
Soulless Transcendent: Twisted Love for My Yandere Wives

Slice of Life in the Terra World! It's a game but not famous; just a slice of life... a boring game. Even the NPCs were mundane; they didn't even perish at all! NPCs devoid of emotions, mere toys. Nothing great about it! It was merely a game. It was meant to be just a game... Yet, "Do whatever your heart desires," were the parting words of an unknown entity who pulled those who played this boring game. And so, they did as their hearts desired! "This world is mine to conquer... Hahahaha," someone laughed. "I am going to build a harem of beautiful women!" another one exclaimed. "I will become the ruler of th......" Everyone poured out their desires and stood ready to embark on their new adventure. They aimed to conquer this world since they couldn't complete it before. They believed they were the protagonists of this new story, convinced that everything would unfold as they wished... until, a certain NPC appeared. This NPC wasn't merely a random figure who materialized out of thin air; rather, he was a victim of the actions of the transmigrated individuals. They say every action has an equal and opposite reaction, but because of the transmigrated person's foolish deeds, this NPC was about to transcend the role beyond the MC of this Story. Did the NPC seek revenge?... No answer! What did this NPC desire?... Nobody had a clue! But all in all, He was searching for something. Something more important than revenge... However, the intrigue didn't end there, as Even the NPC found himself stalked by someone.... or rather, stalked by a group. "W-Who is that B*tch with him?!" one exclaimed in frustration. "Hmm?" The NPC frowned. "I could take care of him better than that B*tch, Hmph!" another remarked. "... Is anybody else hearing those strange voices?" the NPC asked, bewildered. "~Aaahh~ look at his physique... Damn, I want to rid ~beep~ his ~beep~!" "......" The NPC was utterly taken aback when he heard those vulgar words. This is the story of an NPC or Mob Character whose life was turned upside down by the Transmigrators... as well as his Stalkers! _____________ No NTR, No Yuri! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/23gdjwSM3P

AbiLIon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Vampire's Venom

"Miss Ana, you look exhausted. Have you had enough rest?" Eli asked with a deeply concerned expression, his eyes tracing the lines of fatigue on her face before looking up at the scorching sky.... He added, "...or is the sun's harsh light hurting your delicate body?"

He knew that vampires were vulnerable to light, so he wondered if that was causing her discomfort.


"Huh?" Ana's face twisted with irritation, and she was about to glare at him when Lily gave her a simple look. That look alone was enough to make Ana growl inwardly. She mumbled with a forced smile, "I am fine... You don't need to worry about me... Please take care of your beloved woman," as she pointed at Lily, who nodded with satisfaction and clung to Eli's arm with pitiful, wide eyes.

"Hmm..." Eli nodded and looked at Lily, his gaze softening as he asked, "Do you need something, my love?"


"..." Eli bit his lip, his breath hitching slightly before he whispered, "You do know that your friend is getting annoyed, right?"

/Tsk, Don't worry about her/

"No, no... You shouldn't say that to the person who helped you, Lily. That's wrong!" Eli frowned, his tone stern as he admonished her.

Lily's eyes turned gloomy, her lips pouting before she said, /I am sorry/

Eli nodded before pulling her into a tight embrace and pressing a passionate kiss to her lips.

'Arrhh!' Ana groaned in annoyance.

They continued their search for the exit, but they couldn't find anything, just like yesterday.

But something different now,

/Go and bring water/

Lily commanded Ana.

Ana stared blankly at Lily's flushed face, her cheeks a bright red, and nodded before leaving. After Ana left, the air between Eli and Lily thickened with unspoken desire.





/Go and search for the exit/

Lily's voice was breathy as she gave her command to Ana again.





During the nighttime, their moans filled the air,


The next day,

/Go and bring food/

Lily simply shooed her.





The following three days were a torturous nightmare for Ana.

"Those fuckers!! Fucking around like mating animals in heat!!!" Ana growled as she collected water from the river, her mind filled with images of their unrestrained passion. She had been doing the same chores repeatedly, even though they never seemed to need anything in the first place.

Upon arriving back at their spot, she frowned, seeing only Eli lying on the ground. She wondered where Lily had gone.

"Where is she?" Ana asked, curiosity colouring her voice as she sat beside Eli.

"Well, she said that she wanted to see if there were any monsters around... Since the meat is already gone," Eli answered, a playful smile tugging at his lips as he looked at Ana.

"I see..." Ana nodded with a thoughtful expression, but inwardly she fumed, 'That bitch!!! Is she planning to spend the rest of her life here?!' She could already grasp the plan that Lily was concocting.

Long stretches of empty land, gentle nature, and only the three of them... this place was perfect for Lily to keep Eli all to herself.

The only missing was food!!

Ana gulped in fear, 'I don't think she would go that far... I really hope!' she thought before glancing at Eli, who was gazing at the distant sky with a serene, gentle smile.


Seeing him like that, her heart skipped a beat. She suddenly remembered the image of how vigorously he had ravished Lily without mercy over the past days. They had grown partially close enough now... Lily had made sure that Eli remembered every inch of her, inside and out.

This gentle demeanour and that intense passion were in stark contrast...

Ana shook her head, her eyes falling on his neck. She gulped again, her throat dry. She hadn't drunk any blood for three days, and while she could go years without it, the thirst was starting to gnaw at her for unknow reasons.... she wasn't sure why.

'M-Maybe I am in sealed form?' she wondered before clearing her throat.


