
Soul Shard Captor [BL] [QT]

After Noah's much-awaited ascension, what greeted him was an AI system calling itself Black, offering him a job working for the World and Soul Management Bureau.  He has to transmigrate into different worlds, using an identity of some unfortunate soon-to-be-dead dude, and live out the remainder of his new life there however he wanted. Oh, and hopefully in the process of living happily ever after, he'd also get to accidentally complete some secret mission they refused to tell him about. Easy-peasy! ...Right? ...Ok, sure, there are a few small kinks here and there... like terrorist attacks, murder plots, zombie apocalypses, hostile alien invasions, and the like... but one should always look at the bright side! Noah: "...Blackie, is it just me, or is this good brother-in-law of mine looking at me like a hungry wolf seeing a juicy piece of meat?" (°△°|||) Black: "How would you know how a hungry wolf looks like? Have you ever seen one?" Noah: "What? No! But…!" ( ꒪Д꒪) Black: "Exactly. Don't worry, host. He is just a bit excited due to nearly losing his life back there. You know, adrenaline." (¬‿¬) Noah: "…are you sure that's what's really going on here?" Black: "Absolutely!" (≖‿≖) … Noah: "Blackie! Blackie! His-his-his little brother is poking me in the ass!!" QAQ Black: "What are you making such a big fuss about? It's just morning wood." Noah: "Why am I making such a big fuss?!? He just took it out of his pants!!!" щ(゚Д゚щ) Black: "So? How is he supposed to take care of it if he doesn't take it out?" Noah: "I don't know, but definitely not like this!!!" QAQ Black: "Relax! Bros often help each other out with these kinds of things." Noah: "…" … Noah: "What do you have to say now?!? It's normal for good bros to want to shove their thing up your ass?!?" (ꐦ °Д°) Black: "Yes… if they are bent… and in love with you… like this one…" Noah: "…" ಠ_ಠ Noah: "Oh god, he is putting it in!!!! Blackie! Help!!!" QAQ Black: "Don't panic. Relax and follow my instructions." (︶^︶)ノ Noah: "Ok, ok, speak! Hurry!" Black: "You've got this. Breath in, breath out. Relax your muscles…" Noah: "How is this helping??" ( ꒪Д꒪) Black: "It'll hurt less that way." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Noah: "…Whose system are you, mine or his?!?" (ノ꒪Д꒪)ノ︵ ┻━┻ -- Many, many missions later -- Noah: "This secret mission that you can't tell me about… it can't possibly be to get fucked by the the least appropriate target?!" ಠ_ಠ Black: "Of-of course not! Ho-how could that possibly be, eh?" (; ゚ 3゚ )~ ML: Right, right, that's just a very (not so) coincidental bonus. Ψ(╹ڡ╹ )Ψ Author Note: * SSC has long arcs. Each world is a fully-fledged novel on its own, which means that technically transmigrations aren't "quick". * Don't let the summary (or the cover) fool you! While SSC does have an occasional explicit smut, it is primarily a fluffy and hilarious romance! * Pairings are one-on-one and taboo-ish. (E.g. hired assassin and his target, monster tamer and his tamed beast, master and disciple, siblings, brothers-in-law, etc.) * More info in the info chapter Author website: lucypandora.com Support the author on ko-fi: ko-fi.com/lucypandora Discord: lucypandora.com/discord

LucyPanDora · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Blue. [18+]

Whenever Noah managed to gasp out some broken fragments of words such as "don–" or "not th–", Levi would ruthlessly pound his ass, making his voice break into an endless stream of whimpering ahs and eeks.

The little sounds coming out of his baby made every drop of Levi's blood boil. As if every cell in his body was programmed to respond to that mesmerizing music in the most carnal way possible.

His shaft plunged in and out over and over again. The warm and smooth flesh around him kept squeezing him dry. Its texture of fine satin drove him to the edge of ecstasy. He could feel every one of Noah's shudders spread through his shaft down to his very bones.

And each time the hard, swollen invader returned, Noah felt as if it was harder and larger than the last time. He would then reflexively clench his legs tighter, only relaxing once the object pulled out.

If Levi closed his eyes, he could pretend he was inside his baby's little ass and that it was this lovely channel that was milking him dry. Tightening and relaxing, squeezing and releasing.

Levi had previously claimed that this would be over quick, but as he started to move, he realized that what he really wanted wasn't to reach the greatest height but to linger.

Not to stop but to stay connected to his most precious person like this as long as possible.

When their skin touched, Levi's very soul felt… complete. As if only in that moment of their connection did everything become absolutely perfect.

So he sped up, and then slowed down, and then sped up again.

Building the ecstasy up layer by layer, but never letting it reach the peak.

Slowly savoring his baby's mewls that tickled both his ear and heart like a feather, making his insides itch to devour him whole.

Ambiguous noises revibrated inside the spacious bedroom – fleshy smacks, wet squelching, the rustling of bed sheets, and their ragged pants.

Yet none of the lewd noise registered in Noah's mind at all.

Inside his head, the only thing he could hear was buzzing.

Only the occasional husky groan rumbling out of Levi's throat could break through the thick fog inside his mind. Levi's moans were quiet and low, but each one sent electrifying tingles up his spine. Stimulating every already overly stimulated nerve in his body.

His entire body jerked and writhed. But the more he twisted and turned, the hazier his mind became until the violent pleasure became too much to bear.

Subconsciously he thought it shouldn't be like this! His body shouldn't feel this sensitive! His private bits should only feel the friction, so where was this intense pleasure coming from?

