him. However, Sans gets partially hit by the crossfire, causing his HP to drop to 0.5.

The scene is charged with emotion and uncertainty, and the consequences of their actions are now in motion as the story takes a new and intriguing turn."

As Asriel opens his eyes, now representing all the absorbed soul traits, his concern deepens when he notices Sans's injuries. The cracks on Sans's skull and the damage to his left eye and right face are immediately apparent.

Asriel's emotions run high as he rushes to Sans's side, guilt and worry written across his features. The scene takes an unexpected and somber turn, adding another layer of complexity to the unfolding narrative."

Asriel's use of the power of the Kindness soul trait to heal Sans demonstrates his caring and compassionate nature. With a gentle touch, he channels the trait's power, mending the damage to Sans's monster soul and physical injuries. The scene showcases the importance of the various soul traits in your AU and how they can be harnessed for healing and positive outcomes.

The moment symbolizes the bonds and growth of the characters, making the narrative even more engaging and heartwarming."

As Asriel carries Sans and makes his way to the main exit to the surface, he does so with a mix of nervousness and determination. The unexpected appearance of Asriel with Sans and the confusion among the others at the exit adds a layer of mystery and intrigue to the scene.

Toriel and Asgore recognize the "dead prince" but are puzzled by his presence. Their comments reveal the shock and disbelief of the other characters, as they grapple with the sudden appearance of someone they thought was gone.

Alphys approaches Asriel, nervously glancing at the still unconscious Sans. "Can I check on Sans? He seems to be in better shape now."

Asriel nods and gently places Sans on the ground. "Sure, go ahead."

Papyrus, his initial confusion giving way to a smile, exclaims, "Golly! It's really you, isn't it, Prince Asriel? But how? Are you some kind of goat Junior? Or a clone Junior of Dad?"

Asriel chuckles softly, his eyes filled with warmth. "No, Papyrus, it's me. I promise I'll explain everything."

Undyne, arms crossed and a curious glint in her eye, asks, "How the heck is this even possible? How are you here, Asriel?"

Asriel takes a deep breath, his eyes glancing towards Sans as he begins to explain, "Well, you see... I made a promise to someone. And that promise led to a choice I had to make."

The fused seven souls within him remind him of the sacrifice and the presence of Chara's ghostly aura, and he continues, "It's a bit complicated, but I'm not Flowey anymore. Frisk made a selfless sacrifice, and Chara is here to help me."

Asriel's explanation raises more questions, but it also creates a sense of hope and anticipation among the characters, as they are poised to learn more about this unique turn of events."

The Dremurrs, Toriel and Asgore, are deeply moved by the presence of their long-lost son. Asriel stands before them, tears welling up in his eyes as he takes a tentative step forward.

Toriel, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, opens her arms wide and rushes toward him. "Asriel, my child," she says, her voice trembling with emotion.

Asgore follows suit, his eyes also misty as he envelops Asriel in a warm and tender embrace. "It's good to see you again, my son," he whispers.

Asriel, overwhelmed with emotions, finally allows himself to cry, wrapping his arms around his parents. The three Dremurrs share a heartfelt family hug, a moment of joy and reunion that they thought might never come.

The other monsters look on, their hearts warmed by the sight of this family embracing once more. Asriel's return is a beacon of hope, and it brings a sense of unity and happiness to the Underground.

The wagging tails of the Dremurrs, matching their joy and relief at Asriel's return, add a heartwarming and charming touch to the scene

The Dremurrs, now holding hands with Asriel, share a moment of unity as Asgore addresses his son with a mix of pride and curiosity.

"So you were the one that broke the barrier?" Asgore begins, his eyes filled with admiration. "I am so proud you kept your promise. And it's true? Frisk doesn't mind you taking their soul? Can you still hear or feel their presence inside you?"

Asriel nods, a soft smile on his face, and replies, "Yes, Dad. Frisk made this choice willingly, and I can feel their presence. It's like they're with me, guiding and supporting me."

As Toriel affectionately headpats Asriel, she says, "Come, my child, let's experience what the surface feels and looks like together."

With those words, the reunited Dremurrs, hand in hand, take their first steps toward the surface, embarking on a new journey full of possibilities and a fresh start. The scene is filled with warmth and anticipation, marking the beginning of a new chapter in your AU's narrative.

While Sans remains unconscious, he has a strange dream where Gaster speaks in Wingdings, which is later translated to English. Gaster's reassurance about the timeline not breaking, at least for the time being, and the encouragement to trust Flowey, who turns out to be the resurrected prince, adds an intriguing and mysterious element to Sans's storyline. This dream foreshadows potential developments and secrets yet to be unveiled in your AU, creating a sense of anticipation and curiosity for both Sans and your readers.


As Sans continues to dream, Gaster's cryptic message unfolds.

Gaster's Wingdings take on form and meaning in Sans's dream:

"❄︎❒︎◆︎⬧︎⧫︎ ☞︎●︎□︎⬥︎♏︎⍓︎📪︎ ⧫︎♒︎♏︎ ❒︎♏︎❖︎♓︎❖︎♏︎♎︎ ◻︎❒︎♓︎■︎♍︎♏︎📬︎"

Sans, in his dream, strains to understand but soon realizes the translated message: "Trust Flowey, the revived prince."

The dream leaves Sans with a mix of curiosity and intrigue as he remains unconscious in the waking world, awaiting the moment when he'll awaken to find Flowey, or rather, Asriel, by his side.