
Soulmates:Waves of Desire

Camille just wanted an adventure away from home. She never knew she’d find love. Peter just followed his curiosity and found the most mysterious yet intriguing girl he’d ever know.

Angelo_Wolfbourne · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter Five: Big Secret

"Camille,what's wrong? We don't have to go if you don't want to."

Well, I really wanted to go but, you have to be a gentleman.

She then smiled and returned to her usual bubbly self.

"I think I'd like to go for a walk instead, if you're up for it."

I agreed to a walk but her reaction was bugging me. Could she just not swim? Was she afraid of the water? Was she scared of drowning? Maybe she didn't have a bathing suit? No, it can't be that, I found her in a bikini.

"Hey, Camille" she turned to me and gave me a puzzled look. "Can you swim?"

She hung her head.

(Camille POV)

I looked at the ground and new the jig was up.

"If I tell you a secret then you have to promise not to freak out."

I saw him nod and I told him that I'd tell him when we got back to the house.

[Timeskip to them finally back from their date]

(Peter POV)

She put her plushie on the bed and turned to me.

"Do I get to know this big secret now?"

She slumped her shoulders and walked toward the bathroom. "Follow me. "

I followed her, growing curious by the second. I walk in and she's bent over the bathtub, filling it. When the tub fills up, she starts to undress and get in— "Whoah!" I turned around to give her privacy. After about a minute or two, she gave me the all clear and I turned around.

She had a tail. She had a tail! A TAIL!