

"Lepinuis Alco Villafuente," I giggled while I keep on repeating his name on my mind.

I typed his name in Facebook to search for his social media account but it showed me no results. I tried searching his name to Instagram and Twitter but it gives me the same result with Facebook. I also googled his name but my luck was already gone.

But I didn't give up. I tried any possible name that may appear to any website and social media.

Lepinuis Alco

No result

Lepinuis Villafuente

No result

Alco Villafuente

No result

What the hell? Is there even a person who didn't have an account at this era? I'm sure he has a phone and internet. Even the kids in elementary has a Facebook account! Well, if I will think about it, there's only two reasons now.

First, he might be super busy in his whole life that he has no time to make any online social connections. But it's a must, right? Especially for people like him, who I think is in the same level as that Calathea girl? Or am I wrong? According to Louise's personality, she might invite a commoner on her debut.

Second, he has an account but he just deactivated or in private so no one can bother him. With his face and stature? I'm 100% sure that girls in different ages and status will drool at him.

After another fifteenminutes of trying again, I irritated closed my laptop. I took the laminated picture of Lepinuis on my desk. I smile while repeating his name in my mind again. I lifted his photo and smile while looking at it.

His lips was a bit curled up. Maybe he was talking to someone when Anika took a photo. His sideview face was like a painting. He's beautifully carved in this piece of paper. And that picture, just made me want to find him no matter what.

If my brother did not call me for dinner, I will just burry myself in my laptop to just search Lepinuis on the net.

For that dinner, it was just me and my brother. Our parents went to Cavite to visit my uncle who is already a bedridden in the age of early 50's. Supposedly, me and my brother will come with them to visit because it is weekend and we don't have any plan, but my father's business in Santa Cruz got a problem. My father assigned my brother to aid the problem with the managers. And my mother didn't want me to come with them because my brother isn't there to take care of me.

Melvern cooked our dinner for that night. It was plated like it was cooked by a chef. It looks beautiful and smells super delicious. For me, my brother is the best cook in this house. Not even our head maid can compare to his cooking skills.

As usual, he prepared everything for me before I even lift a finger. I smiled at him as a thanks and he just pinched my cheek. Even though, I'm on a diet, I eat happily his food.

Sometimes, when I eat to some restaurants, I can't help but to compare their dishes to my brother's. They are professional but they really can't reach my satisfaction, unlike when my brother cooked me food when I craved. If I remember it correctly, he learned how to cook when I was young.

Everyone knows that I'm a brat. I usually threw my plate when the food is bland or not in my taste. I always complained to him while crying at his arms that I'm hungry. There's even one time where I didn't really eat anything the whole day because the food was taste awful for me. That's when he start to learn cooking.

He watched videos on how to simply cooked foods in YouTube and try it every night in our kitchen. He will finished his homeworks earlier just to cook one dish every night. I sometimes watched him and be the judge. But since he always stayed late at the kitchen, I mostly ended up sleeping while waiting for him.

We ate while talking lightly. He asked me how's my class as usual. That's the first thing he always asked me at the end of the day. After asking me that, I will asked him and we will talk about our day. When I mentioned Calathea, he asked me if I did something to the heir of Calathea.

"Did something? Why would I do something to her?"

"Carding said that you made her cry in a women's comfort room," he simply asked me.

Carding again? That bodyguard seems very noisy these past few days.

I shake my head, "I just asked her a question. You know, about that man I want to be investigated but cancelled cause all of you didn't want me to? So I just searched things by myself."

"You shouldn't be proud on making a girl cry, princess," he said it in a soft tone, "You should just asked me to do that instead. You shouldn't keep on having that attitude when your brother can always help you."

I looked at my concern brother. His face is from my dad's and lola's from my mother. His small yet thick lips, black arch eyebrows, angled jaw, strong chin and lean body. His face was clean and bright. He always has this angelic face that says if you defies him, heaven will punish you. He gives that impression whenever he looked at me with a disappointed eyes.

My brother, who took care of me ever since I was a baby, rarely scold me. When I did something that was not worth of mentioning, he will just let it slide and just pat my head. But when I did something big, he got that look that he failed this life. He will feel low and can't even look at me even though I tried to say sorry and act cute. Maybe the reason why I always want to keep everything at a medium matter.

If I will get to choose on to who will just get mad at me, I'll just choose my parents to get mad at me. I accepted why my parents get disappointed and mad at me for my decisions. I can accept their harsh words and sad look on ther face.

But my brother? I will cry my eyes out than to see him mad and disappointed at me.

