
Her boyfriend?

“No….your not.” Rose inhaled-exhausted. “See, that’s what she needed right now, she is trying. For god sake, stop being a big time jealousy and selfish, and let her play.”

He surprisingly found his hands, formed into a fist, hard and ready to be use. One moment they stood and the next her tended his hands forward... “Let’s dance!” He proposed.

“Let’s dance? Seriously could you not be less obvious?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about…I’m just trying to blend in!” He defended, although he knew it was enough to fool Rose.

“Yah right… and it has nothing to do, with fact that he is holding her hand and they are going on the dance floor?”

“I’m just trying to figure out what kind of guy he really is.” He added. “after all, I’m supposed to be protecting her.”