
Soulmate Markings

Soulmate Au, Where almost everyone is born with a soulmate and a soul-mark, at first the mark is pure white but as the relationship between the soulmates change so does the mark. Bakugou is a boy who's traumatized by the loss of his dad and the pain it left his mother, he never wants to feel like that, ever. He decides he's better off without a soulmate, until a Bi-colored beauty walked into his life. Todoroki is a boy who's also been deeply traumatized and just wants to be loved, truly loved. Todoroki wants to find his soulmate, learning his parents weren't soulmates and witnessing the terrible relationship between his mother and father he decides he won't ever get married unless it's to his soulmate . What happens when the two collide? Can Todoroki open Bakugou's heart to love or will he end up being more alone then he already is? there will be other ships but todobaku is the main one

suga_shii · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 9

- Bakugou's Pov( currently on their surprise date😏) -

"WTF IS THIS?! HOW DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN?! For those who are wondering what the hell is going on, I'm currently on a date. My first date....ever.

With Shoto FUCKING Todoroki! I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW DATES WORK! I'm currently being held hostage as Icyhot is dragging me to god knows where... Although I'm not entirely disappointed. We haven't really talked or bonded much out of school... I wonder what he's like?

Todoroki turns around and slightly smiles " So what do you wanna do?" I then look at him completely dumbfounded " hUh?" what does he mean what do I wanna do?! HE'S THE ONE WHO DRAGGED ME HERE AND HE DOESNT EVEN KNOW WHAT WE'RE DOING?! Todoroki then continues to look around " Well I mean what have you done on passed dates that you've enjoyed? we could probably go anywhere but the movies... it's a little too late to by movie tickets"

Of course, he had to bring up past dates, LIKE WHAT DO I SAY TO THAT " oh hey, I'm 17 and haven't gone on an actual date, In fact, you were my first kiss OH YEAH I'm also a virgin!" I feel a shiver go down my spine, yeah that's what we're not going to do! I quickly scan the area for anything that doesn't seem like it'll bore the life out of me and I immediately spot an amusement park, now that's a good first date! I immediately yank Todoroki along with me as I approach the amusement park that I can now tell is called "Fantasy fair"

( I have no idea if that's a real place btw ^( '-' )^ )

Todoroki makes a stop at the entrance immediately pulling me back, I scan over his face and notice he's.... nervous? " Are you okay? We don't have to go here, I just thought it would be errr fun" I immediately scratch the back of my neck awkwardly and Todoroki responds with " No, I want too! I've just never been to an amusement park before... it's big" I look up back at him and he's completely awestruck... cute.. but wait?! He's never been to an amusement park before?!

"You've never been to an amusement park before?" I asked tilting my head, Todoroki then goes red and says " My family isn't really big on fun.." Before I'm able to ponder on what he says he abruptly starts walking entering the park and me not too far behind. I've always loved amusement parks, the adrenaline from the rides, the cotton candy, and best of all you can scream all you want and nobody can tell you to shut up! If I could, I would live here.

"Todoroki" I call out to him and he immediately meets my gaze and says "hmm?" I feel myself smirk and say " Have you ever been on a roller coaster?" Todoroki stays silent and immediately goes red " Katsuki I've never been to an amusement park let alone been on a roller coaster!" I could practically see the embarrassment flowing out of Todoroki.... this is gonna be fun!

I immediately take hold of Todoroki's hand and drag him to the tallest ride I could find, It was called the death wheel so I'm assuming it's fun. "Katsuki are you sure this is.... safe?" I begin to chuckle... PERFECT?! I then turn around and raise an eyebrow at him " What are you scared?"

-3rd person-

Todoroki could practically hear Bakugou challenging him and he was definitely not going to back down. Sure he was scared shitless, but he was definitely not going to lose whatever scheme bakugou was creating.

The line was beginning to grow shorter and shorter and with every step forward Todoroki's heart would beat quicker and quicker. Until it was finally their turn. Before they had entered the ride Bakugou looked over to Todoroki to make sure he was okay. Bakugou might not have shown it but he was keeping close tabs on him, making sure he was actually okay in riding this ride. Bakugou was mean but he would never force Todoroki to do anything he didn't want to do.

Todoroki was the first one to enter the little cart so Bakugou took it as an okay. That was until he looked over and saw an extremely worried expression on Todoroki's face. " Hey!" Todoroki immediately looked over at Bakugou and just stared at him for a minute before Bakugou continued " All you have to do is close your eyes, Scream as loud as you can and throw your hands up icyhot!" Bakugou finished that sentence with a light smile and that was all it took for Todoroki's nerves to vanish as if they never existed.

- Todoroki's Pov-

I felt the seats buckle and then the guy who was working the ride came by to visit every cart to make sure everyone was strapped in safely. I immediately look at Bakugou who's smirking as the cart begins to move, oh shit. The cart begins to move slowly up the rail, I feel the nice warm breeze shower my face I then turn to look at Bakugou who looks at me and smiling " Remember to close your eyes and scream!" He immediately grabs my hand and tosses it in the air, I then feel the cart plummet to the ground!

