
Soul Swallowing Goddess

Amaris Nacht, a high school girl, is thrust into a demonic dimension following the tragic demise of her parents. For two decades, humanity has battled these dark entities in secret, defending their home world against the relentless onslaught. Amaris's destiny takes a cruel turn as she finds herself trapped in a realm overrun by demons. Unprepared and vulnerable, she faces a relentless struggle for survival in this nightmarish domain with no apparent means of escape. In a stroke of luck, Amaris witnesses a fierce battle between two otherworldly beings, culminating in the emergence of a mysterious black ring. Driven by a fractured mind, she instinctively touches the ring, absorbing its essence into her own body. With new found powers that could change the course of fate, she’ll have to decide on what path she wants the world to take.

Gibeu · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Waking up to The Sight of an Angel

"I won't die of starvation or dehydration, right?" Amaris asked, feeling a little worried for her outside body.

Zaleck shook her head and said, "Soul rings can sustain their user. As long as you absorb my essence, you will be fine."

Amaris breathed a sigh of relief and continued absorbing Zaleck's essence until one day had passed. Sweat was pouring down Amaris's face, and her body was aching.

Zaleck's body was almost whole, but Amaris still had a long way to go. Another day passed until Zaleck's body was complete. Amaris collapsed onto the hexagon tiles, exhausted. Her eyes were half-opened, and her body was trembling.

Zaleck laughed and said, "Congratulations human. You absorbed all of my essence."

Amaris smiled weakly and closed her eyes. Her soul ring glowed and engulfed her with a black light. When Amaris opened her eyes again, she found herself lying on the ground. She stood up and stretched her body, which was no longer tired.

"It's finally over," Amaris said with a yawn.

"Human, what are you doing in this world?" A metallic voice echoed throughout the area. Amaris turned around and saw the angel from before, and her face stiffened.

The angel was floating in the air, holding its silver bow. Amaris gulped and stepped back, frightened by the angel.

"Don't be afraid, human. I won't hurt you." The angel said.

Amaris relaxed a bit and asked, "Are you an angel?"

The angel nodded and landed on the ground.

"Correct. I am an angel. My name is Uriel. I am a being belonging to the church of Light. We have a pack with you, humans." The angel introduced itself.

Amaris was curious and asked, "Pack? Church of light?"

Uriel looked down at the girl and spoke, "It's a promise between us and your race. We will protect you humans while you guys pray to our god."

Amaris nodded, understanding the situation. Uriel then asked, "Human, why are you in this world? Humans are not supposed to be here."

Amaris told her story to Uriel, causing the angel to frown. It didn't understand why the demons would drag a human to Heaven's Demise. Uriel then spoke, "Human, stay with me. I'll protect you and take you back to our base."

Amaris nodded and looked up at Uriel with an embarrassed face.

"Erm, how am I supposed to keep up with you?" She asked sheepishly.

Uriel floated and picked Amaris up, carrying her in his arms.

"Hold on tightly, human. This will be a bumpy ride." Uriel said.

The angel took off, causing a strong wind to hit Amaris's face. Amaris covered her face with her arms, trying not to get blown away. Uriel flew fast, its four golden wings flapping rapidly. Amaris looked down and saw a giant mountain with a crystal palace on top of it. It was sparkling, reflecting the sky colours. Uriel landed in front of the palace and put Amaris down.

A group of angels approached Amaris, causing her to shiver. The angels were all wearing white robes, but some had different weapons. Some had swords, while others had bows. Amaris gulped and stepped back.

"No need to be afraid, human. We don't eat your kind." One angel said jokingly. Amaris didn't find it funny at all.

Uriel then spoke, "These are my comrades. They will protect you, human."

Amaris looked at the angels nervously and asked, "So, where are we now?"

Uriel pointed to the palace and replied, "This is our base. It's called 'Crystal Church.'"

Amaris nodded and followed the angels inside the crystal palace. Inside the palace, there were a lot of rooms and corridors. Some rooms were filled with beds, while others had armour and weapons. Amaris looked around, amazed by the palace.

Uriel then spoke, "Human, follow me. I'll take you to meet our leader here."

Amaris obeyed and followed Uriel to a large room. Inside the room, there was a tall angel with six golden wings. It had a muscular body, and it was wearing silver armour. Its face was silver with golden eyes. It held a long white sword that gave off a holy aura.

The angel sat on a colossal crystal white chair with golden outlines. The walls were white with blue gemstones that glowed, giving the room some light.

The room also had candles spread across the walls to illuminate the room and to make the shadows vanish.

The angel on the throne looked down at the human, raising his brow.

"Human, although we have a pack of your kind, that doesn't mean we'll babysit you for free. In our act of kindness, I wish for you to return it. For the next three months, you'll help us kill demons, and we'll give you food and a place to live. Deal?" The angel said.

Amaris gulped, nervous about the task. Three months was a long time, but she had no choice because there was nowhere else to go.

"Human, my name is Michael—one of the seven archangels under our holy god. I promise you will be rewarded with the best food and drinks in exchange for your work. Do we have a deal?" Michael said.

Amaris stood there, confused as to what to do. She knew nothing about these angels and didn't know if they'd kill her when she was done. The only thing she has is their words, but that means shit.

The only thing she cares about right now, though, is to get revenge for her parents! But she first needs to secure her safety.

"Can you give me a week to think it through?" Amaris asked Michael.

Michael nodded its head and said, "Sure. I'll give you seven days. After that, you either accept or decline."

Amaris thanked Michael and left the crystal church. Uriel then spoke, "Human, here is some food and water. Make sure to come back to the crystal church after seven days."

Uriel tossed a silver ring to Amaris, containing food and water. Amaris caught it and put it in her pocket. Uriel then disappeared into a golden light. Amaris looked around and started walking, trying to find a place to sleep.

This brings us to now, her staring at the photo of her parents, tears streaming down her eyes.

"I'll kill those bastards even if it means going down a dark path! I won't rest until I do that, Mom and Dad!!" Amaris swore, her intense emotions causing her soul ring to come out from under her feet.