
Soulbound: Embracing the Unseen [BL]

"Do you believe in a world that defies common sense and reality? A world where humans coexist with spirits?"

Meng_325 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The Archive

The weekend eases the workload at the bookstore. On Sunday afternoon we gather for a meeting. Despite our intense thinking, no insights emerge. It becomes clear that we need to seek help from above.

"Is everyone ready?" Arthur asks as we settle into our seats.

"Not the first time," I say, rolling my eyes. "Watch your head."

Arthur mimics me and crosses his arms.

"That applies to you too."

I shake my head slightly and glance at Cody. The oddities of this house became quite an attraction for him. He's also sitting at the table, observing everything closely, trying to understand what's happening. No one objects, so I briefly explain the sequence of events.

"We'll be back soon," I add, turning to the others. "Let's go."

I close my eyes and slump. The state of detachment doesn't last long. The white room appears before me. 

It's amazing how few things the spirits need. Aside from a table, a teapot, cups, six chairs, and a couple of cabinets with small white drawers, there are no other essentials. Of course, I can't be sure this is the only place in this world since I haven't been anywhere else.

"Dear ones," Baltazar's cheerful voice greets us, "Have a seat. I see there's much to discuss."

"That's for sure," Elle sighs.

Soon, we're all seated.

"You probably know what's going on," Arthur says bluntly.

"I saw some of it." Baltazar nods, twirling the tip of his gray beard between his fingers. "I admit, I didn't like it."

"We faced that demon for only a few minutes, but it was enough to realize he's already incredibly strong," Elle speaks. "If he keeps killing, this situation will be beyond our control. The last encounter nearly cost Kaja her life."

"That was my mistake. I should've been more vigilant," The girl says, gently patting Eleonora's shoulder and looking up at Baltazar. "The bigger problem is that I can't detect him whenever I want to. I don't know how to control the visions."

"I understand your concern. I wish I could help, but I don't have any useful information," Baltazar sighs.

Arthur's eyelid twitches with frustration.

"Fuck, how can an office of spirits and other crap not know who lives in the world they're supposed to protect?" He jumps up from his chair, waving his arms in the air. "It looks like we're the only ones doing our job."

"Alright, enough. Calm down," Ellie gently grabs his hand and guides him back to his seat.

Baltazar leans forward, closer to the table.

"Our work revolves around the deceased. He's still alive and the emergence of demons is entirely spontaneous. No one from above has the right to interfere. You won't find any information about his whereabouts in the records of Bardo. I apologize."

I'm sure Baltazar means well, but I feel deeply frustrated with this place and its flaws. I work tirelessly day and night, while they sit here sipping tea, showing no concern. It's a total crap.

"So, what's the solution?" I interject. "Are we just supposed to wait until Kaja finds him?"

Baltazar nods his head.

"I'm afraid that's the only option right now. You'll need to stay prepared for what's coming."

"Bullshit," Arthur mutters. "However, didn't expect much."

He rises from his chair and storms out of the room, loudly slamming the door behind him.

"I'll go too. I don't want him to scare Cody too much. He's with us," Eleonora stands up and smiles slightly. "I apologize for Arthur. See you later."

Kaja looks at me as she rises.

"It's okay, go," I smile.

The girl nods and politely bids farewell to Baltazar before leaving the room. Now, we are alone.

"So, Cody is staying with you now," Baltazar confirms.

"It seemed like the best option," I sigh, sinking lower in my chair.

I don't understand why I stayed. Perhaps this conversation stirred my worries, but I'm unsure what to ask or what answer could reassure me.

"I sense something is troubling you," Baltazar leans closer with a warm smile. "You know you can tell me anything."

I hesitate for a moment.

"It just feels like one morning the entire world turned upside down and nothing goes as it should," I say, firmly pressing my lips together.

"Yes, these changes are shocking," Baltazar replies, placing a hand on my shoulder. "But you carry great power within you. It will guide you."

My heart sinks.

"If only I knew how to control it," I snort. "Minor burns haven't scared off any demon."

Baltazar smiles mysteriously.

"To use these powers flawlessly, effort is required. Eleonora leaves no scars now because of her extensive healing work. Kaja's visions have sharpened as she learned to focus her attention where necessary, and Arthur has mastered his body so well he can halt a moving car—"

"Are you implying I'm not training enough?" I interrupt frowning.

"Patience. In your case, the issue isn't with training," Baltazar taps his temple with his finger, "It's in your head. This gift isn't just a skill. It's a part of you. You can't control it if you're blocking it yourself."

"How can I block it when I want it to work more than anything?" I raise an eyebrow in disbelief.

Baltazar smiles sadly.

"Some feelings and thoughts cannot be grasped by the mind or heart. You might not realize it, but they silently lurk in your subconscious, limiting your potential. Honesty is crucial for growth. Only by acknowledging your true self can you make progress."

I remain silent, unsure what Baltazar meant. His cryptic and ambiguous way of speaking only adds to my growing irritation.

"You'll find all the answers," Baltazar says as if he knows what I'm thinking, "I'm not criticizing or blaming you. Every wonderful power comes with great responsibility."

I sigh deeply, feeling utterly hopeless. If my world is already incomprehensible and confusing, this gift surpasses everything. I find myself wishing for a less complicated ability. Sensing my thoughts turning darker, Baltazar leans back and clears his throat.

"Alright, moving on to other matters, there's something else I'd like to share." He states.

I glance questioningly at the bearded colleague.

"The young man, Cody, is indeed quite extraordinary. I found his file in the archive."

At first glance, it seems like unpromising information, but suddenly it strikes me. The archive isn't for the living. A shiver runs down my spine.

"It appears he has already been to Bardo. According to the documents, two years ago he got in a car accident. His parents died instantly and Cody was in a coma for two weeks. His condition deteriorated and he arrived here. But then he unexpectedly woke up. Simply put, Cody, just like you, got a second chance. The problem is, no one granted it to him."