
Soulbound Shadow

Lukas: (standing in a dimly lit alley, gripping a dagger) "You really thought you could escape, didn't you?" Elena: (emerging from the shadows, her eyes glowing with an eerie crimson light) "I always find a way, Lukas. You should know that by now." Lukas: (narrowing his eyes) "You're not the woman I loved anymore. What happened to you?" Elena: (smirking) "I embraced the darkness, Lukas. It's where the real power lies." As the story unfolds, Lukas, a skilled demon hunter, and Elena, his former lover turned demon, engage in a deadly cat-and-mouse game filled with tension, secrets, and unexpected alliances. Lukas will have to face unimaginable challenges and uncover the truth about a hidden world of demons and the hunters sworn to protect humanity.

Nicky_RBLX · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 25: Divided?





Lyria's eyes were closed as she was expecting to feel pain in any moment now.

.....But several seconds passed and she felt no such thing.

Lyria:" (In thought) The Explosion should have reached us by now, so what's going on? Or am already dead? Do people feel no pain when they die?

The weird thing was she could no longer hear the booming sound of the explosion, it was quiet..... Very quiet.

Lyria couldn't take it anymore and opened her eyes..... she was surrounded by stalagmites and stalactite.

Lyria:" I'm in a cave? How did I end up here? Or is this where dead people go to? Is this the afterlife or something?"

Lyria looked around and found Selene laying on the ground, she was still unconscious and looked very peaceful.

Lyria:" We're not dead.... But how is that possible? Easn't the explosion wave supposed to hit us in a matter of seconds, so then how did we end up in a cave? have so many questions!"

"I think it's better if you guys stay put in here...."

As Lyria heard that voice, she quickly turned around and saw a hooded figure, but not just any hooded figure, it was the same one in the meeting who informed them about the ritual.

Lyria:" You? Did you bring us here?"

The hooded figure just stared at Lyria for a few seconds.

Lyria:" If you did save us then thank you so much, but do you mind me asking you what the hell is going on!?!?"

The hooded figure:" You'll understand when it's over, but for now just stay here and pray.... pray so friends so they succeed in battle"

With that, the hooded figure disappeared deeper into the cave, leaving Lyria with confusion and curiosity.


The dark forest loomed around them like a shroud of shadows. Lukas, Thorne, Kieran, Anara Raelin, and Anaelin had been scattered in their desperate flight from Elara, who was now consumed by a malevolent force. Their breaths came in ragged gasps, and their hearts pounded with fear and sorrow.

Lukas, his voice laced with anguish, called out through the dense trees. "Is everyone okay?"

All of them were scattered like 10 meters away from each other.

Lukas used a magical gemstone that could teleport one or a group of people to one area to another. It's very effective and it's effectiveness was shown.

If one would want to teleported themselves then they would just have to squeeze the gemstone. But for a mass teleportation, then they would have to throw the gemstone to the ground.

But it has it's disadvantages, for the mass teleportation to work out, the gemstone has to hit the ground, but they would have to hope for the best, because not everything in that arena can be teleported.

For example: If one would want to use mass teleportation on their house. Not everything in the house gets teleported. The worse thing is, you can't control what you want and don't want teleport when you use Mass Teleportation. 

As all of them gathered up, Lukas counted them all to see if nobody was missing.

Lukas: "Oh no...."

Anara: "What is it?"

Lukas: "Captain Bran is missing"

Everyone turned around, trying to look for Captain Bran as they called out his name.... all of them except for Lukas and Thorne.

Thorne: "Didn't you use Mass Teleportation..... That means....."

Lukas: "I couldn't save Captain Bran"

As Lukas said that he looked so down that one would think he would have a breakdown any second

Thorne saw Lukas's change of behavior and decided to do something about it.

Thorne: "Hey, focus! A lot of people are dying right now and we won't do a thing to prevent it if we just stay here and do nothing!"

Anaelin: "But Captain Bran! We can't just go without him! I'm nor leaving here until we find him!"

Thorne: "Be my guest and go ahead with that hopeless search, you see that beam? Every minute, it keeps getting bigger and bigger, and the more time we waste on arguing will be the downfall of all of us.

"Do not care what you guys do, but I'm going to face the Council of Shadows."

As Thorne said that, he started walking towards the direction of the beam.

Kieran: "...Thorne wait up" Kieran said as he ran in order to catch up.

Anara: "Ugh.... I can't let you guys go alone."

Anara also followed.

Raelin was hesitant, but in the end she also joined Thorne and his crew. Leaving Lukas and Anaelin alone.

As they left, a few seconds passed until Anaelin broke the silence.

Anaelin:" Why.... Why did you not leave with them?"

Lukas: "... There's something I'm looking for, and anyways.... I can't leave you alone kid, Superior Demons will storm on us any second now."

As Lukas said that, a deer looking demon charged at them with frightening speed... But Lukas stayed calm, he put his daggers away and took out a long dao(Sword) from his back.

When the deer was within reach, Lukas swiftly swiped his his sword with precision.

At first the deer felt nothing, and decided to continue charging forward, but before it could even touch Lukas, the top half of the demon's body feel to the ground.

Anaelin: " (In thought) what? How... Is that possible!?!?"

Anaelin was to stunned to speak because of Lukas's masterclass.

Lukas sliced the demon in half with just one clean strike, and it wasn't any demon. It was a Superior Tier Demon.....


We're reaching the end of volume 1.

Stay tuned because it only gets better from here......

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