
So charming!

“Another ruse?” Shelly shrugged.

“No, just the truth.” Vlad, replied. “I want you to reconsider what I said, and act on it.” He sharply added. And he spins the bottle again. But this time it pointed him. “So, what would you like to ask? Truth or dare?”

“I dare you to tell me the truth.” Shelly cunningly asked.

“Huh….learning to play with the words already, I like it.” He glided, closer to her. And stared in her eyes,he extended his hands forward. That was her cue, as she took it he drag her closer letting her fall into his lap. “I can see how beautiful you are, I can see thousands of quest in your heart….question about love! Expectation, care and hope.” He ran his fingers on her cheeks and to her neck…finally to her heart. Just like he did it, the first time. “I feel your concern and your fear, about life, Mi Amor. But I can tell, that I will lead you to believe, I will lead you to love….all you need is to open your heart. And I will guide you through.”