
Soul Land: Sign-In System

Zhou Hao, transmigrated into the world of Soul Land, and obtained a sign-in system. He starts with an awakened Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear martial soul, innate full soul power, and an attached soul bone. With invincible attacks, the strongest defense, and an incredibly powerful physique, he evolves his martial soul step by step. Let's witness how he rises to prominence in the Douluo Continent, stepping towards the pinnacle of power!!! Release rate: 5-7 chs per week Original author: love to eat rice beans I do not own the cover image i found it on pintrest cover mage credit: @ainitangshrek / Soul Land Support me on ko-fi : - ko-fi.com/cardinal_sin 1 extra chapter for every donation

Cardinal_Sin · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 19: Night Talk

Oscar was currently focused, absorbing the Spirit Ring with single-minded concentration. Zhao Wuji's gaze remained sharp, always fixed on Chao Tianxiang. Although the reputation of the Dragon Duke and Serpent Grandmother was not small, who knew if they would renege on their agreement?

Chao Tianxiang remained motionless. Although she was displeased in her heart, she silently assisted her granddaughter in healing. Zhao Wuji stared at her, and she remained vigilant, both of them tense.

After a short while, Meng Yiran suddenly coughed up a mouthful of coagulated blood, her complexion slightly improved. Chao Tianxiang withdrew her soul power and helped her granddaughter up, examining her with concern. Meng Yiran looked weak but fiercely glared at Zhou Hao in the distance and Oscar, who was absorbing the spirit ring.

She stomped her foot in frustration, unwilling to part with the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent that should have belonged to her. She pleaded, "Grandmother, you have to help me!"

Chao Tianxiang frowned. "Let's go, Yiran. We've lost, and we'll discuss everything after finding your grandfather." 

Her gaze shifted to Zhao Wujin. "Motionless Bright King, our paths may cross again in the future."

A cold light flickered in her eyes, clearly harbouring no goodwill. Meng Yiran's injuries were only temporarily suppressed by her soul power. Having mingled in the world of spirit masters for many years, she would naturally not reveal any flaws and give Zhao Wuji an opportunity to act.

It wasn't until the two disappeared into the depths of the forest that Zhao Wujin secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he had never known where the Dragon Duke was throughout the whole ordeal.

Now that the ownership of the spirit ring had been settled, even if this couple wanted to seek revenge, they would have to consider whether it was worth it.

However, after Oscar finished absorbing the spirit ring, it would be best to leave quickly. If they encountered the Dragon Duke and Serpent Grandmother again, things wouldn't be as easily handled as today.

The sky was gradually darkening, and the air was filled with the enchanting fragrance of plants. Xiao Wu blissfully narrowed her eyes, enjoying the beauty of this heavenly realm.

Zhao Wuji stood guard beside Oscar, allowing everyone to recover their soul power and planning to leave as soon as the absorption of the spirit ring was complete.

Half an hour passed, and Oscar finally slowly opened his eyes. In an instant, the pale pink aura surrounding him underwent a transformation, becoming a magnificent pink. His whole body was bathed in this radiant light.

Three spirit rings rose from beneath his feet: two yellow and one purple. The splendid and mysterious purple colour showcased the power of the 1000-year Spirit Ring. Finally, at the age of fourteen, Oscar successfully stepped into the Spirit Elder realm.

Oscar blinked his peach-blossom eyes and looked at the people around him triumphantly. 

Dai Mubai walked over, embraced Oscar with a bright smile, and said, "Congratulations! Let us see what your third spirit skill is!"

Seeing Dai Mubai's searching eyes, Oscar, who usually exuded confidence, suddenly became awkward. He couldn't help but smile wryly and said, "Let's forget about it for now. We can talk about it when we get back."

This made everyone even more curious. Ma Hongjun said irritably, "Little Ao, are you afraid that we'll make fun of you? Don't worry, we won't laugh unless we can't help it. Show us your spirit skill."

"Yeah, we all came here with you and put in a lot of effort. Don't worry we won't laugh!" Zhou Hao chimed in, adding fuel to the fire.

Oscar could only shake his head helplessly. "Okay, let's make a deal. When I recite the soul incantation, you all absolutely must not laugh."

Everyone nodded, even Zhao Wuji's face couldn't help but show a smile.

Suddenly, Oscar's third spirit ring radiated a purple light. He raised his right hand and finally gritted his teeth to recite his third soul incantation, " I, your father, have a mushroom sausage. "

Instantly, everyone burst into laughter without exception. Even Tang San, who was cultivating under a tree, couldn't help but laugh, and Zhao Wujin couldn't help but join in, a world where only Oscar was injured was achieved.

He widened his eyes and said, "Didn't we agree not to laugh?" 

The laughter from everyone grew even louder. "We generally don't laugh, unless we can't help it. Hahaha!"

