
Souls Project {Eng}

A Sci-Fi with some Fantasy and tragedy. I'm waiting for votation ends to extend the synopsis. any suggestion about the picture is accepted.

CProGamerZ · Sci-fi
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Earth, year 2201 A.D.

At the beginning of the 23rd century, a great important discoveries were made, among the main ones are nanotechnology, genetic engineering, advanced quantum computing, artificial intelligence and most importantly; The existence of the soul and the way of interacting with it were discovered.

Ignoring controversy and useless things such as human rights when a possible way of achieving eternal life is in sight of humans, scientists began with human experimentation from the beginning under the pressure of 0.01% from the top of the world.

Five years later, it was found that apart from benign or neutral modifications, the soul seems capable of overcoming most of the damage caused except if exceed a limit in which they begin to collapse or damage caused in very specific situations. In addition, it seems that once the vessel (Body) has been abandoned, the soul begins to fade after a relatively short time.

When the soul was extracted, even if the body continued to maintain all its vital functions, it would stop all brain functions attached to thought and after a few hours it will contract an incurable disease that gradually destroys the body even if it's in completely healt before the extraction.

Ten years later, the first successful soul transplant was performed.

A few months later, it was found that although the recipient was completely healthy when the transplant was performed, after the operation it slowly contracted rare diseases and the body began to deteriorate.

The only acceptable thing for the researchers was that the soul retained the memories and personality of the transplanted individual.

Two years later, it was discovered that each soul has a degree of compatibility with different containers. Also, regardless of the effort, it was absolutely impossible to create a soul or implant memories that alter the individual's existential base or personality modification.

5 years later, it was discovered that by modifying the soul in a certain way, the characteristics of the container can be increased as long as it is a biological one, such as DNA purification, thus gaining immunity to many diseases, but without altering the original parameters of the container in excess.

Another ten years later, the manipulation of souls was perfected. It should be added that although making the possible modifications to a soul could improve the efficiency of the container, it was not possible to make drastic changes such as the regeneration of limbs or internal organs.

The whole revolt caused by souls did not calm down until another two years later.

When everything finally calmed down, new technologies related to the soul were invented, among them is the one that at first seemed impossible: The AI ​​chip

Previously, it was impossible to integrate it into the body without causing side effects in addition to having a fairly low probability of functioning, but thanks to the discovery of the soul and the possible fusion / integration of the chip in the soul, the side effects could be resolved in addition to having 99% of likely to work perfectly.

Although to reach that point many technologies had to be integrated to make it possible (omitted :3).

Another important fact is that after the fusion of the chip with the soul, a relationship was formed in which the longer the fusion is maintained, the more and more the capabilities of the chip are strengthened, be it the processing or storage capacity.

And a few years later this story begins ...


Earth, year 2250 A.D.

An era in which science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, an era in which human beings half separated from one of the great inconveniences of living beings, death.

In this era, in which everything is destined to evolve, our protagonist currently lives in an orphanage somewhere in the world.

Today, Luzen Efier, was lying in his bed processing the news he had just received, apparently it was going to be adopted by some people who at first glance seem quite decent, but when he saw them in person he felt an unpleasant sensation, unfortunately he is just going to turn 15 years within 1 month and him doesn't have any choice but to follow them tomorrow when they pick he up from the orphanage.

Luzien was someone with an above average appearance, had black hair with purple and dark blue shades with a little bangs, silver eyes that were quite deep in which people who saw him for the first time were surprised, not so tall with approximately 170 cm tall and although he trained every day, he never gained big muscles.

From a young age, Luzien always had feelings when certain events were going to happen that put him in unpleasant situations or when something dangerous was going to happen to him, and it was almost always right.

"... 'Sigh', since" Luzen decided to spend his probably last normal day as usual.

As for escaping? Ha, if you think you are able to open the doors that are blocked by both fingerprints and retina as well as being quite solid doors in addition to the alarms along with the entire security system, so, go ahead.

It was already around 2 in the afternoon and he had nothing to do, so, he went to the library, although thanks to the advancement in technology there are hardly a couple of physical books but at least they were replaced by computers. He sat in front of one of the screens and began reading novels for a few hours.

There were even virtual reality novels in which with a simple accessory that is placed over the ear that anyone is able to use to enter the virtual world and experience first-hand all the worlds created by any people, but hey, they were quite expensive besides Luzien didn't care much, after all he had a good imagination.

Already at about 5 o'clock when he got bored and went to the gym to do his exercise routine for 2 hours when the notice for dinner began to sound.

After dinner it was forbidden to do any activity outside the room. In Luzen's room, apart from him, was his roommate for 2 months who, like him, was not very social or had little interest in others.

