
Soul Land: Power of Space

From the Power of Space To the Heavens in Soul Land/Doulou Dalu Lu Yuan reincarnates in the world of Soul Land/Doulou Dalu with the Ultimate Space Element as his Martial Spirit. Join his adventure as he sets his goal to become the strongest in the world. Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Land or any other works mentioned in this Fanfic. This is a translated version of the WebNovel. You can support me on Patr3on. 15+ chapters in advance. patreon.com/Chizihn

Chizihn · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 2 - Changes

Splashing cold water on his face revitalized Tang San, filling him with energy as he hadn't slept much during the night.

However, for Tang Hao, who also hadn't slept all night, this mental exhaustion didn't even bother him. Physically and mentally, Titled Douluo stood at the pinnacle of the spirit master world, they were incredibly powerful.

Shortly after, Tang San had already cooked porridge he was surprised, because his father, Tang Hao, had woken up at some point and was sitting at the table, beckoning to him.

Tang San placed the bowl he was holding down and quickly walked to Tang Hao's side. Tang Hao's heavy hand rested on Tang San's shoulder and looked at him seriously. After a long pause, he broke the silence:

"Little San, do you really want to study at the spirit master Academy and become a spirit master?"

Tang San hesitated for a moment, then nodded with determination in his eyes.

A trace of nostalgia and complexity flickered in Tang Hao's eyes. He patted Tang San's shoulder vigorously and said, "Alright, I agree to let you go."

Tang San's face lit up with joy, and he blurted out, "Really?"

"Yes..., However, you need to promise me a few requirements first"

A memory seemed to resurface, and Tang Hao's voice became solemn.

Lu Yuan had gone to the hillside early in the morning. A gentle breeze swept across the grass, unable to conceal the spatial fluctuations he sensed. He extended his distressed hand, and the lines on his palm shimmered brightly in the sunlight or it was just his imagination as the sun itself was shining brightly.

While nibbling on sour wild fruit, Lu Yuan attempted to grasp this fluctuation. Unfortunately, he didn't succeed. However, this failure allowed him to discern certain patterns. By changing his approach, abandoning capture and focusing on rebound, he noticed a different outcome.

His fingertips moved slightly. Following his intuition, he forcefully flicked one of the most noticeable wave stripes.

The total amount of spirit power in his body suddenly decreased by approximately one-tenth. Immediately, the spatial fluctuation before him reacted differently.

The fluctuating streak broke directly, forcefully altering its trajectory. In Lu Yuan's perception, it resembled a slightly shorter transparent thread. This thin, semi-arc ripple flew straight ahead and the distant boulder was defenseless and split in half.

The fracture was as smooth as a mirror and it didn't end there. Although the arc of the ripple was much smaller, it effortlessly passed through the nearby big tree. The curved arc gradually smoothed out.

Finally, the ripple autonomously straightened, blending back into the distant space. It seemed to merge with the space once again.

"Space cut." Lu Yuan proclaimed, looking at the boulder that had been sliced in half and reaching out to touch the big tree with its trunk severed.

Judging from the details, it was undoubtedly space cutting. There was no doubt about its essence. The only issue was proficiency.

The power and range of the space cutting he initially used differed greatly from the state of full proficiency. The ripples encountered no resistance as they advanced, even slicing through boulders!

The final arc of the ripple slowly disappears, this is also a normal phenomenon. After all, he only gave so much soul power. He can't expect this ripple to always fly forward tens of thousands of meters without any wear and tear.

The soul power in the body is recovering at an extremely slow speed. Of course, if one is in a meditative state, the speed of soul power recovery will be slightly faster but the most urgent task is to improve proficiency.

Only when his proficiency gets higher and higher, will he be able to contact and develop more advanced space manipulation skills, such as Space Barriers, Teleportation, Frozen Space, Flying Thunder god and Flying Thunder god Stage 2

In short, it is not difficult for someone proficient in spatial properties to create or develop some useful and impressive techniques. What's wrong with being a bit more skillful?. After all, the nature of space is unpredictable.

Lu Yuan carefully wrapped his fingers with soul power and gestured in the air.

In the village.


In a room, Tang San couldn't help but exclaim. Having agreed to his father's many conditions, Tang San thought this was the last hurdle, and the next step should be smooth sailing.

Unexpectedly, the quota is gone!. This quota was given to another innate full soul power user—Lu Yuan from the same village as him. Although they are not close friends, they are still acquainted.

"Little San, you are indeed a bit late, if it was last night."

A trace of regret flashed across Old Jack's face.

To tell the truth, if Tang San had agreed on the spot or found Lu Yuan before he agreed, the matter of who would get this admission quota would have been settled.

But now that things have reached this point, there is no room for regret even if Tang San is clever and likable.

As the village head, he can never break his word as he had made an agreement with Lu Yuan last night, and regretting it before even a day has passed. Where should he put his face?

Although he could still give Tang San the admission quota by forcibly taking it back, bullying a six-year-old orphan with his authority...

Don't say it's unreasonable, even if it's reasonable, his conscience would not allow him to do so.

Tang San stood up with a "huh".

"How could he do this! I'll go to him and make it clear!"

Old Jack subconsciously reached out his hand to stop him, but Tang San had already rushed out of the door. Old Jack felt a little tired.

Sighing, he trotted after Tang San, calling his name. As an elder, he always thinks ahead.

Two angry children encountered each other, and one of them stormed off. Maybe they might actually fight. Fighting is not a big deal. Which of the village kids hasn't fought before?, But this time, if there is no one to intervene, I'm afraid that one of these two high spirit children will end up getting hurt.

From the details, it seemed that Lu Yuan had left the house early in the morning. This made him feel very frustrated. Old Jack felt a little relieved.

Tang San didn't give up and went door to door to inquire about Lu Yuan's whereabouts. Although he never found Lu yuan, but he didn't give up and went from door to door to find out where Lu Yuan had gone.

"Are you looking for Ly Yuan? He went out early in the morning, probably to a few meters nearby hills."

"I can't say exactly which hill, but he definitely went out."

Old Jack's face fell, and he glared at the innocent middle-aged woman.As he had expected, Tang San didn't wait ran off once more.

So, when Old Jack came down the hill with Tang San, who was filled with grievance, they witnessed Lu Yuan gesturing in the air.

Tang San looked up at Lu Yuan, who was doing nothing on the hill, and a surge of anger filled his heart. It was this despicable villain who took advantage of his vulnerability and snatched his admission quota! He had mistakenly thought the other person was his good friend and never expected him to stoop so low and take advantage of the situation!

Expressionless, Tang San walked up to Lu Yuan, a cold glint in his eyes. He clenched his teeth and managed to say:

"Are you proud?"


Also checkout the first chapter for my next translation.

Naruto: Escape from konoha

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