"AHHHHHHH" I hear Bakugou scream next to me, I open my eyes and look over at Bakugou. His cheeks have gone rosy and his eyes are closed but he has the most breathtaking expression on his face, I then close my eyes and let out a scream " AHHHHHHHHHH!" I feel bakugou squeeze my hand god this feels so, freeing. I open my eyes to see Bakugou laughing... he is just so ....breathtaking.

The ride quickly comes to an end and the moment we're unbuckled from our cart Bakugou turns to look at me with a gigantic grin " Did you like it?!" I see the gleam in his eyes and chuckle... god he's so cute! "Yeah... the view was breathtaking" Bakugou then turns around and smacks his forehead " BAKA! I told you to close your eyes it's better that way" I let out a laugh.... he doesn't even know what I'm talking about.... cute~

Bakugou and I continue to walk around and explore new rides, this is the most fun I've had in ages! I look over to Bakugou to ask him what he wants to do next but I catch him staring at... A cotton candy cart? I then smile "Bakugou do you want some cotton candy?" I question I immediately see him turn around with an overjoyed expression before he gasps and then frowns.." I don't want any but.... if you want some I wouldn't be opposed to it?!" He looks down and rubs the back of his neck.

He's so easy to read~

I make my way to the cart and pull out my wallet hmm.... do they take hundreds? "Can I get the pink one please" The man lets out a toothy grin before bringing down a clear bag of pink cotton candy and handing it to me " That'll be 2.34" He says with a smile, I open my wallet and pull out a hundred and hand it to him " Keep the change" I quickly turn and see Bakugou brightly beam when he sees I'm holding cotton candy.

"I got some cotton candy it's mostly for me but you can have some" I simply say before opening the bag, Bakugou looks at it hesitatingly "Welll.... since you bought it, It would be a waste to not eat it and I'm anything but wasteful!" I hold out the bag so he can get some and he grabs a small handful and plops it in his mouth and a pleasing expression overtaking his face. I just sit there and stare at the bag full of pink fluff, Ive heard about it but I've never actually tried cotton candy. My father always lectured me as a kid that sweets were just junk... well fuck him, he's not here to stop me.

I was about to reach in the bag to get some but Bakugou stops me and mumbles  "Todoroki... open your mouth and say ahhh" I just look at him completely puzzled.. why the heck would he want me to do that? I just stare at him for a minute before he snaps " DONT JUSY STARE AT ME ICYHOT JUST DO IT!" I put my hands up in surrender I obliged to his request and close my eyes "ahhhh-" My mouth is instantly filled with a half-melted sweet sticky sensation, I'm immediately hit by my senses, BAKUGOU HAD FED ME!

My eyes shoot open and there stood bakugou blushing madly looking at his hand " Damn you icyhot you left my hand all sticky!" I waste no time, I immediately pull Bakugou towards me and take his hand "w-what are you doing?!" Bakugou hisses, I pull his hand up to my mouth and flick my tongue from left to right against his palm, I hear him let out a muffled moan and he immediately covers it with his other hand. I look up to see his melted expression and feel myself smirk "You're very sensitive Katsuki~" I say in a low voice and continue to suck each one his fingers, softly scraping his fingertips with my teeth. I pull away and examine the sight before me, thank god it was beginning to grow dark because If anyone would happen to see this, I would kill them.

"I cleaned it for you kitten, is it still sticky~?" I ask in an amusing tone, Bakugou then does his thing. HE KICKS ME IN THE FRICKING SHIN! I immediately tobble over and hold my leg. " TAKE THAT YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Bakugou says before turning around and crossing his arms.

-Bakugou's pov-

Stupid! Stupid! STUPID! FUCKING ICYHOT! I'm currently trying to calm down my racing heart, wtf was that?! He says he was just cleaning my hand BUT THAT DID NOT FEEL LIKE CLEANING! I pull the hand that Todoroki had in his mouth up to my chest. My hand had grown tingly and was burning hot... AND ITS ALL THAT STUPID BASTARD'S FAULT!

Once my heart had calmed down even just a little I turn around to Todoroki who's still being a baby and holding his foot. "Katsukiiii that hurttttt" I hear him whine like a baby, I then turn my head away sassily and say "That's what you get for raping my hand betch" (and yes I mean betchhh) I hear Todoroki let out a chuckle and say " I don't remember raping your hand I was measly just cleaning it" He says standing up and shrugging. Why that little-

"Reminder the rides will be closing in an hour!" I hear a voice say over the intercom... an hour?! I then look around and take notice on the sun setting WHEN DID IT GET SO LATE?! I look over at Todoroki who has a sadden expression in his face, what's up with that?! errrr.... gosh STUPID ICYHOT... Now I feel bad.

" One last ride.." I simply state, Todoroki then looks at me and shows me a lively smile... God, what am I going to do with him? "How about we go on that one?" Todoroki then points to the Ferris wheel, I instantly smile... god that's so like him. " Sure let's do that one.." Todoroki then takes my hand and pulls me along towards the Ferris wheel, I feel butterflies in the pits of my stomach and I let out a small smile.

