
SoulsBorne System (Starting in Dark Souls 1)

MC with a SoulsBorne System. Goes to Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Witcher 3, and an (Original World). Not in this order A Soulsborne veteran gamer gets the chance to reincarnate into the multiverse. He will conquer the various worlds he travels to and will become the sole God of his new World. But unknown to him, Other Beings see him as a threat to their rule and domains. and have decided to eliminate him and all those he care about. i do not own the image or the from software franchise. the image is by Windcomet36 on Instagram, he has created a masterful piece of work that represents the souls community and all we have been through. With the infamous Moonlight Greatsword to Demon Souls to Dark Souls to Bloodborne to Sekiro and finally to Elden Ring which holds all these games together in one amazing instalment by George Martin and Miyazaki.

Knight_Riku · Video Games
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59 Chs

Chapter 20: Killed an Immortal Snek and Psychotic Blacksmith

[Mortal Blade purchased for 0 Souls]

Artreus was at a loss for what the System just announced.

Artreus: "Luna...why did I get the Mortal Blade for free?"

Luna: "Consider it a one off thing since you can easily just go to Sekiro Universe and obtain it"

Artreus didn't bother to say anything as what she had said was true and he couldn't deny it.

He un-sheathed the Mortal Blade, as he had the desire tobuse it to kill, the Mortal Blade's curse effect that would kill the weirder if they drew the Mortal Blade with no intention of using it did not activate.

Instead he had a better idea and a curious one. He sheathed the Mortal Blade and gave it to Angel.

Artreus: "Angel~ You have to kill the Snake thing since it is a bad guy okay~"

Angel: "Okay daddy!"

Angel took the Mortal Blade from Artreus and took out the Blade from its sheath. She had then suddenly fell onto the ground face first like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

Artreus approached Angel and checked her heart rate. She was dead.

Artreus: 'Did she have no intention on using the blade. Or does she think this is a game and just drew the blade for the fun of it. That's the only explanation since she died from its instant kill effect.'

A few moments later, Angel groggily woke up stood up. She felt very tired but that soon went away as she continued to return to life.

She ignored the small tingling sensation in her heart, and grabbed the blade that was drawn and fallen to the floor. She approached Frampt, who had watched everything unfold before him with a curious gaze.

She jumped at Frampt and slashed his large throat, she had also climbed up Frqmpt and stabbed him in the head.

Frampt thought he was Immortal and invulnerable so he thought that the girl before him was just an ignorant individual of what the Primordial Serpants are. But he was wrong as he felt his life fade away from the slashed throught if his and hole in his head and brain.

He had then fallen into the pit he once came from. Angel had also fallen with him into the depths of where the Lordvessel would be placed.

Artreus jumped down after her. Soon he levitated and landed on his feet at the bottem. When he looked around he spotted a pile of smashed meat and blood stains with a broken and shattered Skelton figure lying close to him.

Artreus: "Is that Angel?!"

Luna: "Yes."

Artreus: "What happened?! Shouldn't she be able to levitate like I did? How come she went splat and became a pile of paste?"

Luna: "She is not an original inhabitant of this world and thus, doesn't follow its rules. The same goes for Ciri. She would meet the same fate if she did the same."


[Power Absorption Token - Allows user to obtain all the powers from the singular form or being the host wishes and obtains all the powers and abilities for themselves in any one selected Form. Example, can use fire breath of a Dragon while as a Rabbit or Ant Form, must choose one Form not multiple]

Artreus: "Now that is cool. Show me a list of all the Boss Forms that cost less then 100,000 Souls."

After looking through a list of very boring bosses from low Souls Count all the way to the higher Soul Count, some had caught his eye, when he asked Luna she had said they were from Elden Ring, one stood out as very interesting.

[LichDragon Fortissax - 900,000 Souls (original cost 90,000 Runes)]

He had purchased LichDragon Fortissax with the free Form Token. He had gotten 100,000 Souls as extra currency from the System so he ended up buying Flying Dragon Agheel for 50,000 Souls and the RuneBear for 26,000 Souls. That left him with 24,000 Souls which was added to his total Soul Count.

He didn't like what LichDragon Fortissax looked like so he decided to use 60,000 Souls to change its appearance to an black version of Ancient Dragon Lansseax with just a few more spikes in some places.

