
Soul Shard Captor [BL] [QT]

After Noah's much-awaited ascension, what greeted him was an AI system calling itself Black, offering him a job working for the World and Soul Management Bureau.  He has to transmigrate into different worlds, using an identity of some unfortunate soon-to-be-dead dude, and live out the remainder of his new life there however he wanted. Oh, and hopefully in the process of living happily ever after, he'd also get to accidentally complete some secret mission they refused to tell him about. Easy-peasy! ...Right? ...Ok, sure, there are a few small kinks here and there... like terrorist attacks, murder plots, zombie apocalypses, hostile alien invasions, and the like... but one should always look at the bright side! Noah: "...Blackie, is it just me, or is this good brother-in-law of mine looking at me like a hungry wolf seeing a juicy piece of meat?" (°△°|||) Black: "How would you know how a hungry wolf looks like? Have you ever seen one?" Noah: "What? No! But…!" ( ꒪Д꒪) Black: "Exactly. Don't worry, host. He is just a bit excited due to nearly losing his life back there. You know, adrenaline." (¬‿¬) Noah: "…are you sure that's what's really going on here?" Black: "Absolutely!" (≖‿≖) … Noah: "Blackie! Blackie! His-his-his little brother is poking me in the ass!!" QAQ Black: "What are you making such a big fuss about? It's just morning wood." Noah: "Why am I making such a big fuss?!? He just took it out of his pants!!!" щ(゚Д゚щ) Black: "So? How is he supposed to take care of it if he doesn't take it out?" Noah: "I don't know, but definitely not like this!!!" QAQ Black: "Relax! Bros often help each other out with these kinds of things." Noah: "…" … Noah: "What do you have to say now?!? It's normal for good bros to want to shove their thing up your ass?!?" (ꐦ °Д°) Black: "Yes… if they are bent… and in love with you… like this one…" Noah: "…" ಠ_ಠ Noah: "Oh god, he is putting it in!!!! Blackie! Help!!!" QAQ Black: "Don't panic. Relax and follow my instructions." (︶^︶)ノ Noah: "Ok, ok, speak! Hurry!" Black: "You've got this. Breath in, breath out. Relax your muscles…" Noah: "How is this helping??" ( ꒪Д꒪) Black: "It'll hurt less that way." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Noah: "…Whose system are you, mine or his?!?" (ノ꒪Д꒪)ノ︵ ┻━┻ -- Many, many missions later -- Noah: "This secret mission that you can't tell me about… it can't possibly be to get fucked by the the least appropriate target?!" ಠ_ಠ Black: "Of-of course not! Ho-how could that possibly be, eh?" (; ゚ 3゚ )~ ML: Right, right, that's just a very (not so) coincidental bonus. Ψ(╹ڡ╹ )Ψ Author Note: * SSC has long arcs. Each world is a fully-fledged novel on its own, which means that technically transmigrations aren't "quick". * Don't let the summary (or the cover) fool you! While SSC does have an occasional explicit smut, it is primarily a fluffy and hilarious romance! * Pairings are one-on-one and taboo-ish. (E.g. hired assassin and his target, monster tamer and his tamed beast, master and disciple, siblings, brothers-in-law, etc.) * More info in the info chapter Author website: lucypandora.com Support the author on ko-fi: ko-fi.com/lucypandora Discord: lucypandora.com/discord

LucyPanDora · LGBT+
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208 Chs

But whyyyyyy????

With his own impending doom on the horizon, Levi was forced to loosen his hold (very regretfully), allowing the little one's fluffy head to pop out from under the crook of his neck.

Noah interpreted this as him succeeding in reassuring Levi, and the other giving him his 'permission' to continue watching the movie. Thus Noah's two big amber eyes looked left and right, and then their owner gently wiggled around to get a better position in the other's hold.

Levi bit his lips to prevent a throaty moan from escaping them. The sensation of that fleshy little bottom wiggling on top of his crotch… ah… the only saving grace that prevented his half-hardened member from shooting up that little ass was the fact that he had already shot his load twice today…

"Be good, don't move about," Levi warned, his deep and raspy whisper setting off all of Noah's alarm bells.

This little bunny's movement abruptly stilled, and his body turned stiff.

His brother… he couldn't possibly be thinking about THAT again?!?

Now that he was paying attention… That… that thing below his butt! It–it–it seemed to have gotten harder!

Noah's throat dried up, and he swallowed with difficulty. Ah, ah, his brother's 'little brother' was so sensitive!! If–if that was the case, then he really shouldn't indulge this not-so-straight ex-brother-in-law of his!

Noah pressed his palms against Levi's firm chest and tentatively tried to push himself out of Levi's arms, "I… Brother… that… I think it's safe now… There… there shouldn't be any scary things in the next while…"

Levi was silent and motionless for a long moment, then he tightened his arms again in clear refusal, "You can't know that."

Noah, "…" 〒▽〒 'Are you saying you'd rather get a hardon than watch a horror movie without a body pillow? Brother, wake up! Even cockroaches are scarier than this movie!'

Still, Noah obediently fell silent and conscientiously stopped moving, resigning himself to his current job of being Levi's personal body pillow.

Minutes slowly ticked by, yet to Noah's great relief, that prominent member under his ass never fully rose.

After Noah had stopped squirming, it, miraculously, even showed signs of settling back down!

…but its descent was several orders of magnitude slower than its rise!!

Noah just couldn't put his worries down no matter how many minutes passed. Thus, he cautiously spoke up again, "How about now? The two leads are flirting; surely there won't be any zombies coming out to cockblock them?"

His very moving plea for release from captivity was unfortunately met with a firm rejection. Now that his lower half was being obedient once again, what reason would Levi have to let go of his precious?