Zhao Wujin was the first to stop, and Zhou Hao had also had his fill of laughter. After all, he was mentally prepared for this. "Oscar, your soul skill should be related to flying, right?"

"That's right!" Oscar raised the sausage with its umbrella-shaped mushroom head and proudly said, "My third spirit skill is: Flying! And it's at the speed of the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent, lasting for one minute."

The word "flying" abruptly silenced everyone's laughter. They all looked at Oscar in astonishment. The simple word "flying" was the dream of countless soul masters. Without a flying-type martial soul, even a Title Douluo could only sigh with regret.

Ning Rongrong finally began to take this handsome young man and his rather unique martial soul seriously from the bottom of her heart. She no longer held any pride in her heart. She knew that while she might be the darling of heaven in the sect, this place was where she could truly experience pressure and grow.

"Alright, everything is done. Get ready, everyone. We need to return to the academy immediately," Zhao Wuji said, looking at everyone with satisfaction, and announced. However, he also noticed that Tang San had been in deep meditation since his recovery and walked over to him.

Suddenly, Tang San opened his clear eyes, and a purple aura surged. "Teacher Zhao, I'm afraid we can't leave just yet."

 Tang San's smile held a hint of apology. "I also just broke through to Rank 30."

"Don't you understand what I'm saying? We have to go back now. If we delay any longer, I might not be able to protect you all. Do you think those two old guys are pushovers?" Zhao Wuji wore a displeased expression but was stunned by Tang San's next words.

"Another Spirit Elder!" The voice echoed in his mind.

Oscar dropped his mushroom sausage on the ground, Dai Mubai's pupils contracted, Xiao Wu excitedly hugged Tang San's arm, Ma Hongjun's mouth hung open, and Ning Rongrong's gentle face showed two dimples.

A twelve-year-old Spirit Elder, Tang San's talent seemed to be on par with Zhou Hao's.

The expressions of the crowd varied, but Zhou Hao and Zhu Zhuqing remained calm.

Zhao Wuji said, "It seems that we can only find a place to rest tonight and search for a suitable Spirit Ring for Xiao San tomorrow."

He led the group and walked for more than ten miles diagonally into the depths of the forest, covering their tracks before finally settling down.

Unfortunately, luck was not on their side. Oscar obtained a suitable third spirit ring on the first day, but for the following two days, they had no success. As night fell once again, everyone skillfully set up their tents, made a fire, and boiled water.

Although they hadn't found any suitable spirit beasts in the past two days, no one showed any signs of displeasure. On the contrary, the collective life fostered a stronger bond between everyone. Oscar was particularly excited, seizing every opportunity to show his attentiveness to Ning Rongrong.

For Zhou Hao, staying in the Star Dou Great Forest which is abundant in soul power was a complete enjoyment. He only wished that the Titan Giant Ape would stay away, and in a couple of days, he could find the Man-Faced Demon Spider with the Soul Bone and everything would be fine.

Zhao Wuji told everyone about his early years in the Star Dou Great Forest, where 1,000-year-old soul beasts could be found everywhere. But now, it has become desolate, with many creatures either living deep inside or having transformed into spirit rings of human beings...

Gradually, the night grew late, and Zhao Wuji urged everyone to rest and left Zhou Hao in charge of the night watch. In fact, Zhao Wuji did this to train the students. He meditated in his nearby tent, able to immediately sense any movement.

Zhou Hao was blowing the cool night breeze by himself, gazing up at the starry sky. 

The constellations shone brightly, and the moon was clear. He couldn't help but feel good. He had been in this world for nearly seven years now, and he wondered how his parents were doing and if his classmates had forgotten about him.

Lost in his thoughts, Zhou Hao's mind was once again filled with Zhu Zhuqing's face, recalling her enchanting smile from a few days ago while she rested on the tree.

He had never been in a relationship before, and he felt that he already had thick enough skin. But it seemed that something was still lacking, or maybe he was just too impatient.

Softly humming Jay Chou's "Qi Li Xiang," Zhou Hao fantasised about growing and becoming stronger together with Zhu Zhuqing, eventually ending up together.

"... Yet this moment I only want to kiss your stubborn lips

Rain falls for the whole night

My love overflows like the rain … " 

Zhou Hao sang softly, unaware that a black-clad girl had quietly appeared behind him, stealthily approaching him like a cautious cat.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't practice that night and couldn't sleep. By chance, she heard Zhou Hao humming a song. Whether it was due to her feline nature or her curiosity as a young girl, her interest was instantly piqued. She slowly approached and heard the embarrassing lyrics Zhou Hao was singing.

Zhu Zhuqing's expression turned cold, but her fair neck turned crimson, this bad guy.

Zhou Hao was immersed in his self-indulgence when he suddenly felt a chill behind him. 

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing's frosty face, Zhou Hao instantly fell silent. Oh no, the girl heard it.