We finished our dinner as he gave me advices to avoid clashing with Louise. And since he was free for the whole night, we sat on our couch and watch our favourite tv show. We were laughing while my head was resting on his shoulder. He cooked a popcorn and we ended up playing with it until it gone to our bowl and all over the floor.

He offered me a help to search information about Lepinuis but I turned down his offer. I enjoy being a detetctive now. It's kinda entertaining and it keeps me busy. He asked me to join him to watch a movie till midnight since tomorrow is Sunday, but I declined his offer with an excuse of wanting to sleep early.

Obviously, he didn't buy that excuse but he just nodded his head and kiss my forehead while saying goodnight to me.

I spent my whole Sunday in our house. My brother went to Santa Cruz early in the morning and just leave me my breakfast on table. I went out to jogged and reheat my breakfast. I was eating when my group chat with my friends rang.

We did a video call because according to Anika, Yamada, Lonie's Japanese friend, has an announcement. He invited us to a bar. It's his treat since the girl he courted for two weeks said yes to him. That's why, when we see each other in school, we can't help ourselves but to keep talking about Yamada, his new girl, and of course the bar thing.

The only problem is our age, we're not in the legal age to go bar hopping. But Yamada said its fine since he knows the owner. The reason why we got more excited about our escapade.

"Are you going home, Sha? Don't go! Let's go to our house. I let you borrow my new dress! They just came earlier from London," Anika offered me while clinging to my arm.

I rolled my eyes at her while smiling, "You should just offered me that immediately than asking if I will go home."

She giggles at my remarks and poke my side waist. I squealed at her poke but I managed to stop making a scene inside the classroo. But the professor still get heard it despite sitting in the middle row. He glares at us. Anika murmured a sorry but my eyes just fixated on the white board as if nothing happened. It works though since he get back to teaching.

We spent another couple of hours inside the classroom before getting up after hearing the last bell for that day and meet up with Yamada on the stairs. He's with his newly girlfriend. He was smiling from ear to ear as if he already won a lottery.

Our group got noisy when we all met up on the grand staircase of the Senior High building. There is nine of us now. The girls namely, Ashley, Mary, Anika, and of course, their queen, Sharika. The boys are Lonie, Jonard, Yamada, Marwin, and Shain.

Lonie, Shain, and Yamada was in a different class. They were in a lower section since the three of them are into sports, they cannot focused on their study with 100% effort. So their grades was a so-so. Plus, the lower section is not that strict in grades compared to our section. And the three of them are like, the three idiots in our group.

We, the girls, who went to the powder room before meeting up with them in the stairs, came a bit late. I saw Shain who has a new girl on his arm. He was whisperkng something on her ear, making that girl to giggles.

We went to their spot. Anika immediately went to his boyfriend and give him a peck kiss on his cheek who immediately wraps his arm on my bestfriend's small waist.

I smirked at that sweet but disgusting scene. I was shaking my head and run my fingers to my silver chains strap of my bag. Ashley nudged my arm. I turn my head to my only friend who has an apple hair cut that suits her the best.

"Is this a Justine Clenquet sliver sayoko shoulder bag?" I nodded at her question, which makes her squeal in excitement, "OMG!You have the Sayoko collection! How did you get this?"

Because of her natural husky loud voice, Mary and some students who are passing by at the stairs heard her words. They start on whispering about my shoulder bag.

Mary went near us as she was gawking at my bag together with Ashley. Ashley carefully touched my sayoko shoulder bag with admirations. They said some unique features of the bag that I didn't know.

Well, how would I know? This was just bought by my brother and left it to my bed this morning. It's beautiful and from an international designer too.

I was just laughing with them when Shain caught my eye. He was smirking as if he's telling me something funny. He put his arm over his new girl shoulders and pulls her a bit closer to him. She was giggling at his small gesture. Is he showing off his new girl now?

I raised my eyebrows and tilt my head. My eyes travelled from her head to his toe. Her lips are in full-red matte lipstick. Her eyebrows was arched deeply as if it will form a perfect circle when they united. Her face was so-so but her boobs was on the higher level. The buttons of her blouse are gonna snap if it bounces a little.

Imagining that it might happen, I can't help but to giggle. Ashley and Mary stopped at their remarks about my sayoko shoulder bag and curiously look at me. Shain and his girlfriend also look at me, but unlike Shain who's giving me a small smirk, her girlfriend twitched her eyebrows and give me a sour reaction.

"Oh my! You also have a new girlfriend, Shain?" Anika who was busy earlier with her bf, questioned Shain as if she just noticed it.

Shain smirks at her proudly, "This is Maria, my new girlfriend."