
SoulsBorne System (Starting in Dark Souls 1)

MC with a SoulsBorne System. Goes to Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Witcher 3, and an (Original World). Not in this order A Soulsborne veteran gamer gets the chance to reincarnate into the multiverse. He will conquer the various worlds he travels to and will become the sole God of his new World. But unknown to him, Other Beings see him as a threat to their rule and domains. and have decided to eliminate him and all those he care about. i do not own the image or the from software franchise. the image is by Windcomet36 on Instagram, he has created a masterful piece of work that represents the souls community and all we have been through. With the infamous Moonlight Greatsword to Demon Souls to Dark Souls to Bloodborne to Sekiro and finally to Elden Ring which holds all these games together in one amazing instalment by George Martin and Miyazaki.

Knight_Riku · Video Games
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59 Chs

Chapter 32: All-Father Lloyd

I made my way up the stairs into the main hall.

It had all been cleared out. Definitely by Quelaag and the others.

I made my way to where the O&S boss room is meant to be.

The place was slightly different since there was thrones there.

All-Father Lloyd sat down upon one of the thrones. The one on his left/right of the thrones if one was to sit upon it.

All-Father Lloyd must have been Gwyn's right hand. That would be natural since he is Gwyn's uncle.

Lloyd: "So. The traitor returns home."

Artreus: "I could care less for what you think Lloyd. I know the shot you feed to everyone. Claiming that you were the one who created life of the first sentient beings of this world, the Race of Lords. Well, the Archdragons were the first. You were the second. And let's not forget the lies you spread of your bullshit self proclaimed title of "All-Father"."

Lloyd: "You tongue hasn't wained over the years I see. You no longer have Gwyn or the Knights to protect you from punishment anymore. Its time you learned your place."

Lloyd stood up from his throne and I could feel the power surge through him.

He looked like tall old man, with hair as white as ashen snow.

Artreus: "Bring it on old man!"

With that, the battle had begun!

Lloyd didn't use any weapons but his bare fists.

Just because a Lord looks old and frail is the exact opposite.

Lloyd had reached where I was at, faster than one could blink, I activated my Devil Trigger beforehand but deactivated the aura, I used my sword to block his attack, but his fist had sent me flying out of the throne room and into the main hall.

I quickly teleported up to the platform where Solaire's summon sign would be.

I waited fir Lloyd to appear, and he did, he had left a streak of lighting as he moved at speeds I could barely keep up with with my eyes.

But I was able to with my mental capabilities and accelerated thought proceesing speeds.

While Lloyd was searching for me, I had decided to go all out so that not one of my friends will get harmed by our battle If it was prolonged.

I fired a beta of black necrotic energy at Lloyd. Thus was the power of the Black Makluan Ring which had merged with the other 9 into a single ring.

The Black Ring was the most destructive of all the rings since it has Darkforce Manipulation.

I used the power of both the Black Ring to open portals through dimensions and the Purple Ring to teleport to create a portal to transport the Black energy blast I had fired a nanosecond ago, directly in the back of Lloyd.

Lloyd had sensed the danger and immediately moved at Lighting speed once again.

I activated the White Ring's power of 2ind Manipulation to gain the ability of superseded to move as fast as the wind.

Now I can keep up with him.

I zipped all the way to his current location, as fast as the flash, and slashed at his neck.

He dodged low and ducked my blade, despite his large size.

He pumched the ground and I was caught of balance by the quaking ground.

He punched me directly in the chest and ripped my heart out.

...or that was what would have happened if I didn't use the Makluan Rings.

With the power of all 10 Rings in one, I had the strength, durability and power of that of the Hulk or a Kryptonian.

I was physically equal to Lloyd, Ormsetin and Artorias if they came at me at their full power.

I raised my fist and strick down on Lloyd.

He grabbed it with his other hand and threw me across the room and through a wall, into the Silvet Knight area one would need to traverse through from the Bonfire to reach O&S.

I saw him leaping at me, as I had recovered without a scratch, I used the Yellow Ring of Ice Manipulation to project a beam of ice to slow him down, which had worked.

I threw my sword at him and it had split into hundreds, while within the small corridor.

Lloyd couldn't avoid them all, so he roared and released a electrical discharge that decimated the surroundings.

Unfortunately for him, my sword was not reppeled by his attack and had struck him dead centre in the stomach.

The rest if the blades fizzed and vannished out of existence.

What had happened was I had used the Crimson Ring's Mind Manipulation ability to make Lloyd think I had throw hundreds of blades, when I had only thrown one.

I teleported behind him and he had attempted to kick me, but I blocked it and punched him in the face upwards.

He flew directly into the sky above and I teleported above him and did an axe kick, sending him crashing all the way down and into the Gwyndolin's Boss Room and crashed ontop of Gwenevere's supposed coffin.

Lloyd was in a daze by the attacks inflicted upon him, it had been a near one sided beat down in a matter of moments.

