
Soul Land: Sign-In System

Zhou Hao, transmigrated into the world of Soul Land, and obtained a sign-in system. He starts with an awakened Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear martial soul, innate full soul power, and an attached soul bone. With invincible attacks, the strongest defense, and an incredibly powerful physique, he evolves his martial soul step by step. Let's witness how he rises to prominence in the Douluo Continent, stepping towards the pinnacle of power!!! Release rate: 5-7 chs per week Original author: love to eat rice beans I do not own the cover image i found it on pintrest cover mage credit: @ainitangshrek / Soul Land Support me on ko-fi : - ko-fi.com/cardinal_sin 1 extra chapter for every donation

Cardinal_Sin · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 26: The so-called "Master"

Early in the morning, Zhou Hao dressed neatly and went out for some exercise. He greeted Tang San, who had just left not far away. The saying goes, "The morning is the best time of day." After a night of meditation and cultivation, the body needs to rest and relax, allowing the Qi and blood to circulate.

Arriving at the cafeteria, Zhou Hao and Tang San were among the first to arrive. As soon as they entered, they were greeted by a strong meaty aroma. Zhou Hao noticed that there was a new cook in charge today, a middle-aged man with a gloomy expression. Just as he was speculating, he heard Tang San's surprised voice, "Master, why are you here?"

Zhou Hao was momentarily taken aback before realizing that it was Yu Xiaogang who had arrived.

Yu Xiaogang looked up at Tang San, finally revealing a gentle smile on his face. "You never come late."

He served Tang San a large bowl of meat soup and put two steamed buns and two boiled eggs on Tang San's plate. "Didn't I say I would come? I didn't expect to surprise you so soon."

Tang San smiled and sat down. Only then did Yu Xiaogang turn his attention to Zhou Hao. Before Tang San could introduce him, Yu Xiaogang spoke, "You must be Zhou Hao! I am Tang San's teacher, and from now on, I will be your teacher as well. You can call me Master."

Zhou Hao nodded with a smile, "Hello, Master Yu!" He didn't like calling Yu Xiaogang by his first name.

Tang San, sitting across from them, was momentarily stunned, but Yu Xiaogang showed no expression. He quickly handed over breakfast, "Sit down and eat. The food you had before was too poor. It's the time to grow, and you can't be careless about your meals. Let's taste my cooking since it's our first meeting."

"Thank you!" Zhou Hao accepted the steaming breakfast. The meat inside was already stewed to tenderness, with a faint herbal fragrance. This Master's cooking skills were quite good, even though his personality was lacking.

Zhou Hao and Tang San eagerly started eating. Tang San felt that in these past few days, the best meals he had were Zhou Hao's roasted meat and now this meal from his teacher. The two of them finished quickly, feeling warm and comfortable all over, likely due to the medicinal herbs' effects.

Soon, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong also arrived. Xiao Wu looked surprised when she saw Yu Xiaogang but politely greeted him, "Master, you're here!"

Yu Xiaogang smiled and said, "Let's eat first. We'll talk during class." Although the two girls didn't have big appetites, they ate satisfyingly.

The remaining few people hadn't arrived yet. Tang San knew his teacher's temperament and quickly excused himself to call the others. With Tang San's efforts, everyone finally came and enjoyed this hearty breakfast.

From initial reluctance to utter praise, especially Ma Hongjun, who had returned last night after releasing his Evil Fire and couldn't even get up, but now he couldn't help but exclaim how delicious it was.

After nearly half an hour, the bell for class rang, and everyone quickly assembled. The sun was shining, and a warm breeze dispelled all fatigue. It was the time when everything awakened, and a new day began.

Flender stepped forward and said, "Alright, everyone is here. I have a few things to announce." He looked around with a serious gaze.

"First, let me introduce the other teachers of our academy to the five new students." He pointed to the person who was in charge of enrollment that day.

"Li Yusong, Martial Soul Dragon Pattern Staff, Soul Emperor at the sixty-third rank."

He then pointed to an older man, saying, "This is Teacher Lu Jibin, Martial Soul Star Luo Chess, Soul Emperor at the sixty-sixth rank."

"Shao Xin, Martial Soul Sweet Pea, Food System Soul Saint at the seventy-first rank!"


Zhou Hao's gaze swept over the teachers, realizing that in terms of faculty, Shrek Academy was already ahead of most other academies. However, the lack of teaching funds was a major drawback. If it weren't for recruiting talented students, the academy would have closed down long ago.

Flender introduced each teacher one by one, and then walked over to Yu Xiaogang, putting his arm around him and saying, "Lastly, I want to introduce someone to you all in detail. He is the strongest in martial soul theory and the wisest soul master, who came up with the Top Ten Martial Souls Ranking based on his research."

"He is also Tang San's teacher, Mr. Yu Xiaogang. Of course, he is also my old buddy, and we've known each other for decades. You may not be familiar with his name, but I believe you have heard of his title. From now on, you can call him Master."

Upon hearing the word "Master," everyone's spirits were lifted, especially Zhu Zhuqing, who looked hopeful. Zhou Hao smiled lightly and sneered in his heart. If it weren't for Bibi Dong, this person in front of him would be nothing but a pile of mud.

Perhaps he had made achievements in academia, but it couldn't hide the fact that he was a worthless person. Apart from his lack of strength, he didn't even dare to stand up for his own woman. He abandoned Bibi Dong and Liu Erlong for decades without daring to face them, utterly despicable.

Zhou Hao looked down on him, let alone respect him. Even if Tang San knew about his teacher's past, he should also feel dissatisfied.

Flender continued, "Starting today, Master will be fully responsible for your education, and all the teachers will cooperate. Since you've just returned and are still somewhat tired, you can have a day off. I hope you will diligently cultivate. Those who haven't reached the 30th rank need to put in more effort to catch up with others as soon as possible."

After speaking, he looked at Yu Xiaogang with inquiring eyes. Yu Xiaogang's gaze swept over everyone and said, "Alright, you can disperse now. Gather again tomorrow morning on time. Also, I don't want anyone to be absent from breakfast. Otherwise, there will be special training tasks."

Everyone dispersed with puzzled and curious expressions. It seemed that this teacher was even stricter than the Academy's dean.

Ma Hongjun stirred up again, "Dai boss, I'm going to the city. Are you coming?"

"Fatso, aren't you afraid of death? You just went there yesterday. Go back and practice properly. You're the weakest one now. Be careful, or I'll deal with you!" Dai Mubai was a bit angry.

"You really don't want those twin sisters?" Fatty continued to tease, his small eyes full of mockery.

"Get lost, get lost! Do whatever you want. Don't drag me!" Dai Mubai was really annoyed and walked away.

The three girls stared at Ma Hongjun. After so many days, they naturally knew what he was up to.

Tang San, on the other hand, stopped Ma Hongjun and said, "Wait, I'll go with you. I have something to take care of."

Ma Hongjun's eyes lit up as he secretly looked at Xiao Wu, who had a displeased expression, and said, "Xiao San, have you finally realized it?"

Tang San immediately became dumbfounded. "What are you thinking? Didn't I promise to make equipment for you guys? Of course, I have to find a blacksmith. Where else do you think I would go?"

Ning Rongrong glanced at Oscar, who pretended to be innocent and couldn't help but laugh. "You think everyone is as shameless as you."

Xiao Wu's expression improved slightly. Seeing that Tang San didn't intend to take her with him, she walked with Ning Rongrong toward the dormitory, exchanging encouraging glances.

Zhou Hao quickly caught up, "Zhuqing!"

"I'm going back to practice." Zhu Zhuqing turned around and was about to leave.


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