Upon entering the room they only nodded to each other and went to their respective beds.

--- Someplace underground ---

"Team Z, make your report," said a middle-aged man sitting behind a desk towards the supposed 'adoptive parents' of Luzen.

"Team Z reporting, another possible subject was found for the Rebirth experiment, according to the parameters he is not yet 15 years old and he is an orphan, we have already filled out the paperwork and tomorrow he will be brought to the laboratory" <Team Z>

"Well, just in time before the tests begin, be sure to follow the rest of the parameters." Once the middle-aged man finished speaking he signaled the couple to leave and started a call.

When the other part replied, a hologram appeared on the desk in the shape of a humanoid figure with no definite characteristics.

"Sector 15, any problem?" Said a voice without any discernible gender

"Sector 15 reporting, we have a subject outside the program limit, requesting instructions" <Man>

After thinking for a while the figure responded

"Move it to the special sector, they will take over" <Figure>

After listening to what the figure said, the middle-aged man began to sweat cold but he responded anyway.

"Received" <Man>

Once the report was finished, the middle-aged man muttered to himself 'You had a lot of bad luck, boy'.

--- In the orphanage ---

A few hours before dawn Luzien woke up with the bad feeling he had for several days in constant increase.

Luzien got up to go to the bathroom to try to get rid of that feeling, but no matter how hard he tried to do anything, when until dawn when breakfast time arrived it stil increasing.

Resigning, Luzien sighed and left the room and headed to the dining room, but before he arrived he saw one of the orphanage managers waiting by the entrance and had the feeling that he was waiting for him.

Just as he suspected, when the manager saw him, he smiled and went to him and said "Luzien, just in time, your new relatives have just come looking for you, it seems they are very motivated" to which Luzien nodded and tried to smile but his bad feeling was getting stronger and stronger.

The manager knew about his personality and didn't think much about it, so he continued "Let's go with them, you don't want to make them wait too long, right?" Luzien nodded again.

The manager shrugged and simply guided him to the reception where the 2 agents were.

Luzien, without other options, could only go ahead and follow him although he was increasingly nervous, the trip only lasted a few minutes but each step and each breath felt so heavy for Luzien that he already had a layer of sweat on his forehead by the time when they reached the reception.

The manager opened the door and greeted the agents, then turned around and told Luzien to wait in one of the seats, then told the couple "I know you want to know each other better but please follow me for paperwork, and everything will be ready for you to have the rest of the day "

When they entered the room, the agents rose from their seats, smiled at Luzien and the woman said to the manager "Very well, we are both very excited, so please finish as quickly as possible"

Luzien could only wait patiently as he watched them fill in the data in the terminal although inside he felt increasingly desperate.

You will ask yourselves, why don't he try to object? Basically because everyone else who did it was moved to a room without companions and would disappear the next day, Luzien didn't have to be very wise to guess what was going on, so he had no choice but to go with the flow since would probably something lighter happen to him than the other choice, although with his present feeling, he was already beginning to deeply regret ignoring it, but it was too late.

Just when Luzien was lost in his thoughts the couple and the manager finished filling in the data "Luzien, we finished everything, so we can start our new life" said the woman as she walked smiling towards Luzien to which he replied "Well, I will have to try it"I try to smile but it really didn't seem like a smile.

The couple just ignored him and the man said "I guess you're hungry, we arrived just before breakfast time" later, he turned around and said to the manager "Thank you very much for your kindness but it's time for us to leave" to which the manager nodded with a smile and said "No problem, we hope the 3 are happy from now on, let me accompany you on the way out"

Then he directed the others to the exit and opened the door "Very good luck, I sincerely hope you to do well" the man shook his hand and together with the woman replied "Thank you very much"

After saying goodbye they began to walk towards the parking lot to which Luzien could only follow them.

A few minutes later they arrived at the parking lot and got into a family van, already in the car the couple got in the front and Luzien in the back seats, with every moment that passed Luzien was increasingly nervous, it seems that they even not were going to continue with the act.

The man drove to the outskirts of the city and on the way Luzien looked for something to defend himself but could not find anything useful, when they came out of sight of the cameras the woman quickly turned around and injected a sedative to Luzien.

Luzien tried to avoid it, but how could he, who knows nothing about fighting, do something in this situation? Inevitably he was injected with the sedative and he could only feel how it became heavier and how the world grew darker and gradually watching as the woman moved her lips as if saying 'I'm sorry', until she fell unconscious.

Well, in first place my main language was spanish, so I'll try to translate my own history in spanish to english. Well, I will start a voting in the comments, I hope you to vote if you prefer BL or not.

I wait for your vote :3

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