"Aren't you supposed to be resting? Why are you out here? Just go back; it's enough for me to be here alone." Zhou Hao forced a smile, his tone a little unnatural.

"Didn't you promise to spar with me? I reached Rank 28 yesterday." Zhu Zhuqing's tone remained as cold as ever.

Zhou Hao inwardly smiled wryly. "She's really angry."

He looked at the girl's face, illuminated by the moonlight, her profile showing a touch of maturity that made her even more captivating.

Zhou Hao stared blankly while Zhu Zhuqing's gaze wandered aimlessly. This shameless guy! Zhu Zhuqing couldn't stand it anymore, but she couldn't find the words to reprimand him. She stepped back, as she fused with her Martial Soul, cat ears and claws appearing, her beautiful eyes fixed on Zhou Hao.

"Come on!"

Zhou Hao snapped out of his daze, seeing the determined expression on the girl's face. He knew that his words from that night had already become a promise between them, a promise to grow stronger together!


In the blink of an eye, the spar ended with Zhu Zhuqing's defeat. However, there was no trace of disappointment on her face. She calmly sat down next to Zhou Hao, a faint smile on her lips, even revealing a small dimple.

Zhou Hao's body stiffened, feeling a bit lost, while Zhu Zhuqing's heart was also in turmoil. She didn't know what she was thinking just now, and now she found herself sitting next to him.

"You... Didn't you say that if I ate the sausage, you would give me a gift?" Zhu Zhuqing finally spoke softly after a while.

It took Zhou Hao a moment to react, his throat feeling dry. He quickly took out a shiny little item from his storage space. Upon closer inspection, it was an exquisite necklace with an elegant and textured design, the material difficult to discern.

It was a reward from the system for his previous sign-in, a defensive soul tool capable of withstanding the full force of a Spirit Emperor's attack. It was crafted from rare metal and adorned with a fiery red crystal at its centre.

Girls were always drawn to beautiful things, and Zhu Zhuqing's gaze was immediately captivated. However, she felt a bit embarrassed to reach out and take it, so she lowered her head slightly.

Zhou Hao, on the other hand, was overjoyed. He felt that he had finally guessed Zhu Zhuqing's intentions correctly. Clearly, she wanted him to put it on her.

Amid Zhu Zhuqing's surprise and shyness, the necklace found its place on her snowy and delicate neck. The cold pendant settled on her chest, and Zhou Hao's hand involuntarily brushed against her silky black hair.

Zhu Zhuqing suddenly stood up, and Zhou Hao finally noticed the slight redness on her cheeks. He chuckled.

"Why are you so good to me?" The girl raised her face, her body trembling slightly, her dark and delicate eyes welling up with tears.

Her experiences since childhood and the cold environment of her family had made her somewhat sceptical of everything she had experienced since entering the academy. It all seemed somewhat unreal to her.

Zhou Hao sighed and walked over. With his current height of around 1.78 meters, his gentle palm gently caressed Zhu Zhuqing's hair. He looked at her face and smiled softly. "Because I know you love life, you are willing to do anything to become stronger and take control of your own destiny. I admire everything about you. You are strong and stubborn."

Zhou Hao paused for a moment. "But you have never felt secure. And I want to accompany you on this journey."

Summoning his courage, he held Zhu Zhuqing's jade-like hand. How could the young girl struggle free from his grasp?

"We are still young, and the road ahead is long. Let's walk it together. I will be the person who shields you from the wind and rain."

Zhou Hao turned his head and looked at Zhu Zhuqing earnestly. His eyes were bright, and in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes, his gaze seemed to penetrate into her innermost being. Even the moonlight paled in comparison.

Zhu Zhuqing suddenly broke free from Zhou Hao's grip and ran towards the tent. Zhou Hao reached out to stop her but failed to catch her. He felt a tinge of disappointment in his heart as he watched her figure. His lips moved, but he couldn't utter any words.

It was only when Zhu Zhuqing stopped at the entrance of the tent and turned around, a radiant smile on her face, as tears dripped down her chin. She had never looked so beautiful while smiling. She nodded firmly, as if her eyes were reflecting the starry sky, making a solemn promise.

Zhou Hao's heart soared from the bottom of a valley to the sky, filled with warmth. He lay on the grass, listening to the rustling sound of the wind brushing the leaves. But suddenly, he heard voices coming from the tent next to him.

"Fatty, move aside! Don't squeeze!"

"Hey, can you see? No, let me."

"Lower your voice."

"It seems like Zhu Zhuqing has already gone back."

"I told you not to squeeze me just now. Now we both can't look!"

Zhou Hao quietly listened to the banter between those two troublemakers and paid no attention to them.

Inside the tent, Tang San and Dai Mubai were earnestly cultivating, while Oscar and Fatty were bickering fiercely.

Only Dai Mubai showed a truly relieved and happy smile, I wish you to truly have your own life. We all have our own paths to walk.


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