
He doesn't love me!

She unconsciously rolled on herself, somehow afraid to open her burning eyes. “Will he still be here?” She thought. She yawned lazily and slowly opened her small eyes; she winced as it hurts, when she encountered the first light of the day. A blazing sun was already up in the bluish sky. She glanced at the time. It was already half past eleven. Wow, she really slept in today.

Vlad took the plates and arranged it neatly on the table. His hairs lazily undone. The white shirt he wore was really light and comfortable. It had a deep cut on the front leaving his bare chess showing. His pants were black and loose, for the first time he was not wearing any jeans or black shirt.

“Wow…you know how I admire boys cooking.” She sat on the chair. “It really affects their sex appeal.”

“Good morning…nice to see you too, Rose!” He just answered without looking at her. He was peeling off some apples and cutting them into cubes.