Why did he feel as if Levi's large hand was stroking him through his briefs? And why did his body respond in a totally different way than when he had attempted to stroke himself out of curiosity?!

Back then, it had felt a bit pleasant, but he had little interest in keeping going. Blame it on worldborn's lack of a libido.

So why? Why? Why was it so different now?! Why was he so sensitive?! At most, this should be a bit of teasing, a bit stimulating!

Why did he, who was supposed to just lie there like a corpse, feel heat pooling in his abdomen?! And tingles of pleasure crawling up his spine?!?

It was unscientific! Impossible even! A worldborn should not be feeling all these sensations and emotions!

But how could he have the time to consult Blackie when Levi kept mercilessly grinding, vigorously pounding?

Until they were both covered in sweat.

Until the previously white flesh of Noah's thighs turned enticingly pink.

Until his mewls turned hoarse.

Until his previously wiggling body could do nothing else but settle back down, succumbing to fatigue.

Noah's misty eyes stared into the ceiling. It was made out of glass, beyond which was nothing but the vibrant blue skies.

So blue.

Noah had never before seen something that blue.


Like Levi's eyes.

Subconsciously, his red-rimmed and watery eyes lowered to meet Levi's.

There was so much emotion conveyed through that blue gaze, but Noah's currently dull mind couldn't make sense of any of them.

Levi's eyes locked with his baby's teary doe-eyes with his long eyelashes wet and clumped together, looking so pitifully bullied. At that moment, Levi felt blinded, his mind and body rumbling, for the devastating image was too much for him to bear.

Before his mind could register what was happening, his hyperactive lower member squeezed between those two lovely thighs, abruptly shot its load.

Hot, milky liquid gushed out in a seemingly endless barrage, squirting his seed all over his precious darling.

As the intense shockwaves of ecstasy rippled through Levi's body, he felt as if his very soul would spurt out of him.

It was as if every drop of his blood had been replaced with liquified essence of euphoria. With every thud of his heartbeat, it overflowed, rushing through his body, drowning his every cell in pure bliss. Submerging his entire consciousness in a heavenly world of just them two.

The onslaught of maddening pleasure lasted for a long, long time.

Levi stood still, waiting for the undulating waves to pass. His deep-set eyes stared towards his precious treasure with undisguised adoration.

The white drops were especially glaring against his darling's now wet, gray briefs… and against his flaming red cheeks.

His kitten just laid there weakly. His amber eyes glazed, and his breathing heavy.

A drop of Levi's pearly white cum slid down Noah's cheek, leaving behind a glistening wet trail.

The sight was so enticing, so erotic, the little sense of reason Levi had managed to regain died in its cradle.

Levi grabbed Noah's white shirt, and with a forceful tug, pulled his unresponsive baby into his lap. He wrapped his left arm around Noah to both hold him back from running away and press him into his chest.

Then he reached out with his right hand towards his baby's face and gently slid his thumb over his cheek to wipe off the murky foam.

Noah looked up at him with a dazed look in his wide, misty eyes.

Levi stared at his plump lips, and it took every bit of his self-control to stop himself from rubbing those enticing lips with his thumb too. The thumb he had just used to wipe off his seed from his baby's cheek.

Wicked desires brewed within Levi, resulting in an intense internal struggle between helping his darling clean up and personally marking every inch of his skin with his liquids.

He wanted to pamper his baby into the heavens, but he also wanted to possess and "bully" him into hell.

Levi thought that if his darling's pink tongue came out to lick his cum off of his lips, he would die on the spot and ascend straight to heaven.

Levi stared at those red lips that have been gnashed raw as if mesmerized. It was as if they called out to him, lured him into taking a bite.

But he couldn't.

No matter how he wished he could kiss his baby senseless, he couldn't.

Kissing was an action that he wouldn't be able to explain as "brothers helping each other out".

A kiss was a confession of his feelings that he couldn't afford right now.

Not when his baby was already overwhelmed with what just happened.

Levi forced himself to look away from his darling's face. And as he turned away, his eyes fell onto his baby's wet little briefs.

Levi froze, and his eyes lit up with never-before-seen dazzling brilliance.

"Mn? What do we have here?" Levi's husky murmur filled with indescribable glee puffed into Noah's pink ear.

The shiver-inducing tone stirred Noah awake from his daze, and he reflexively followed Levi's gaze towards his own crotch.

Only for his mind to completely crash. His eyes widened into saucers, and his heart nearly jumped out of its throat. Not committing suicide earlier was a grave mistake!!!

With his entire face set ablaze, this self-proclaimed asexual little virgin stared mortified at the small bulge in his briefs.

H–h–he got a hardon!!!! 😱

Do you understand now why you had to wait for so long to get those bonus chapters? Author-sama didn’t lie to you! This author might like teasing you, but I wouldn’t cockblock you without a good reason.

The action would have really been interrupted in the middle if I had given those three chapters to you sooner!

Just like it had been interrupted now… but what can we do, ah! You guys only earned 3 bonus chapters. ╮(╯∀╰)╭

If you are angry, maul me with money and this beaten-down author will reluctantly give you the next chapter. (¬◡¬)

Otherwise, hehe, you ought to feel very thankful that many wonderful people donated Ink/ko-fi to get you guys those three bonus chapters! Cause… you know… I would have totally cockblocked you for an entire week if there were no bonus chapters in my release queue. :P

P.S. How did you like the snu-snu so far? Actually, I now realize that although I’ve written millions of words before this is my first smut scene. And now that I think about it, I haven’t read many proper smut scenes in my reading carrier either. Should I go back to study how to write proper smut? Can you guys recommend me some study materials?

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