
If he stays, he loves you!

She nodded. She knew that she can’t believe what he said, because somewhere in her heart she could feel that he was lying. And he was attracted to her.

“There is an old saying…when you love someone, force him to leave and if he stays back…then he is your true love!”

Vald was reading the last page of her notebook. She really had talent-he thought, but she just needs to trust her hopes. Rose walked into the living room. “Where is she?” She asked, holding a piece of paper.

“She went at the shop.” He answered without looking at her.

“Read it.” She handed, him the piece of paper. “I found this in her drawer; I guess she wanted to give it to you.” She bitterly added, walking outside.

“My life was engulfed in darkness, no hope were left! Then, one fine day, he came, suddenly! That day it felt like, thousands of thunder calmed down. It was as if after times of patience, finally the rains of tears ceased. He snatched all my sadness, from my eyes and gave me assurance!