"No. (︶^︶)ノWhat if the director got creative and intentionally decided to pull a fast one on us?"

Noah, "…" 〒▽〒

Noah swallowed down his grievances and unshed tears in silence.

And then, after an even longer period of time…

"Look at that!" Noah's eyes lit up with the light of hope, "They finally made it out! Brother, don't worry! There won't be any zombies from here on out!" 'So, you can let me go now…'

Levi knowingly smiled, "I think we better remain vigilant. Just in case."

Noah, "…" QAQ 'Bro… be honest with me… zombies or no zombies, you have no intention of letting me go, right?!'

Levi, 'Right. ( ︶‿︶ )👍 Letting go? Nope. Not a chance.'


Noah felt rather wronged, "Brother…"

"Mn?" Levi heard the hidden bitterness in the other's tone but chose to pretend to be oblivious.

With a very complicated look, Noah stared at the movie credits that had been rolling across the screen for several minutes now, "…the movie is over. You can let go now…"

This time, Levi's response took a while. He looked left and right to the fully illuminated and completely empty seats all around them. But like a lazy cat, he was really hesitant to move from the perfectly cozy position he had managed to find.

His blue eyes flashed with conflict, and then, noticing that even the credits had reached an end, he had no choice but to grudgingly release his baby from his arms.

When the warm and strong arms that had been embracing Noah all this while left him, Noah momentarily felt a sense of loss. However, he quickly shook it off and stiffly got up, not daring to look in Levi's direction.

In fact, it wasn't just Levi he didn't dare look at. The only thing he dared to look at was the floor beneath his feet. He kept his head down and walked in a daze.

If he didn't pick up that something strange was going on by now, he would be an idiot.

It was one thing to be scared of zombies, but the movie was pretty much done 15 minutes ago. The zombies were cleared, and the remaining time was spent tying loose ends.

Yet, not once did Levi show any intention of releasing him!

Even the credits and lights came on, which should have been the cue to get up and go out of the cinema, yet this ex-brother-in-law continued to snuggle him just the same, as if he didn't even notice the movie was over!

Blackie, 'He indeed didn't notice, ah! Heh, try asking him what the movie was about; I guarantee his retelling will be more amusing than the movie.' (¬‿¬)

And don't think Noah didn't notice that reluctance at the end!

It would seem… that this brother of his… enjoyed hugging him very much?? And he had no scruples about being all touchy-feely with him???

But whyyyyyy????

'Don't tell me he suddenly got awakened to the beauty of the same gender?!?' 😱

'Fuck! Fuck!! Fricking fuck! This can't be!!'

'No, no, no, no! What do I do if it's true, ah?!'

'Astar mommy and daddy, I'm so, so sorry!!! I've led your good straight son astray!' QAQ

Unfortunately, this wasn't the right time to mull over where he went wrong. Noah was forced to put this frightening topic on temporary hold and force a smile when he noticed a pair of familiar high heels in his peripheral vision.

Shit! He had forgotten his sister was still with them!!! 😱


Levi, Noah, and Maery walked out of the projection hall in silence, each pondering their own thoughts. Yet, though neither one was on the same page, miraculously, the sour looks on their faces were nearly identical, clearly spelling out 'I deeply regret coming here'.

Why? Wasn't everything going well??

At least Levi should be happy after snuggling with his baby for so long, right?

Levi, 'This soft and juicy piece of tofu is too spicy, too addictive! Mouth can't stop eating, yet throat can't swallow… bah, this delicacy nearly choked me to death!' >︿<

Blackie, 'Captain here. 🙋‍♂️ Let me translate that Levi-speak into the common language of your people: "Ah, my baby is too seductive… almost died trying to keep it in my pants… why did I consent to visit a public cinema? If only we stayed to watch a movie at home! I could have freely eaten that tofu! I missed on eating so much tofu, ah!!"'

And this pig teammate! Why did she come along to be a light bulb?! Couldn't she have reserved an entire cinema hall for him and his baby? Or at least booked a private room?! Was this how you matchmake people?! Incompetent! So bloody incompetent!!

Alright, so after the sweetness between him and his baby was over, this horndog did a 180° turn and was feeling unsatisfied that he had to spend the whole movie stifled and unable to take some more liberties with his darling…

But what about Maery? She should have been pleased with how this played out, no?

Maery, 'Bah, the cinema is too fricking dark! Couldn't see anything! My fujoshi heart isn't satisfied! Huge waste of a ticket!' (ノ꒪Д꒪)ノ︵ ┻━┻

…alright, so, um, this fujoshi's sour mood was also understandable…

As for Noah's own mood... Of course, he was still mulling over his brother's apparent desire to take liberties with h–

Noah sighed, 'That movie was crap... no wonder the cinema was half empty…' (¬з¬)

Blackie, "…" (–_ლ)

Blackie lit a candle to himself, for he felt that for every day he spent by his new host's side, another one of his logic circuits died.

The reporters who had followed the trio into the cinema, 'You feel like your brain cells are slowly dying, but what about us?? Our entire brains seem to have short-circuited! Where are we? What are we doing?! What did we just catch on camera?!? 😱 No, better yet! Will we be silenced by Astar Levi for knowing too much?! Mommy, take us home! Don't want to be a part of this circle anymore! QAQ'

This chapter is longer than usual. I didn’t want to split it in the middle of this last scene. Due to this, maybe the next chapter will be a few hundred words shorter. We’ll see if there is a convenient place to cut it off. Heh, next chapter we’ll finally get that bride switch talk! Exciting times! o((>ω< ))o

LucyPanDoracreators' thoughts