After 30 minutes or so, Angel's mashed corpse had finally begun to regenerate and pull its self back together.

She stood up and was wobbly before she started screaming.

Angel: "That was awsome!"

Artreus: "What do you mean?"

Angel: "When I respawned it felt like my body was brand new and completely fresh! I feel like I just ran a marathon and didn't even get tired and my body feels so relaxed!"

Artreus: 'Did me giving her Immortality turn her into a Masochist? I ain't refute her since I feel the same whenever I regenerate my body. I'll just let her have her fun for now.'

Artreus had finished the matter with the distraction that was Frampt, and grabbed Angel to teleport away back to Andre.

Artreus: "Yo Andre, you finished with my weapon yet?"

Andre: "I'll never be finished! This will be my life's work! I will improve it for all Eternity if I must!"

Artreus: "Come on now, give my weapon back."

Andre then surprised Artreus as he had done double drop kick to his face, crashing into a wall and making Artreus' head be smothered in blood and gore against it.

Angel seemed to find this funny as she had then tried to take the wish weapon from Andre, as she thought it was a game. The result was Andre had done an uppercut on the small girl's head, which caused her to become decapitated, as her head rolled and bounced of the wall and along the floor.

After a few minutes Artreus regenerated first and immediately grabbed his Wish-Sword from the maniac and grabbed Angel's body and decapitated head and teleported his way into the Enchanted Forest, hereby bypassing the Artorias Crest Door.

Artreus: "Has he gone mad?! Maybe some time alone to rest will cool down his brain."

He reattached Angel's head and poured an Estus Flask over it to have it heal instantly.

Over the many times the two of them had died, their Fushi Orb regenerative capabilities have become much stronger. Soon they will be able to heal in Mili-seconds.

Artreus had made his way while dealing with all the forest guardians while in his RuneBear form.

He had also encountered the legendary female Archer Pharis. Pharis was nothing more then a highly skilled Archer, but by the events of Dark Souls 3, many individuals had begun to misinterpret who Pharis was and ended up thinking that Pharis was a Goddess of the Hunt and Archery just like the Goddess Artemis in Earth Mythology.

He went to meet Alvina and when he did he had quite an interesting encounter.

Alvina: "Oh, well if isn't the infamous Knight Akaniir, the Spirit Lord. I thought you finally went insane with your Immortality? I see you don't have your Armour on. Did you lose it?"

Artreus: 'What the Fuck! What's with all the shit she is saying?! Knight? Spirit Lord? Armour? Akaniir? Immortality?! How does hae know all this....unless. Ah! It makes perfect sense! Now I know what happened! I must have been pulled back in time by Manus long, long before Oolacile had fallen. Maybe even before Gwyn lit the First Flame since she did say Knight. If Alvina herself had said it, then that meant that I was knighted by Gwyn himself at some point and became a 5th Knight of Gwyn! This is interesting...I better not find out more else i will alter the present even more and also the Future.vif what she said was true, then my Armour should be in the Anor Londo Vaults. Also I must have given my name and shown if my Immortality powers...but Spirit Lord? I wonder what that means. What powers did I use ir achievements to obtain the title of Spirit? I'll find out later.'

Artreus: "It's been some time Alvina. Though I can't say I can remember much as of now."

There seemed to be a hint of pain in her expression and eyes.

Alvina: "Oh well, no doubt you finally gone senile with your age. What are you here for. I have more important things then seeing your ugly face."

Artreus: "The Hell you calling Ugly? Ugly! Whatever, you furball, I'm here for the Covenant of Artorias. Sont bother try lying about it. I know Sif is guarding it. I will be meeting her soon enough."

When Artreus had said 'Furball' there seemed to be a small twitch if a smile that crept on Alvina's feline mouth.

Alvina: "So be it, Akaniir. Go away before you cause more trouble here."

Artreus just snorted at the rather rudder then usual Cheshire Cat. He went with Angel who was handing on his back while holding onto his neck dangling from it as she was tonsmall to touch the ground with her feet.

When Artreus had gone to the chest that held the Enchanted Ember, Alvina smiled as she softly spoke, knowing full well he can't hear her anymore at this distance.

Alvina: "It was nice to be with you again...Uncle."