








In the realm of forgotten dreams, where time does gently tread,

Two souls once vowed eternity, their hearts forever wed.

With whispered promises so sacred, their love would never cease.

Their souls intertwined in a bond, a connection born of peace.

In a world that knew no boundaries, they roamed wide and free,

Two boys, bound by destiny, where love was meant to be.

Hands held tightly, laughter shared, they danced through life's embrace,

Unaware that their souls were destined for a future, yet to grace.

As the sun set on their shared existence, their souls took flight,

Making a solemn vow to meet again, beyond this mortal plight.

With a love like an eternal flame, their spirits took their leave,

Promising to reunite when life's cycle could perceive.

Many years passed, like grains of sand in the river's gentle flow,

The world spun on, weaving tales of love, loss, and sorrow.

And as divine hands orchestrated their dance upon life's stage,

Their souls were reborn, a new chapter to engage.

In a time unknown, they were granted a precious slate anew,

Two souls once more entwined, yet drifted in a world misconstrued.

Unaware of their shared history, their hearts yearned for a chance,

To rediscover that lost connection, sparked by fate's mysterious glance.

Across oceans and mountains, their paths ne'er intertwined,

Yet a magnetic pull drew them closer, an invisible tie that bind.

Destiny beckoned, her whispers guiding their every move,

Leading them closer to the truth, their souls in harmony groove.

A chance encounter, a fleeting glance, ignited a dormant fire,

Recognition sparked deep within, an innate, unquenchable desire.

In the depths of their souls, a recognition strong and clear,

Though memories were absent, their souls sensed someone near.

In stolen moments, their souls conversed with no spoken word,

Communicating through the language of the past, a language seldom heard.

Embracing the fragments, lost echoes of another time,

They embarked on a quest to bound their hearts, their love to realign.

The story unfolds, as the pen rests in destiny's hand,

Their past and present intertwine, like a never-ending strand.

Will their souls align once more, united by love's divine decree?

Or shall their paths part, like rivers joining the vast, unforgiving sea?


"I promise my love, that once I got reborn I'll look for you, wherever you are in the world"

"Once we're reborn, our memories will cease to exist. Darling, how would we find each other once more?"

"Don't worry my dear, for I spoke with Destiny. Our connection will never be severed despite our memories of who we are before are no more"

"Then...we'll see each other once again, darling. I love you"

"See you soon, my love. I love you too"


Β  Β  "See you soon, my love. I love you too"

Β  Β  Inside a bedroom, a 4 years old boy stirred in his bed before he opened his eyes and looked at the moon peeking through his window before he got off from his bed and walked towards his window and sat there.

Β  Β  "The same voice once again. So deep, soothing and sweet. I wonder who he is..." The boy muttered as he stared at the full moon. His dark brown hair sways as the wind pass through, showing a large burnt mark on the left cheek of his face. However despite the mark, his beauty was still seen.

Β  Β  "I wonder when will we meet?"


Β  Β  "We'll see each other again, my darling. I love you"

Β  Β  Inside another bedroom, another 4 years old boy woke up from his sleep. His attention was also caught by the full moon and he felt his heart beat faster however he never felt nervous about the sudden feeling because he also felt warm and a sense of longing. He got off his bed and walked towards the window to gaze up at the moon.

Β  Β  "The same voice again. They keep saying the same thing. I wonder who they are...." The boy muttered as he leaned his body on the window. The gentle breeze sways his long raven hair, revealing a fan symbol on his clothes, and he closed his eyes as he feels the relaxing breeze before opening them once again and gazes up the moon.

Β  Β  "I wonder when will we meet?"

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