

Two friends from the same friends end up in mysterious phenomenon of swapping their bodies after an accidental fall. However, as they manage their everyday lives with this new secret, they get sucked up into darker revelations about their situation. How will they be able to keep their friendship while desperately trying to save each other out of dangerous encounters? How will the they cover up this secret from getting leaked and find a solution to other abnormal happenings around them?

Rezeph · Urban
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8 Chs

Flight of Fancy

''You guys, seriously need to learn to stay put. I don't get where that never-ending stamina of yours comes from.'' Aniruddh said as he handed a glass of water to Arnav and Vedanti who had just calmed down after a quarrelsome conversation.

Arnav kept the glass aside, not wanting to distract himself further. ''We are still waiting for an explanation.'' He told Vedanti, though his eyes were in a daze locked on the floor beneath. The three of them were enveloped in the complete dearth of sound. The quietness of the night escorted the void in their sullen hearts. The silence between them was uncomfortable like never before.

''I lied.'' Vedanti uttered breaking the ice. Her words did tempt Arnav's unfazed expression to change into a confused one. However, Aniruddh remained unperturbed. ''Go on.'' He insisted. Aniruddh was pretty much a man of few words unless it was absolutely necessary to give his opinion. His laconic replies and responses were far too reserved when it came to others expecting rather reciprocal reactions out of him. At times as this, he always stood silent and waiting.

''The tarots were just an excuse. And so was the swap. I knew Gwendoline since a long time. She is a close acquaintance of my cousin. And a few weeks ago, she suddenly called me late night to warn about an approaching tragedy.''

''And that's about someones's death right?! Who is it? What exactly did she say?" Arnav yelled as he stood up from his seat. He was still trying to hold back his annoyance.

Vedanti felt the agony in her chest sloping upwards. She pursed her lips and said in a shaky voice, ''Swarangie.'' Their face grimaced, aghast at the name.

''Does anyone else know?" Arnav questioned, his face darkened with distress. Vedanti shook her head in refutation. Arnav sat down again, speechless by the unforeseen disclosure.

''How can we save her?'' Aniruddh questioned promptly. Both of them were still hopeful to some extent. However, Vedanti replied back with stillness. She avoided their gaze to look out of the window that was half open letting in the chilly breeze of the night. Nothing other than wall clock made a sound.

''I tried. I tried again and again. But it went all in vain. When today at the archives they found the catalogue, I thought I could finally get some lead. I don't care about the risk. I just....I just want her to be with us always....'' She bit her lower lip as she finished her sentence. She could feel her hands and feet running cold, unsure of it being because of her anaemic condition.

Not just were they dumbstruck with terror, but also inundated with despair and desperation. Desperation to save Swarangie. Desperation to protect a beloved with all their might.

After discussing a few things, Arnav went back to the room he was sleeping. As he was heading towards the room, he turned to look back at Aniruddh. Their eyes met for a second. All Arnav received back was Aniruddh's cold and distant gaze. He couldn't feel the semblance to his current feelings in those aloof eyes. All he could perceive was a disparity in emotions. Aniruddh was seemingly miles away from what he and Vedanti felt. Those unpassable walls that surrounded him made him inaccessible at this very moment. Arnav just shook his head and went back.

''What about you?" Aniruddh asked Vedanti as he saw her taking out her laptop from her bag.

''I have something to arrange before we go to the archives tomorrow. You go ahead and sleep.'' She said as she started surfing on her screen.

''Hey, you got dark circles, you know. You gonna faint again. Stop overworking or else you'll die.'' Aniruddh could never gently express his concern, and his friends knew it.

''You don't have to worry about it. We already got our hands full with this Swara thing. You just focus on that....and on Meher as well.'' Vedanti softly added on the last part of her sentence. Aniruddh responded back with stern nod and left Vedanti on her own in the living room.

As Aniruddh was going back to his room, he detoured to check the terrace. As he pushed open the entrance to his terrace, he was stupefied by the glistening image of Swarangie that disappeared in front of him in a flash. Realizing it to be his hallucination, he let out a woeful sigh. He reminisced the earlier moment when both of them were here together, admiring the quietness of the night and the vastness of emotions. The night-scented breeze reminded him of her ruffling hair strands that gracefully covered her cheerful face. He thought of her exuberant laughters and her angelic voice that sang the loveliest of melodies.

Aniruddh shut his eyes for a moment. Vedanti's words ringed in his ears. He clenched his fists and looked up at the sky. Why her....He thought as he stood wordlessly still, drenching in the cold night.