"Hmm?" Eli responded, raising an eyebrow.

"You know...." Ana's voice trailed off as she stared at his neck, embarrassment flooding her cheeks.... Eli pondered for a second before understanding, "Are you thirsty?"

Ana nodded, her face flushing even more. Eli smiled, finding her embarrassment endearing. She had been a tremendous help, always looking out for him, even at the expense of her own comfort. He didn't mind offering his blood as a token of gratitude.

"I don't mind if you want my blood," he said, tilting his head to expose his neck.

"A-Are you sure?" Ana asked, hesitating. She wasn't particularly hungry; she just wanted to get under Lily's skin for her constant mating antics.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Eli assured her as he leaned down, presenting his neck.

Ana glanced at Eli's face, her breath quickening with anticipation. There was no need to drink from his neck; she could have easily chosen his wrist. But the allure of his neck was too enticing to resist. She leaned in closer, inhaling his scent deeply. 'I've never drunk from anyone's neck... well, there's a first time for everything,' she thought. Her fangs elongated, glistening with anticipation.



Eli gasped, his body tensing as her fangs pierced his skin. The sharp pain quickly morphed into a strange, pleasurable warmth that spread through his veins. His hands instinctively wrapped around her hips, pulling her closer.


Ana was taken aback by the taste of his blood. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced. Rich and intoxicating, it flooded her senses, making her body shiver with pleasure.

It felt like divine wine, aged for thousands of years, filling her with a heady intoxication.... her stomach growled!!


"Hmm~" Ana's legs trembled, heat pooling in her core. Her crimson eyes flickered, turning predatory.

She pushed him down, rubbing her body against his, her hips grinding against him as she hugged him tightly. The feel of his firm muscles against her soft curves sent waves of desire through her, intensifying her hunger.

Eli panted, his face flushed. He felt a strange warmth spreading through his body, clouding his mind with lust. His hands roamed her back, eventually grabbing her cute ass. The softness of her skin and the firmness of her body drove him wild with need.


Ana moaned, but didn't stop. Her mind was solely focused on sucking his divine blood. Her flower started to leak, having been neglected for three days, the liquid heat seeping through her underwear and spreading across her thighs.... and dripping on his lower body.

"A~Anaa~" Eli called out weakly, his voice seductive. His body felt hot and dry, reacting strangely to her bite. The sensation of her fangs in his neck, combined with the feel of her body against his, was driving him to the brink of madness.

Ana slowly withdrew her fangs, blood dripping from her lips. She stared at Eli's panting, horny red face..... the same face he had when making love to Lily.

Eli stared at the bright red face of Ana who had a smile and yet a teasing expression then he stared at her bloody lips, he felt he wanted to suck her blood-red lips as if... something wanted him to ravage her lips!!

She looked too hot when she had bloody lips...


A sense of pride swelled within her, and her eyes landed on his parted lips. She was just about to steal a kiss when,


Her eyes widened in shock, snapping out of her lustful daze. Before she could react, a powerful punch landed on her face.


She was sent flying like a slingshot to the sky.

Lily, with a dark and furious expression, stared at the sky. 'That fucking bitch!!!!!' she screamed inwardly. She had just gone to remove the invisible barrier she placed on the exit path, and never in her life did she think her 'disciple' would betray her like this.

'That thieving, blood-sucking bitch!!' Lily gritted her teeth in anger, her rage boiling over. She was going to destroy the bitch trying to take what was hers!

"A~Ana~" Eli mumbled in a dazed state, his vision blurred and his mind clouded by the effects of Ana's blood-sucking.

Lily snapped her attention back to Eli, noticing he wasn't in his right mind.

Seeing the two holes on his neck only irked her more. 'Tsk, her vampire venom is affecting his body,' she thought, smiling at Eli. She knelt beside him, her fingers brushing his cheek gently.

Eli's vision was blurry. He pulled the woman into his embrace, kissing her lips with a desperate need.


Though Lily was annoyed, she knew Eli wasn't in his right mind. The venom was driving him wild with lust, and he was responding to the first touch he felt.

When a vampire drinks directly from the neck, it sends venom that causes the other party to reach arousal..... Eli who was a soulless was under its spell to the peak!!

But then,

"L~ily?" Eli whispered, recognizing her lips and curves through the haze of his desire.

Lily's eyes widened, her heart skipping a beat before she gently smiled, 'I suppose he knows just by the touch.... he is the best!' she thought, her anger momentarily forgotten. She leaned in closer, pressing her body against his, feeling his hardness against her thigh. Her hands moved to his pants, tugging them down.



Lily's touch was like fire, igniting every nerve in his body. She moved with a sensual grace, her movements deliberate and teasing. She wanted to make him forget everything except for the pleasure she could give him.

"aaahhh~Lily" Eli moaned, his voice a mix of desperation and ecstasy.

The sensation of her touch sent shivers down his spine. His hands roamed her body, feeling the smooth skin and the curves that drove him wild.

His vigour shaft was in huge pain!!


Lily smiled, he was harder and bigger than ever... her eyes filled with a mix of love and possessiveness. She was determined to make him hers, to mark him in a way that no one else could. Her lips found his neck, kissing the spot where Ana had bitten him, her tongue flicking out to taste his skin.

Eli's body responded to her touch, his hips bucking against hers. The feel of her against him, the scent of her, the taste of her lips, it was all too much. He was drowning in her, and he didn't want to come up for air.