
Soulbound: Embracing the Unseen [BL]

"Do you believe in a world that defies common sense and reality? A world where humans coexist with spirits?"

Meng_325 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


Everyone simultaneously stares at the poor, confused Cody, which only seems to frighten him more. As if trying to escape our piercing gazes, he curls up even tighter into a ball.

"Who are you?" He asks, his tone much less angry than before.

"It's alright. You can come out from there. No one will hurt you," I say as gently as possible.

He hesitates for a moment but slowly crawls out from under the table, still keeping his distance and avoiding coming closer.

"Who are you?" He repeats the same question.

"I don't think you'd believe me even if I told you," I say with a smile, but Cody is clearly not impressed.

"I see people with snake skin," His voice sounds desperate. "Nothing can surprise me anymore."

"Wait, you see them too?" My mouth hangs open.

Cody looks puzzled but nods without much hesitation. I glance questioningly at Arthur, but he's just as surprised as I am. Cody shouldn't be able to see them. This was all I needed to confirm that he's indeed the one.

"I don't want to interrupt this pleasant chat, but it's time to go," Eleonora coughs.

"If you want answers, you'll have to come with us," I assert confidently, turning to Cody. "You just have to trust me. Just this once."

I soon realize that given the circumstances, this isn't the most appealing offer. He doesn't know us, and the situation isn't exactly good for making new acquaintances. However, Cody hesitates for a moment but nods without arguing.

Keeping a safe distance, he follows us out. As the van's engine hums to life, my tension eases. We move further away from the university building and I can't wait to return home and wash all the dirt from my body.

"Maybe someone can finally explain what's going on?" Cody's voice echoes again halfway through the journey.

"Impatient kid," Eleonora chuckles, glancing at us from the front passenger seat. "We'll talk when we get home."

No one else has any questions. Everyone in the car is too exhausted to discuss anything further. I use this moment of silence to come up with explanations for Cody.

As usual, the bookstore is closed during hunts. With all the windows shuttered, we stumble inside and lock the door, collapsing wherever we can find space. Eleonora retrieves the first aid kit and immediately starts treating Arthur's wounds. She heals the deeper ones with her powers while bandaging or plastering the others.

Cody sits a bit further away, so I move closer to him. For some time he attentively analyses the unusual sight. I refrain from disturbing him and secretly steal glances myself. Suddenly, he turns his head towards me.

"You can ask anything that's bothering you," I say as our eyes finally meet.

"Who are you guys?" he asks, repeating the same question yet again.

I pause for a moment, gathering my thoughts. Unsure of how much I can disclose, I carefully select my words.

"I'll try to explain it simply. These people with snakeskin are demons. Evil spirits that possess human bodies. We hunt them down and ensure they don't harm anyone," I explain, my breath catching up with my words towards the end.

I feel a bit dizzy so lean against the table's edge. Cody takes a moment to process the information. While he doesn't appear to doubt me, it's understandable that comprehending all of this is challenging.

"So, you're not like them?" He seeks clarification after a while.

I nod but as soon as I shift, a wave of nausea washes over me. The dull ache in my side persists. It feels as if something's digging into my flesh, causing discomfort with every movement. I lift my dusty leather jacket. The white shirt is now painted with blood. Carefully, I raise my shirt, revealing a wound that's slowly bleeding. At its center sits a small piece of metal.

"Oh crap," I curse loudly then glance back at Cody again, "I'll need you to wait a minute."

My face tingles and cold sweat beads form on my forehead. I nearly collapse onto the table. Despite the injury not appearing serious, my body insists on a forced rest.

"Elle, I need your help," I wheeze.

As my colleague approaches, she notices the wound herself.

"Why didn't you say anything? You know I can't bring back from the dead," She scolds, her tone tinged with worry.

"Sorry. Didn't notice it myself," I chuckle foolishly. "Doesn't look too serious."

My laughter quickly fades into a sudden grunt. It's never pleasant to have stuff pulled from your body, but it's also a part of the job. The one you have to endure, even with clenched teeth.

Cody's curiosity must be quite intense, given that he doesn't leave. Or maybe he enjoys watching a freak show. You don't see sights like this every day.

After patching everyone up, Eleonora lies down to rest a bit, as healing powers require a lot of energy. Before continuing the conversation, I stop by the bathroom to clean up. Since this first prolonged meeting with Cody isn't exactly charming, I don't want blood-soaked clothes to add to the impression.

I splash cold water on my face several times and, at some point, find myself staring at the mirror. Reflecting the light, silver earrings glimmer in my left ear. My black hair, a bit overdue for a haircut, falls on either side of my face, softly veiling eyes the hue of rain-soaked earth.

Though they seem almost black in this light, there's something within that doesn't scare but rather comforts. In this gaze, emotions such as care, passion, and loyalty well up from deep within. While the darkness is profound, it conceals nothing sinister. All the cards are on the table. But only for those who can read them.

It's no wonder why Cody, who's unfamiliar with me, might've found me intimidating. Sighing, I adjust my hair and walk back to my room. When I open the door, my heart nearly leaps from my chest when I find Cody sitting on the bed.

"Jesus, you scared me," I mutter quietly, tossing the wet towel onto a chair. "What are you doing here?"

"Sitting?" He replies sarcastically.

I chuckle, feeling a strange joy that Cody's becoming more at ease and gradually returning to his usual self.

"Where are Arthur and Kaja?" I inquire. "Why aren't you with them?"

"Downstairs. I asked them to show me where to find your room."

"Not afraid anymore?" I raise my eyebrow and smirk. "How do you know I'm telling the truth?" 

Cody's expression shifts slightly and I instantly regret my teasing. I didn't intend to cause unnecessary panic, but my curiosity got the better of me.

"I believe I can defend myself," He replies. "But I need answers."

His enthusiasm is rather endearing.

"Just kidding. Why didn't you ask others?" I genuinely wonder.

I thought he would swiftly gather what he needed and leave without a backward glance. Yet, he remains seated just a few steps away and I secretly rejoice that, for some unknown reason, he stayed a little longer. Our gazes lock as his soft hazel eyes meet mine.

"I want you to explain everything to me."