
Fake love?

Shelly eyes were still closed, as she cherished and accept every gesture he made. They were still locked into each other embrace and still lost into each other gaze. All they would feel was her warmth under the bed

sheets, like she had fever. His hands still placed on her waist, he dragged her closer. “I never asked you this…how come you can eat and you have body heat just as if you are…”

“…Alive?” Vlad voice was calm. He smile like an angel-she noticed. “I asked a favor. From some friends. I needed to feel alive so that I can help you in your quest.”


“Yes...But that’s a long story. Don’t want to bother you with this.” A loud knock at the door startled her. But he seemed calmed and worried. “Anna is here. I think she wants to speak to me.” He threw his long legs out of the bed. His hairs were messy, she realizes. And he looked cuter with it. “Want some coffee?”

“I thought you were going to speak with Anna.”

“Yes, but I never said I’d be long!”