****THE NEXT DAY****

''Aniruddhhhh ~ What do we have for breakfast?" Kshirja asked chirpily as she settled comfortably on the sofa in the living room. Even if the world would be ending the next moment, Kshirja would probably gulp down her last morsel of food to die without any regrets.

''I am looking into it. Probably noodles and some eggs.'' Aniruddh said examining every shelf and drawer in the kitchen.

''Aniruddh do you have a pair of chopsticks?'' Gauri asked from the living room.

''Sadly I don't, Gauri, since I have no intimate affiliation with any east-Asian country like you and Vedanti. But being a citizen of a country ruled by the Europeans for two centuries, I do have forks. Would you please like to compromise on that?'' Aniruddh replied and handed Gauri the packet of noodles to let her cook in whichever way she liked it to be.

''Oh I want some bread and jam. I don't quite like noodles.'' Meher said walking down the stairs. She was closely followed by Sanika, Swarangie, Aparna and Shreya who were chatting happily.

''Yeah I would like some too. I saw a packet of white bread in the fridge last night. We can just toast it.'' Shreya said as she entered the kitchen.

''Umm it's not good to have white bread for breakfast. Basically white bread has hardly any nutritional value as it contains a lot of additives that makes it highly unhealthy. It poses a risk of sudden surge in glucose level increasing your chances of getting diabetes. So it's better to avoid white bread for breakfast.''

A day without Aniruddh throwing a random factual information was never complete. From where he gained this extensive and boundless knowledge of the simplest of things was still a mystery for all his friends. They would rather just eat what he feeds them than argue with him defending their cravings for the delicacy.

''Omg, it's just morning and he has already began with his boring factual broadcasts. Just hurry up and kick him and Vedanti out of here.'' Aparna spoke frustratingly. She was totally in need of a hot cup of coffee to get her started for the day.

''Hey! I didn't even say anything. Why are putting me together with him?'' Vedanti retaliated at the mention of her name. Aparna just sniggered back at her reaction with satisfying look.

''Aniruddh do you at least have some protein shake? You workout too in the morning right?" Shreya asked with a pleading and pitiable look as her eyes shrank with expectations. However, Aniruddh just denied with an apologetic smile.

''Could you guys stop pestering him with your demands? He is already doing a lot for us so just be contended with whatever is served.'' Arnav spoke up after watching the odd scene unfolding in front of him. And that strangely reminded him of a mother trying to have her kids eat a normal and easily available breakfast denying all their desires.

The breakfast was another eventful stretch of time. The most iconic thing being Aniruddh wearing a green apron while cooking was something that brought out the maximum of camera flashes at him. Sanika's scrumptious soup and Vedanti's fancy cup of Earl Grey were next to follow. Aparna was still digesting the fact that both of them were actually carrying those ingredients with them all along. The breakfast, after a long fitness related lecture, was decided to be custard with fruits and tea or coffee.

After the breakfast, the group was immediately into planning their next measure to be taken to proceed with their plan.

''So I will be leaving with Shreya and Arnav now.'' Meher said as she picked up her bag along with the two others.

''Call us when you reach.''

''Be safe. And don't be reckless if you find some lead.''

''Let us know instantly if you get into a problem.''

The three of them were pounded with instructions filled with genuine care and worry. They were indeed a family, with each person representing a typical role of a family member. This was visibly indicative of the bond they shared. The special affinity they had with each one of them was remarkably gratifying.

Aniruddh and Vedanti, too left shortly after them. All who were left now were Sanika, Swarangie, Kshirja, Aparna and Gauri. Unfortunately, this was the most dangerous troupe of wild cats that Aniruddh had left alone in his house.

''Hey, think about it. If suddenly Aniruddh's family returns home, and, they find us here like this, in our night dress, wouldn't it be really bad for Aniruddh's personal image?'' Sanika had this tremendous ability to imagine hapless scenarios indicating their own doom.

''They would probably think that Aniruddh has his own harem. And that we are a part of it.'' Aparna said flipping her hair, proud at her own statement of mockery.

The girls went upstairs to accouter themselves in their very own aesthetics of clothes and accessories. Getting dolled up for literally nothing was their obsession, especially for Swarangie and Sanika who had their particular preference of lipstick shades and compact as well. As they were busy getting ready, Sanika found a laptop under a pile of heavy books that were very typically representing Aniruddh's preferences.

''Oh I guess this is Aniruddh's laptop. Should we try and feed the data in Swarangie pen-drive into this?'' Sanika asked.

''But shouldn't we ask him first? What if he doesn't like people using his laptop?''

''Who cares! It's actually Aniruddh in question. He doesn't even have a password for his phone so I don't think he has anything to hide from us.''

