
A puzzle worth solving!

Rose looked impressed and worried. “Looks like someone finally decided to jump off the page!” She taunted. “Vlad shall we dance?” She proposed.

“Sure go ahead, I’ll just wait here. Maybe, I’ll talk with your dad.” She bitterly swallowed the wine. She walked towards Mr. Jacques and his clients. Vlad took one step toward her.

“Vlad, where are going?” Rose stood in front of him, blocking his way.

“I think I should go with her.” He said.

“What, are you crazy? She should do it on her own. She should learn how to tackle, it on her own. If you keep speaking instead of her all the time, she will never understand herself. She will never learn.” She frowned at him. She knew what she was saying was his best option and if he keeps, interfering like that, Shelly might never want to leave him.

“Maybe, you are right.”

“Anyway, have you already figured something out?” She asked. “You know about the letter?”