
Chapter 7 Xiaowu, do you still want it? (Part One)_1

Translator: 549690339

"That is to say, in the future, when obtaining soul rings, you should aim to get soul rings with abilities similar to each other. They don't need to be exactly the same, but the general direction should be alike, to avoid conflicting soul rings that may restrict your own strength."

At this point, a cold smile surfaced on Grandmaster's face, "Many people believe that Bluesilver Grass is a wasted martial soul, but after many years of my research, I've found that Bluesilver Grass has its own uses. If not for its soul power being too weak during the martial soul awakening, even becoming a battle soul master wouldn't be impossible."

Tang San nodded and said, "Teacher, as a master of martial soul research, since you have conducted such in-depth studies on Bluesilver Grass, please guide me."

Grandmaster didn't stand on ceremony, after all, in his eyes Tang San was but a child, and asking his opinion was merely a formality.

Once they started discussing martial souls, Grandmaster's mood clearly perked up, and he nodded slowly, saying, "Based on my concept and comprehensive analysis of Bluesilver Grass, I suggest that in the future you develop in the direction of the control class. Control class can be seen both as a battle soul master and as a tool soul master, falling somewhere in between."

"Control class?" Tang San asked, "Teacher, what are the capabilities of the control class?"

Grandmaster replied, "Control-class soul masters are those who use their martial souls to restrict their opponents, reaching the purpose of aiding or attacking. For example, take your Bluesilver Grass. Although it's inherently weak, it's not without advantages."

"Bluesilver Grass has advantages?" After his Bluesilver Grass martial soul awakened, Tang San had specially observed the natural state of this grass, but he had discovered nothing. It seemed to have nothing notable except a rather strong vitality, being commonly found everywhere.

Raising his right hand, Grandmaster extended a finger and said, "Firstly, the use of Bluesilver Grass consumes very little soul power, even less than that of a food-class martial soul. This means you can use it extensively with your own soul power."

Tang San nodded, what Grandmaster said was correct; the consumption of soul power by Bluesilver Grass is negligible when released in small amounts. Only when the martial soul was infused, and the Bluesilver Grass grew to a length exceeding ten meters, did he start feeling a slight burden on his soul power.

Grandmaster extended a second finger, "Secondly, Bluesilver Grass is too common, so it's more deceptive than other martial souls, especially to those common soul beasts with low intelligence. Even if you summon your martial soul near them, they might not notice it."

He held up a third finger, "Third, Bluesilver Grass offers a rich array of developmental directions; because of its low-end nature, it can be developed in multiple ways. Moreover, the inherent weakness of Bluesilver Grass means it won't reject any type of soul ring."

"Martial souls can reject soul rings?" Tang San asked in surprise.

Grandmaster continued, "Of course. If your own martial soul conflicts with the attributes of a soul ring, there will be rejection when attempting to attach it. For example, it's difficult for beast souls to accept soul rings with poisonous properties. Although martial souls are forms of energy, in a sense, they are also life forms, another manifestation of the host's life. If you forcefully attach a poison soul ring, in all likelihood, you'd poison yourself first. There are few beasts souls that can absorb toxins without transferring them to the host. But Bluesilver Grass is different; it's a plant and weak. Absorbing toxins is not an issue for it."

As he spoke, he extended a fourth finger, "There's a fourth advantage in your case, that is the innate full soul power. The main reason why there has never been a powerful Bluesilver Grass soul master in Soul Land is that after the martial soul awakening, the soul power bestowed upon the host by Bluesilver Grass is very trivial. And the innate soul power is directly proportional to the speed of cultivation. If the innate soul power is too weak, it's difficult to cultivate to a higher level, and it becomes even more difficult to hunt soul beasts in the later stages. But you're different; you have innate full soul power. Whether this soul power comes from Bluesilver Grass or your other hammer martial soul, it doesn't matter as you can use it for Bluesilver Grass. Thus, cultivating Bluesilver Grass will definitely not be a loss for you."

Impressed inwardly, Tang San praised his choice of becoming a disciple. Grandmaster truly lived up to his name. So many advantages could be identified from such a common Bluesilver Grass by his analysis. It was evident how deep his understanding of martial souls was. Those teachers who labeled such a profound martial soul researcher as merely a theoretical oddball were simply laughable.

Grandmaster's emotion was evidently agitated as he continued, "After my careful research, I've concluded that the most beneficial development for Bluesilver Grass martial soul is in the control-class direction. Grass is flexible; it can be controlled to take on any shape, the simplest being using it as a rope to bind enemies."

Tang San said, "But Bluesilver Grass is so fragile, it would snap if one struggles. How can it trap anyone?"

Grandmaster answered, "That's where the direction of development comes in. If you develop in the control-class direction, your choice of soul rings should focus on two aspects: first, tenacity. The other is poison. As soul power increases, the martial soul will grow stronger, and after you infuse more soul power into the Bluesilver Grass, it will be much more resilient than the natural Bluesilver Grass. With additional effects from soul rings in the future, trapping enemies won't be difficult. And if the Bluesilver Grass has a poisonous effect, it can naturally be used for attacks as well."

Now Tang San completely understood—restricting the enemy while bearing toxins. If Bluesilver Grass could indeed achieve that, his hidden weapons would no longer be targeting moving objects but fixed ones instead.

Of course, all of this was based on his need to first understand the relationship between soul power, soul rings, and his Mysterious Heaven Method. After all, that so-called innate full soul strength came from practicing the Mysterious Heaven Method, not from martial soul awakening.