

Two friends from the same friends end up in mysterious phenomenon of swapping their bodies after an accidental fall. However, as they manage their everyday lives with this new secret, they get sucked up into darker revelations about their situation. How will they be able to keep their friendship while desperately trying to save each other out of dangerous encounters? How will the they cover up this secret from getting leaked and find a solution to other abnormal happenings around them?

Rezeph · Urban
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8 Chs

Character Introduction

1. Gauri - A strong girl who likes to 'princess-carry' her friends. She maintains a healthier lifestyle by sleeping and getting up early which is unachievable for her friends. Her best friend Aparna's linguistic incapability usually drives her mad; yet she is quite quick to accept the pricking misfortune of being her friend. She is really bad at directly saying no to people and so falls in a pit of immense psychologically stressing situations. She is good at doing heavy jobs as well as household chores. She isn't the type to plan any action in a scrutinized fashion. Rather she prefers moving ahead in straightforward way. Though altogether headstrong, she can be often compromising and encourage adjustments within their friend group to avoid any sort of inconvenience to anyone. Like her another friend Swarangie, she too keeps no grudges and is extremely forgivable unless someone holds a great nuisance value in her life. She helps others with all her might even if it is noxious for herself. She doesn't like beating around the bush and likes to talk in the most casual and understanding way.

Strengths : Handling Aparna more efficiently than others, correcting Aparna's language errors, Fluent in Japanese and Korean, Has good physique, Painting, Singing

2. Aniruddh - An indifferent kid with mediocre qualities. He rarely speaks lovingly, most of the time giving reality checks to his friends. He pretends to be uninterested but ultimately gets willingly or unwilling involved in every bullshit his friends do. He never falters from his principles which govern the maximum aspect of his personality. He is outright obstinate about his opinions and can dispute over something he disagrees for hours without the slightest tinge of exhaustion. He prefers to be logical and rational most of the time and avoids doing anything that is unnecessary at a particular juncture. But quite a lot of times, he gives in to the pleas of his friends and joins the bandwagon. He likes to mock Swarangie for being a kid, but can get very protective of her if needed. He totally despises believing things that are out of scientific shade which end up with him being in constant verbal conflict with their friend Vedanti who enjoys paranormal stuffs. He is usually diplomatic and polite while speaking, but can actually speak the most unwanted and hurtful thing at the wrong time uncovering his dark and garbage-like side of personality. He is generally bad with kids and claims to hate them; but can actually handle the childlike members of his group well.

Strengths : Logical reasoning, Quick thinking, Taekwondo, Unparalleled ability of debating, Making people cry, Being expressionless

3. Aparna : The snarkiest and laziest person in the group. She is originally a low energy human and prefers spending time without much of a chaos. Her signature colour is black and likes to be cool. She frequently roasts everyone with her witty remarks and thus considers herself to be elite most and interesting person in the group. She survives the whole college day on coffee and lazes around during lectures on the last bench. Though she usually denies doing everything that she considers to be bothersome, she too ends being involved involuntarily in her group's astonishing schemes. She finds Vedanti and Aniruddh weirdest of all and repeatedly talks about removing them from the group because of their clashing vibes. Overall she is fed up with the phenomenal frenzy of her friends but still tags around just because she finds them amusing. She expects nothing sensible from her friends and thinks she is the most sensible one, though always disagreed by others. She is close to Gauri as they both have a better chemistry with each other. She can never put up with Vedanti's excitement of doing things and lectures her on not shouldering all the responsibility by herself. She talks in exasperated tone with lot of linguistic errors which her friends are too used to.

Strengths : Dancing, painting, practical, being sarcastic, treating people like bugs, making typos even in two letter words, being a sloth

4. Swarangie - A happy-go-lucky, extroverted girl who loves to smile. She is the baby of the group and often teased as a kid by her friends. Being a sleepyhead she can doze off anytime but can't really compete with Aparna's skills. She loves her friends a lot and is especially close to Sanika, owing to their relationship often misunderstood as a romantic one by those around them. She is usually chatty and can talk for hours anywhere without caring a tithe about the listener. She gets nervous while performing in front of an audience but tends to cover it up using her naturally cute expressions. She is good with gadgets and softwares. Her friends like to set occasional pranks for her, but being not as foolish as her friends presume her to be, she never really falls for it. She treats everyone fairly good. However she often does not think through some situations, mainly involving emotions and ends up in a quandary. She is a big fan of Korean and Chinese dramas and is quite unrealistically optimistic about a romance similar to the dramas. She is kind and keeps no grudges for the ones who have mistreated her.

Strengths : Singing, playing guitar, drawing, flirting with Sanika

5. Sanika : An awkward girl who loves everyone a lot but is embarrassed to express her true feelings verbally. Being a good listener, she is accepting and adaptive which helps helps her a lot while listening to constant chatter of those around her about the things they like. She is highly camera conscious and gets lazy when asked to tidy herself up. She is creative and imaginative but doesn't put much efforts in advancing her skills due to her lack of continuity. She is tries her best and goes out of her way to help the ones she loves which leads to everyone ending up venting in front of her. She is the mother of the group, especially to Swarangie and Vedanti who tend to ultimately rely on her often. She gets protective of Swarangie without her realizing it. She likes sleeping when she is sad and is extraordinarily good at making soups. She does get offended and hurt easily but denies the claim completely. She is quick to form opinions about others, but is also open to changes and readily works on her flaws. She has a boyfriend whom she close with, but periodically gives him too much of importance resulting in her friends getting possessive about her.