After a couple of minutes, we arrive at the Ferris wheel, which had no one waiting in line. The lady running it shows us to our own little cart and Todoroki immediately enters and pulling me right next to him. We sit there in a nice peace silence as the Ferris wheel slowly starts to turn, I look out towards the sunset and admire the beautiful scenery, I then feel a weight on my should I turn my head back around and spot Todoroki leaning his head on my shoulder while blushing madly, I then feel my cheeks go red.

"Bakugou..." I hear Todoroki mumble "hmm?" I mumble out a response. I then feel the weight lift off my shoulder and Todoroki is now staring straight into my eyes and whispers " How was our first date?" I'm completely caught off guard and start blushing" WHY WOHLD YOU ASK SOMETHING LIKE THAT!? I immediately turn around unable to look him in the eye. The air goes quiet and I hear him mumble " I just wanted it to be better than all your past ones... I guess this is what you call jealousy?"

I turn around towards him and stare at him with disbelief.... he's jealous?... I look at the deflated expression in his face before mumbling " You dont have to be jealous.... I have no other dates to compare this one too anyways..." I immediately go red from embarrassment and hesitatingly look up to Todoroki who has a bewildered look on his face " DONT LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT! I ONLY TOLD YOU BECAUSE YOU LOOKED STUPID BEING SAD FOR NO REASON!" Before I'm able to explode from embarrassment, Todoroki then lets out a wholehearted laugh, I look up to see he's smiling and he then pulls me into a hug " Oh thank god." I hear him mutter

" That means I'm your first date and I'll probably be your first everything... That makes me so happy Katsuki" I feel the butterflies once again return and I gently hug him back and mumble " quit saying that kind of stuff.." I feel my heart practically pounding out of my chest as I'm burying my face into the collar of his neck.

"You know... in such little time Katsuki you've already done so much for me..." me? I haven't done anything special " All I do is yell at you silly...." I say snuggling closer in the embrace. Todoroki pulls away slowly and lays his head on my lap looking up at me and smiling before softly saying " My mother died not too long ago...." my eyes grow wide and he continues " She died in a fire.... It was my fault. Me and My father had been arguing because he wanted me to have an arranged marriage with his friend's daughter so our company could grow... and I refused but.... he just wouldn't stop. My father and I had never been close because he's literal shit. He used to beat my mom and practically made her a prisoner in our house. She wasn't allowed to leave without his permission and she wasn't allowed to speak without his permission but she stayed... for us."

I noticed the tears now streaming down his face, his face now red and blotchy, he then lets out a shaky breath " That day My father made me so angry... I forgot to put away my coat that was hanging in front of the heater... and by the time I had returned to the house, she was burnt alive... My dad never cried. Not once. He didn't even show up to her funeral because he was busy working and as if he couldn't be any worse, he once told me he was happy I had gotten rid of that disturbance and gave me a pat on the back." I looked down at Todoroki whose eyes had grown cold and disgust dripping from his voice "I hate him with every being of my body."

I hesitatingly run my fingers gently through Todoroki's hair, as he begins to sob silently. After a couple of moments Todoroki's sobbing has calmed down and I softly say while caressing his cheek " You know it wasn't your fault... you were angry... you didn't kill her." I show him a soft smile before continuing to run my fingers through his hair, he reaches up and pulls my hand away from his face and plants a light kiss on hand before softly muttering " Thank you" and flashing me a small but honest smile.

-3rd person-

Moments later the Ferris wheel had come to an end and sadly but surely the park was closing and the date was coming to an end. Bakugou and Todoroki were currently walking hand in hand, making light conversation and chuckling every now and then. Todoroki had wanted to walk Bakugou all the way home but Bakugou stubbornly rejected so Todoroki did the next best thing he could do, he walked him to his street.

Bakugou was currently looking into Todoroki's eyes and was wishing for just a couple more minutes. This date had been the best thing he had ever experienced... of course, he would never admit that out loud! Todoroki planted a light kiss onto Bakugou's lips and then gently kissed his forehead before both pulled away and headed into opposite directions, both flying on the ecstasy of the moment.

Bakugou was as red as a tomato once he had entered his house, his heart beating rapidly and for some unknown reason to him he felt like he could do anything... and it felt great. Mitsuki (Bakugou's Mom) wasn't an idiot she was aware of what was going on and she was overjoyed someone was able to handle her explosive son! Now she just couldn't wait to meet who it was!

Todoroki on the other hand was practically dancing his way home, he was over the moon. He hadn't meant to be so emotional on the Ferris wheel but something about the way the sun was setting and how it reflected off of Bakugou's eyes just ignited something in him that he couldn't stop. He felt alive. Todoroki humming his way through the door of his overly exotic mansion quickly made his way to his room, he did not want to meet his father right now, he would not let his father ruin this feeling.

Little did Shoto know his whole family had witnessed his little dance on his way to his room and all were overjoyed for him and congratulating him amongst themselves. All but his father, who was not happy in the slightest.