
Soul Mancer: Rebirth Of The God Of Souls!

A Mighty, Ancient God, The God of Souls, Deus Anima! was ambushed by Zeus the Heavenly Emperor, who seeks to kill and destroy every being who he deemed to be his rival. Left with no option and means to reincarnate, he suddenly remembered a world he save from destruction 83 years ago! Going to the world, which he placed in a special plane, in his dimension. he found out that the species of soul which he holds so dearly were on the brink of extinction. Luckily for him, those two souls meet his criteria. Now! he must begin his road to power! ... eeh! he is already powerful. Now! he must travel through planes and dimensions, hunting and killing gods while growing even more powerful. ***** Excerpt: "In Every Soul, there is a Universe!, in that universe, you are the king! and when you're a king you give your law, every being must abide by it!" "Zeus! You made a mistake by going against me, don't you know that I am the unspoken ruler of thy empire, the heavenly plane!...You need not to worry, cause I will be back, this time I will take your head, while at the same time killing all the hypocritic gods and angels" "I am the only law and king of Rebirth and Reincarnation! Do you think that I will die easily!?" A voice resounded and echoed in a dark place, the voice sounded, ethereal, divine and Mystical. But little did he know that things were not always as it seems. Follow, the Soul Mancer, God of Soul, on his lifelong mission, Slaying gods and angels on his road to power? This book is for both #haremhaters #haremlovers. It's a No harem book as this God is not a harem king that always chases after anything with skirt. Apart from MC everyone in the world has a System. #Domineering ✓Check #Overpowered ✓Check #Dark ✓Check #Characterdevelopment √Check #OP MC ✓Check #R18 ✓Check #Magic ✓Check #Reincarnation ✓✓ Double Check R18: Doesnt means sex, but if you want the sex scene, you gonna wait... Sex scenes starts 100chaps +....still NO HAREM!!! But it worth the wait. Genre: Half #Fantasy half #Magicrealism **** Alternative Name; #Rebirth of the God of Souls. #Rise of the Ancient God of Souls. #Rise of the Soul Sovereign. #Deus Anima! *** This book is entered in WSA So please do make sure to Read, Vote, Review, Recommend to a friend,

Justin_Gabventure · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Rebirth Of The God Of Souls! (1)

In a desolate place, destruction could be seen.

Houses could be seen without roofs, and the top of Skyscrapers and many modern houses could be seen cut off. It looked like a typical apocalyptic sight.

From the looks of it, a beast Sieg happened here, and it also looked like this place was destroyed and abandoned for a long time.

The air was dry and dusty and it did not look like the dust is going to clear anytime soon.

Different sounds and calls of mutant beasts could be heard, each sound indirectly showing the ferocity of the beast that made it.

From the ear-piercing howl of a mutant silver-fanged wolf to the magnifying screech of the all-seeingDiamond-Clawedd Mutant Eagle.

All of these beastly noises are enough to instill fear into a 4-star Souler.

Two silhouettes could be seen approaching, the muscular one could be seen supporting the other silhouette that looked like the silhouette of a pregnant woman, they were staggering as they walked, and their heavy breathing could also be heard.

It also looked like the muscular silhouette was having a hard time supporting the other one.

In normal situations, the muscular one supposes to abandon the other one to her fate, but for some reason, the muscular one decided against that.

Soon, they were close enough for a person to see their face clearly.

The muscular man had jet-black hair tied into a ponytail, the style of ancient cultivators.

He was wearing a Black Suit with an expensive-looking watch.

The combination was fitting. But from the view, his expensive suit seemed to have multiple cuts or tears of all kinds, under these cuts were bruises and deep gashes of knives, which were soaked with blood.

The woman wore an expensive blouse, that is stretchy enough not to stress her during her pregnancy.

She also has some minor cuts, here and there, all over her body. But injuries were not that much to cause her Overbleeding.

It was obvious that she was tired out, and is currently overstressing herself, and if this continues she might end up having a miscarriage.

But they can't stop, they need to keep going, it's a run for survival. They have to run for their life because that place is very dangerous for them

At some point they started talking, albeit, in whispers, as they did not want to draw the attention of the beast in their surroundings.

"Please try hard to continue, we are not out of the red zone yet, 4-star beast is not something that I can handle now my soul energy has reached its limit" The muscular man who seems to be her husband said, trying to urge the woman to keep going.

As he told her this, Tapped on the screen of his glass face watch, and a multicolored holographic map was shined out to the air.

At the bottom left of the map in the holographic panel was written, Lumen Empire. One noticeable feature that can be noticed from the map of that empire was that it's Circular, or should I say, spherical.

Outside the empire's map, about 1000 Meters, well according to what was written and drawn in the displayed holographic panel, there were two white blinking arrow-like dots.

The arrow-like figure in the hologram represented these two people, and the information tells them that they are currently approximately 1750 meters from the empire.

They are in an area of the map termed red zone, to signify the danger level of the place.

Five Hundred Meters from theEmpiree is the orange zone, and 250 meters away from the empire is the white zone.

The Red, Orange and white coloursignifys how dangerous a zone is; the strength and numbers of beasts in the are...

At the bottom center of the hologram was written in a bold glowing light blue letter [Map of the Great Lumen Empire]

They were currently in the red Zone and would leave it to enter the orange zone in about Sixty minutes or so if they keep walking at their normal rate.

But they seem to be slowing down because the pregnant woman is approaching her limit.

The Man continued urging her, trying to make her increase her footsteps but at some point, she stopped walking.

The Man left with no choice, decided to carry the woman in a princess style.

He was already tired, and it took him almost all of his remaining strength to lift her.

It was now he knew how heavy a pregnant woman can be.

If he was in his top health condition, carrying this woman would have been a piece of cake. But the battle which he had done some hours ago is currently taking a toll on his body. Leaving him with little to no strength to do anything else.

He carried the woman, and started running... tried to run.

But he couldn't as the 'running' did not increase his speed in any way, as he was still moving at the same speed at which he normally moves when walking. It also made him limp-walk making things even worse.

After walking for a minute, his wife started having labored breathing. And also started giving low screams in pain.

Seeing this he cursed "What the fuck! Now is not the right time!"

He knew exactly what that means, his wife is going to give birth right now!

Normally, it should have been a miscarriage but his wife is already pregnant for nine months and from calculations, She would give birth right on this day.

The day of the birth of a child is supposed to be a joyous, and good day. But all the bad luck came to him right on the day his child would be born.

At this point, he started asking himself. Would His wife survive the ongoing labor because there is a high chance that she might die because of their current circumstances?

He was even thinking of killing the child once it's born so that the 'Bad luck won't follow them to their home'

The Woman continued to scream, trying as best as she can to keep her voice low but she couldn't because each cry of pain was based on instinct.

it didn't take long for beasts in their environment to hear the scream and start heading to where the so-called noise is coming from, they licked their beastly mouth in great expectation.

They subconsciously allow saliva to drip from their tongue at the thought of a tasty meal.

Meanwhile, The Man, knowing that danger is heading his way, started running with as much strength he could muster, but yet he knew that he could not out run these beasts, at least not in his current weak condition.

So, before he knew what was happening he was surrounded by 1-star, 2-star, 3-star and 4-star beasts.

At this point, a fear of foreboding overwhelmed him, threatening his very existence.

'Is this where the life of me and my wife ends!?' The man clenched his fist tightly, while at the same time, trying to comfort his wife by gently rubbing her left hand against his right hand.


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