He say himself up and looked around him. He soon realised where he was as he had sold look of horror on his face at distracting his granddaughter's coffin.

But he looked around and found no body nor bones.

I assume he never checked if she was actually laid to rest here, since he was clearly confused.

I couldn't care less.

I know that Gwenevere had children with Flann and Oceiros.

If her body isnt here, and Flann himself didn't know, then clearly she was buried somewhere else.

The kingdom of Lothric doesn't exist yet since it was built upon Lordran in the future, based on the geography of the areas one can visit.

Oceiros must have buried her where they got married, or she was still alive and was still travelling and would meet Oceiros one day.

Lloyd must have lied to Flann and accused me of killing Gwynevere.

I saw Lloyd's horror filled expression and took advantage of this to grab my sword tahr was still lodged in his stomach and I ripped it out and decapitated him faster even Lighting could travel.

[Soul of All-Father Lloyd, 50,000 Souls]

I wanted to talk to everyone and check up on them, but then I thought about it and decided to for go it entirely.

I immediately teleported to get the Lordvessel and I placed it down at the Kiln door.

With that dome, a beam of gold energy shot up into the sky and the golden fog gates must have lifted.

I didn't actually need it, but the others do if they want to go back and forth.

I teleported to kill the Blue Golem in the Duke's Archives and acquired the Broken Pendent.

Once I had the Broken Pendent, I had felt a distortion of energy comming from a specific place. It was definitely from the DLC cave.

I teleported there, but was surprised by what I saw.

???: "Going somewhere are you?"

Artreus: "Ciri? How did you-? No wait! Did you use the Elderblood? The Wild Hunt will know you're here!"

Ciri: "Calm down, I'm not some child to be baby sitted all the time! You sound just like Avallac'h."

Artreus: "I'm sorry if it felt like I was commanding you not to use your powers. While I am able to annihilate the Wild Hunt myself, the others can be caught in the crossfire. Not to mention that the White Frost can spread to this world and there are still some people who can die as they don't possess the same form of Immortality that an Undead does."

Ciri: "I understand. But there really isn't anything to worry about. When I used that ring thing you gave me in the battle a few days ago, I felt that my control over my Elderblood was perfect...but only for one time..."

Luna: 'She's telling the truth. The Purple Ring allowed the teleportation side if her powers to be refined and could be controlled once before it became unstable again. This could be a positove side effect of the two powers being used together for for brief time."

Artreus: 'So if I gave her the Makluan Ring, then she would be able to control and fix the problem with her unstable Elderblood?'

Luna: 'Yes.'

I pondered what to do. After a while of contemplation, i decided it would be best not to leave someone like her alone. She would be able to follow me back in time anyway even if I didn't take her.

I beckoned her to follow me and I could see the expression on her face light up, she was definitely happy to not be left behind and do boring stuff like waiting around all the time as she had done during her training time at Quelaag's Domain.

We both stood in front of the portal where Manus' hand would drag the player around 300 years back in time.

Ciri: "So what now?"

I held the Broken Pendent in my hand and held Ciri in my arm as I pulled her in with my left.

I ignored whatever she may have saud in protest as she became a bit nervous and flustered at being so close to me.

Artreus: 'Luna, can you adjust this so it matches the time period my armour was made and has traces of time remnants in?'

Luna: 'Alreday Done.'

Artreus: "Here we GOOOOOO!"

Ciri was screaming as we were grabbed by a gigantic mutated arm and dragged into the portal.

It felt weird travelling back in time, bit there wasn't to much discomfort since me and Curi have the Elderblood in us. Time travel is our very core of our abilities.

In the next instant, the both of us found ourselves on the ground.


I quickly looked up, Ciri was still getting used to an alternate version of Time Travel, a Dragon was handing towards us.

I grabbed Ciri and teleported away from our location.

When I looked back to where we were, there was only a large chunk of the ground missing.

I looked back at the Dragon tabt I had recognised.

An Everlasting Archdragon.

I looked around and noticed that we were in a large battlefield and dozens if not hundreds of Silver Knight Arnours and weapons laid scattered all around us.

I looked with my enhanced vision and saw a person I also recognised.

Gwyn, the Lord of Sunlight.

I now knew where we were, and when we were...

This was the War against the Dragons.

This is the end of the Age of Ancients.

The Age of Fire had begun.

I looked around wanting to find something to kill, if I can kill some Archdragons, the rewards would be amazing!

Not only that but I can gain notoriety with Gwyn and get rewarded handsomely.

But first, I needed to look like Lord, and in size as well.

My face isn't a problem since Ornstein didn't say it looked different or anything along those lines. Nor did Alvina or Dusk.

But they did say I was smaller.

I used my Lord Form I had recently acquired and grew to a size almost equal to Artorias, although I was shorter by a few Centimetres.

I made sure to equip my mask.

Now it's time to hunt...

this will be apart of multiple chapters going through the Age of Fire time period and when the Gods rulled Anor Londo

Knight_Rikucreators' thoughts