Strengths : Calligraphy, Listening attentively, Making soup, Getting awkward and offended easily, Speaking too loudly during calls, Remembering every small detail of every happening accurately

6. Kshirja : The most artistic person of the group. She likes to keep a ''bro type'' of relationship with her friends, especially male friends - although becomes a total gossip girl when talking to Sanika and Swarangie. She has a usual bubbly demeanour but does think seriously through while working on a task. She has a great self-obsession which makes her appear arrogant though that's just an image she maintains. She is easily affable and good at cooperating with everyone. She likes to especially make fun of Aniruddh's acting skills, believing that she herself is good at it. She calls herself ''Sheru'' and says she is the pet of the group to not get involved in the weird self proclaimed family roles her friends have created. She is a big fan of food. She is as mischievous as a fairy and her pranks are oriented towards Swarangie most of the times. She has a business-like mindset and is very ambitious. At the same time, she works hard endlessly, if it means to finish her work before the deadline, however that leaves her worn out. She is adept at taking things sportingly and knows her boundaries well. She loves sunflowers which are her inspiration of positivity. She isn't really possessive about her friends in general, but gets extremely displeased when someone treats her friends poorly. At times she tries to boast at the wrong timings but eventually gets crushed by a dark Aniruddh who is then slightly irritated by her flex. She notices the moods of her friends quickly and tries to talk to them at the right timing.

Strengths : Making absolutely stunning artwork, Dancing, Showing off, Trying to be funny but instead getting roasted, Teaching people how to pronounce and spell her name correctly

7. Meher : A temperamental girl who is otherwise easy to get along with. She is a social butterfly in the college and befriends people easily. Her mood swings can be difficult to handle and even more difficult to coax her when she stops communicating. She is kind and helpful and the adviser of the group as she catches people's emotions quickly, at times unnecessarily. She is the only one who actually willingly debates or discusses with Aniruddh as most of the their friends just shut him up. She is highly aware of her shortcomings and works hard to overcome them. She is lazy but can cope up with her work even after procrastinating for a long time. She is normally very bubbly, but her sensitivity nerves can charge at any unpredictable point of time causing her to cry. She too can get offended easily but being a member of such an egoistic group, she denies the claim as well. She knows everyone's character and secrets well and wisely remains silent about things that are better unsaid. She is another one with stubborn personality after Gauri, Aniruddh and Kshirja. She knows how to support a crying person unlike the foolishly insensitive people of her group who stare at the person cluelessly.

Strengths : Painting, Teaching kids, Staying up till morning, Focusing on her task, Keeping secrets, Giving love advices

8. Shreya : The panda of the group. She is the most confused member of the group who has the least idea of the current state of affairs in the group due to missing out on many discussions and outings. She is reliable and sweet but can scold harshly if gets annoyed. She is relatively normal than the rest of the group that's full of unseen creatures. She is well aware of the fact that the group is beyond saving from drowning in stupidity. She is at times astonished by the crazy ideas her friends come up with but always smilingly joins them. She checks up personally on how they are doing and makes sure to appreciate them in every possible way. She is very expressive and can't control her laughter at all. She likes to act and dance - and can dance almost every dance there is in the world. Her trademark line is "someone please tell me what's going on.'' She is thoughtful and helpful during troubling times. Being quite eloquent, she is good at articulating narratives.

Strengths : Dancing, being normal, laughing endlessly, being clueless, Anchoring any event at any time, Acting

9. Arnav : The quietest and less active person of the group. He like to encourage his friends in any initiative they take and is usually overflowing with emotions. He can be exaggeratedly expressive at times, totally contradicting Aniruddh's character. He is as good as Swarangie when it comes to talking on calls for longer duration. He has a habitually smiley face but hides a guileful side of his personality beneath it. He is inclined to comfort his friends whenever they are having a hard time and tries to come up with a solution for their problem on his own. He is good at teaching but sometimes messes things up due to his authoritarian manner. He too like Shreya likes to personally take updates from his friends about how they are doing. He likes to sort things out by talking face to face in case of any misunderstandings. He desperately tries to not appear so, but he is actually an over-thinker and cares a lot about his interactions with other people. He is a fan of detective fictions and likes to solve any mysterious phenomenon he comes across. He is possessive of some of his friends but tries not to become a bothersome for them. He does have some mysterious element to his character but manages to keep a cheerful front face when with everyone.

Strengths : Problem solving, Finding solutions, Giving emotional support, Acting, Writing, Overly reacting to small situations

10. Vedanti : She is a worrywart and grandmother of the group. She likes to keep a very sophisticated disposition, which Aniruddh especially likes to make fun of. She enjoys paranormal and likes to delve into unnatural incidences. She has a physically weaker constitution and is generally low on energy due to her constantly fluctuating anaemia. She gets easily possessive of her friends if she faces any rival within the emotional proximity with her friends. She is another favourite target of Aparna when she is in a really sassy mood. She is particularly fond of Sanika and Swarangie, calling them at any time of the day just to gossip over something. She loves making and drinking different blends of tea.

Strengths : Speaking Japanese, roasting Aniruddh over his uncaring personality, surviving through Aparna's constant sass, reading tarots