

Blade forged from death and despair, Blake whose destiny remains unclear set out on an unforgettable Journey, To the Land of death and back again....through several worlds of wonder.To infinity and far beyond that....And back again to challenge the universe.

Nerdwarrior · Fantasy
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SOULBLADE chapter one " Monster "

In the town of Argus, there was a commotion. A crowd gathered watching the events unfolding. Apart from the noise and the bleeding man lying facedown and unconscious on the ground, it was quite a beautiful day.

"What's going on here?" A man in the crowd asked his friend.

"It's that kid again. Blake. This time he's offended the dragon gang"

"The dragon gang? These gangsters terrorizing our city?"

"Yeah... it's them alright. It looks like he attempted to save a man from the gang. The poor man is a shopkeeper who couldn't pay the protection dues to the gang. It's not supposed to be Blake's problem and he isn't even related to him. He's one selfless foolish brat."

A loud cry echoed in the area.

"Aaahhhhhh!" A man screams as he was kicked in the throat by a young man wearing his high school uniform.

"And that is for whacking my head with a crowbar!" Blake said as he smashed the gangster's head into the hard concrete floor. He dusted his clothes as he walked towards the shopkeeper.

" Are you okay? Next time, try not to almost get killed by a gang mister shopkeeper, got it ?" Blake said as he turned his head only to hear a gunshot and the sound of the shopkeeper's corpse falling to the floor. Standing behind the corpse was another gangster carrying a pistol.

"Damn it, they have guns!" he cursed as he thought of a way out. 'I can still fight a guy with a gun.... right? gangsters are nothing to a martial arts master and I can improvise a way to not die '

Just as he was thinking of a way to escape he saw about a dozen more gangsters carrying Pistols, wooden stakes, pipes, daggers and several other weapons.

'My luck isn't it? I guess it's time to die..…..hey snap out of it ' he thought as he slapped his face. he smiled all of a sudden.

"Hey what the hell are you doing kid? Just run back to your mummy or something? but no! you said no ! you wanted to challenge the great dragon gang and live. well, you got to face us NOW!" The shady-looking man smiled as he pointed a gun at sixteen-year-old Blake.

He fired.

It took only a moment to come to a decision, but he knew exactly what to do of course he couldn't dodge bullets.

Blake threw a backflip and disappeared into a nearby alley, the gangsters followed him in. They looked around but they saw no one.

Meanwhile, Blake was already at the roof of the building looking at the gangsters from above. "Amateurs! I'm the true king of hide and seek " he smirked until he heard a strange sound it sounded like...

'either a robot Invasion, the shopping of vegetables or footsteps...'

'...probably footsteps' Blake thought.

******************************* Meanwhile In the crowd *********************************

"who's that Blake kid anyways? A man who was in the crowd asked his friend.

"He is the only son of Henry Winston the plumber. Well.... he was" one man said munching a hamburger.

"What do you mean ?"

"His father's dead"

"Seriously? what a poor kid"

"Not just his father but his mother as well. I think they died or got missing, but Blake is under the illusion that they disappeared into thin air. Funny enough there weren't any corpses to bury, but it's been five years since then. The police have given up on the case. Who knows what house he's been living in since then..." The man said as he lit a cigarette.


Blake was forced to climb down a crazy flight of stairs through fire escape routes of the apartment to get away from the gangsters however the moment he got down he was surrounded by 10 more of them. 'How unlucky can I possibly be? 'he wondered about his hopeless situation.

The gangsters grinned and one of them hit Blake with a baseball bat while four others held him in place from behind.

His struggle was futile.

They kept on beating him with several improvised weapons. No one would save him. The police weren't going to show up(in this lawless town they are more or less inexistent).

Blake coughed up a mouthful of blood. He hadn't screamed in pain or even cried once the whole time. He muttered something under his breath.

"Don't make me angry....."

They continued beating him laughing and enjoying it, joking as they truly derived pleasure from bullying the kid...This continued for a while until something strange happened.

His eyes went dark, his jet-black hair went white, black wings emerge from his back and a strange murderous aura hung around him. Two Evil Skeleton blades appeared in his hands and an unsettling smile was on his face.

'.....cuz if you make me angry, I turn into a monster"

Thanks for reading!

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