''Yep! He's a transparent guy. I'm sure he wouldn't mind.''

''And it's not like we are browsing through his personal files. We are just transferring some data in it.''

''But what if he gets annoyed later?! How are we gonna deal with it?''

''Then let's just put Swara to persuade him. Anyways he likes her more than all of us. She is literally his favourite kid.''

''Works! Now just start the laptop Sanika. Swara bring your pen-drive.''

Sanika switched on the laptop, and just as the girls had expected, it was a device of least security. As they attached the pen-drive, Sanika searched for the folder where the files were being stored. Accidentally, she stumbled upon a very captivating folder of videos that instinctively compelled her to view it.

''Uh-oh guys.....We seemed to have opened the wrong door.'' Sanika said as she tired to suppress her laughter that was filled with an element of massive shock.

''OH DAMN! ARE THOSE LEGIT PORN VIDEOS?! WOW!'' Gauri was stoked on seeing their new discovery.

''Omg, this is hilarious.'' Aparna said in a low pitched voice with mockery written all over her face. One could most definitely predict a scene in near future where Aniruddh is cruelly ridiculed and teased by the two most dominant personalities of their group. God save him.

''Okay enough stop! We should close it right now. It's his personal thing.''

''Of course, Kshirja is right. We shouldn't invade his privacy.''

''Yeah, it's not like we were going to watch it or anything.''

''Exactly! We do have some sense of embarrassment.''

****12 VIDEOS LATER****

''Look at that man! Who wears a neon underwear? I am totally against it.''

''Ah and the foreplay wasn't that sensuous. It didn't suit the story. And how did she suddenly invite that delivery guy into her bedroom?! HOW does Aniruddh even like it?''

''Also, I didn't find the previous position so satisfactory. Are those quick gropes that erotic?...''

''Of course, Sanika. Nobody knows it better than you.''

''Ughhh look at that girl's bikini! It's not polyester fabric, is it?? How could she be so comfortable in it?''

''Hey look at the decor of this one! Gosh those bedsheets are so beautiful.''

''I know right! Even the painting behind is quite sexy.''

''Well, I always knew Aniruddh is a boring guy. But I never expected his fetishes to be this....plain. I am a bit disappointed.''

''Actually bro. I am worried about his future. I don't think he would do so great with his partner when they finally decide to walk down the sacred path of bringing together their cherished bodies.''

''Wait WHAT?! What path?? What the hell did you just spout?"

''Oh gosh you guys! She meant sex!''

If hypocrisy and bitching could ever be impersonated, this group of girls would be the most specific specimen for it. Criticizing something totally unrelated to them was their hidden passion and latent talent. They had completely forgotten their main agenda of using Aniruddh's laptop without his permission.

As they were preoccupied with their critical evaluation, a sudden sound grabbed Swarangie's attention. ''Hey, someone's phone is ringing.''

''Ah yes! It's mine.'' Sanika said getting up from her seat to pick up her phone.

''Hello? Yes Meher? Yeah we are all toge- Wait are you okay? Why do sound so nervo- WHAT?! HOW? Oh okay....We will meet you guys there. Just don't worry we are coming as soon as possible. Bye.''

As soon as Sanika hung up, she was attacked with queries her onlookers who now panicking over her tone. Now, how to reveal the trouble without a muddle was really difficult for her. She was still getting herself together after the sudden confrontation with freaked out Meher on the call.

She nervously looked upto them and just straightly confessed, ''Well, Shreya is lost....And both Meher and Arnav have been trying to find her for the past two hours. They have told us to come immediately.'' Everyone's eyes widened in shock after hearing the unexpected piece of news

''What?! That idiotic panda! Is she a kid? How can she just wander off somewhere?!''

''EXACTLY! I would have still believed if you tell me that Swara got lost....But how could that happen with Shreya!''

''You can curse her once we find her, Aparna and Kshirja. For now, everyone just move your ass out of this house. And Sanika tell us the location.'' Gauri demanded and everyone quickly picked up their bags.

''Okay I have forwarded the location they sent me on our group....Ah also, aren't we supposed to inform Aniruddh and Vedanti?''

''Let's just tell them on our way.''

''Seriously you people, I don't get what screw you are running loose in your big brains. How can you run into so many problems within a span of just three days??''

''Well....that's a million dollar question.''

''I just hope that this is the last time someone needs a saving and that I can just go back home and get an undisturbed sleep of fucking forty-eight hours.''

But the wretched group of friends was thoroughly incognizant of the newer misfortunes that were heading their way.....