
Soul Promise

Ken Varus and his family, from the weakest Dukedom of the Haevell Empire, were plotted by his neighboring Dukedoms, leading to his fall, but as he closed his eyes and accepted his fate, a bright light shone through his face. Ding! [Soul Promise System Activate!] Author's Notes: This is my first novel, and I began it because I wanted to write one LOL. Because English is not my first language, I apologize to any grammar police out there. Credits to the Art Owner, if you know his/her name comment down below.

TitanArum · Action
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3 Chs


"This guy stinks," an overweight man dressed elegantly said. He's conversing to a white-haired man in his late sixties.

The white-haired man then retorted, "What was your problem, I already told you I didn't have that artifact!" with a furious expression. But everyone knows it's a lie.




You may be wondering about the current situation. Duke Varus, one of the noble house leader in the Haevell Empire, has made a remarkable discovery during his exploration of an S-Ranked Dungeon. This relic holds immense significance. However, standing before Duke Varus is the Emperor of Haevell's advisor, a rather portly figure dressed in extravagant attire. Their shared objective is to obtain possession of this coveted relic, leading to a complex clash of ambitions and desires.

The situation indeed appears perplexing to many observers. Here stands the head of a once-mighty duchy, now subjected to the torment of a mere advisor. The tale of their decline is woven into the annals of history. Centuries ago, their family stood as a beacon of prestige within the empire, a source of immense pride. The name "Arthur Varus" resounded like a symphony of power, for he was not just any archmage; he was hailed as the "Demonic Ice of the West," a legend in his own right.

However, time has a way of testing even the mightiest legacies. With the passing of Arthur Varus, the family's fortunes began to wither like a fading ember. The weight of expectation rested heavily upon their shoulders, as they struggled to produce a successor capable of emulating the indomitable Archmage. Alas, the search for such prodigious talent proved elusive, and the once-proud lineage found itself adrift in a sea of uncertainty, vulnerable to the influence of the very empire it once illuminated.

"Advisor Rumfrado," Duke Varus began, frustration in his voice, "this is the last time I'll say it, but I don't possess that artifact." Rumfrado couldn't help but scoff in disbelief.

'Why does this man keep lying to my face?' Rumfrado thought, a sense of suspicion growing within him. Then, a cunning idea sparked in his mind.

"Duke Kenric Eldric Varus," Rumfrado's tone turned colder, a glint of accusation in his eyes, "are you contemplating using that artifact to resurrect your family's lost prestige?"

Tension thickened in the room as they continued their silent standoff, eyes locked in a battle of wills. Duke Kenric, his voice filled with a poignant mixture of despair and accusation, finally spoke, "Rumfrado, deep down, you must know that I can never restore my family's prestige. You, after all, played a significant role in their downfall," his gaze never wavering from Rumfrado's.

Rumfrado, though his demeanor remained unyielding, felt a pang of remorse deep within him. "I did what I believed was necessary for the stability of the empire," he retorted, his voice heavy with the burden of his past actions. "Your family's ambitions had spiraled out of control."

Kenric's eyes narrowed, his voice quivering within anger and frustration. "You're mistaken, Rumfrado. My family never harbored such ambitions. They were loyal to the empire and sought only to serve."

The weight of those words hung heavily in the room, and as they confronted the ghosts of their shared history, a chilling realization settled in — the truth of what had transpired remained shrouded in a web of deception and betrayal. Their fates were inexorably intertwined, but the path to redemption and reconciliation appeared elusive.

The air grew even heavier as Kenric's accusation hung in the room, creating an almost suffocating atmosphere. Rumfrado's steely resolve began to waver, and he felt the weight of his past actions pressing down on him.

Before Rumfrado could respond, a sudden commotion erupted outside the chamber. The sound of clashing steel and urgent voices filled the air. Startled, both men turned their attention toward the door, their confrontation momentarily forgotten.

As the door burst open, a group of armed guards rushed in, weapons drawn. Among them was Captain Elara, who looked at Kenric with sorrow in her eyes before giving a solemn nod to her fellow guards. In a swift and coordinated move, they surrounded Kenric, restraining him.

Duke Kenric, realizing the gravity of the situation, met Rumfrado's gaze one last time. "You may have ended my family's legacy," he said with a sense of resignation, "but you won't escape your own actions either." With that, he was led away, his fate sealed.

The room fell into an eerie silence, the tension that had gripped it moments ago now replaced with a haunting stillness. Rumfrado knew that the consequences of his choices would continue to shape his life, and the empire, in ways he could not yet foresee.

In the moments following Kenric's death, he found himself in a dark and enclosed space. "So this is death," he mused, an unexpected calm washing over him. There was an eerie tranquility to the darkness that quelled any sense of fear.

Then, in that silent abyss, a soft, ethereal voice seemed to resonate within his very being, whispering into his ear.

"[Soul Promise Activated!]"

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