
Soul Land: Power of Space

From the Power of Space To the Heavens in Soul Land/Doulou Dalu Lu Yuan reincarnates in the world of Soul Land/Doulou Dalu with the Ultimate Space Element as his Martial Spirit. Join his adventure as he sets his goal to become the strongest in the world. Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Land or any other works mentioned in this Fanfic. This is a translated version of the WebNovel. You can support me on Patr3on. 15+ chapters in advance. patreon.com/Chizihn

Chizihn · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

83. An Unexpected Package

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In the serene sunset forest, a handsome young man leaned against a tree trunk, panting slightly. It appeared that he had just finished a strenuous exercise, as his face had a slight paleness.

After a while, Lu Yuan extended his hand, retrieved a water bottle from a small dimension, took a sip, and moistened his dry throat.

There wasn't much soul power remaining in his body. While it hadn't reached rock bottom, the situation wasn't much better. Especially during the third step, the sudden devouring power nearly depleted his remaining soul power completely.

Who knows why so much soul power is required the first time after successful integration! Luckily, the source wasn't harmed.

Deficit isn't the same as overdrafting. Overdrawing soul power can easily damage the root cause. When you overdraft your soul power, it means you've exhausted all your original soul power without leaving even a trace.

However, lacking soul power means that the original soul power in the body is nearly depleted, and it might even hit rock bottom. Compared to the full state of soul power, the missing part is considered a deficit.

Therefore, there's a difference between a severe deficit and a slight deficit.

Even though there's an old saying about borrowing and repaying, implying that borrowing again isn't difficult, soul power, even if returned on time, causes damage to the source!

His body was finally reshaped, and then he played with the dangerous technique of overdrawing his soul power to accelerate his growth. He simply didn't value his own life!

The land in front of him was flat. It seemed to have remained that way since ancient times, without any trace of the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye's existence.

Eight silver Taixu short spears flew out one after another from behind, forming a long spear in mid-air. Lu Yuan immediately grasped it in his hand.

The eight small holes on the back of the spears slowly closed, and they returned to their previous state.

Leaning against the tree trunk with his gun slanted sideways, Lu Yuan gazed silently at the distant red clouds in the sky.

The sun began to set. Based on this, one could tell that evening was approaching.

From the day he entered the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye, to the subsequent body transformation bestowed by the Ice and Fire Dragon King, and finally to the transfer of the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye, Lu Yuan didn't know how much time had passed. He estimated conservatively that it had been a week. After all, from the moment he regained consciousness, it took around five days to transfer the Ice and Fire Yinshu. Taking into account the day he entered the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye and the picturesque scene of the current sunset, seven days was a conservative estimate.

Actually, it was indeed a conservative estimate. More than twenty-three days had passed since the day Lu Yuan discovered the Binghuo Liangyi Eye. After tonight, it would be a complete twenty-four days. Fortunately, his current body could withstand fasting, so he didn't have to worry about eating.

As Lu Yuan gazed into the distance, he slowly returned to his senses after the dispersal of the red clouds and the arrival of night. Only by awakening from hatred could he discover the beauty of this world.

Looking back at his six years in the Star Forest, Lu Yuan couldn't help but feel like a fool during that time. It was foolish not to appreciate the magnificence of nature in this unpolluted world.

Revenge, revenge—it was merely an erroneous idea born out of a frightened heart after experiencing a severe shock. By setting revenge as his goal, his actions were undeniably misguided. Fortunately, someone woke him up just in time. Fortunately, a beast woke him up.

Phew! That didn't sound accurate at all!

It should be said: Fortunately, he returned to his familiar bedroom, even if it was for a short and false time, but it did wake him up in time and prevent him from straying further down the wrong path!

After gently tapping the Taixu bone gun, Lu Yuan sat down cross-legged, calmed himself, closed his eyes, and meditated.

In the forest, the night was always more dangerous than the day, as it was the time when most soul beasts hunted. A pair of scarlet animal pupils appeared in the dark grass not far away, greedily staring at the human in front of them. Just as their intentions began to form, they were frozen forever in that moment!

The silent death of one soul beast didn't deter the others. Faced with a fresh and vulnerable human soul master, most soul beasts under ten thousand years old couldn't resist the inner impulse. After all, their sanity wasn't that high. Thus, as silver lights continued to flash across the space, they all followed in the footsteps of the first soul beast.

Finally, the dark night dissipated. A ray of morning light emerged, penetrated through the curtain, and sprinkled upon the sunset forest. The dappled light and shadows illuminated the boy's handsome face, adding an unexpected sense of depth.

Exhaling deeply, Lu Yuan opened his eyes and instinctively narrowed them. The morning light felt a bit harsh, but he didn't mind; in fact, he even liked it a little.

"People's minds truly change," he chuckled to himself, and the corners of Lu Yuan's mouth twitched slightly. Clearly, he was in a good mood because he had never made such a meaningless joke before.

With a light wave, the eight Taixu short spears flew back from different directions. Lu Yuan reached out to grab one, flipped his wrist lightly, and spun it, instantly transforming it into a long Taixu bone gun.

He ceased the spinning motion, similar to a fan, and retrieved a shoulder bag from the small dimension. He hung the bone gun on his shoulder with the gun's head facing up and the tail facing down. Then he placed the shoulder bag on the head of the gun, creating an odd, freshly-baked look.

Squinting his eyes slightly, Lu Yuan deliberately paused for a moment. He weighed the Taixu bone gun twice, hummed softly, and swaggered off into the distance.

"As you bear the burden, I shall lead."

His figure moved farther away, and his voice gradually faded.

Awakening from her dream, Xiao Wu clutched her suddenly burning abdomen and instinctively curled up in pain.

She didn't know what was wrong, but there was a high probability that the demon was tormenting her.

Sure enough, not long after, three jade boxes appeared out of thin air beneath her quilt.

Throwing the three jade boxes out of the quilt with a blank face, Xiao Wu looked at the note attached to them and gritted her teeth in anger and helplessness.

What did this jerk think of her?

Even if he treated her as a mailbox, he shouldn't just throw three jade boxes at her like that!

Well, that's not entirely accurate.

After all, the demon left notes on the three boxes.

"Let me see what's written!" Xiao Wu muttered to herself, rubbing her hands. Her hair was disheveled, and she hadn't washed her face yet. She placed the three jade boxes on the table with a determined smile and turned them over to carefully read the words written on them.

She had already decided that to get back at the demon for throwing things around, she would mix up the contents of the three boxes and send them to the recipients whose names were written on them.

Who did this demon think he was fooling? She wasn't so naive as to believe him!

However, soon, she blushed and secretly tucked one of the jade boxes into her quilt. Then, as if feeling unsure, she cautiously took it out, looked at the crooked handwriting on it, and couldn't help but smile. She then removed the label, neatly folded it, and put it in her pocket.

This demon... doesn't seem like a bad person. But why?

Shaking her head subconsciously, Xiao Wu dismissed the doubts that shouldn't have arisen in the first place.

There's no need to question it!

It must be that the other party has some kind of mental problem or occasionally shows kindness and wants to win her over!

She won't be fooled!

At most, she didn't know what was going through the demon's head, but anyway, a blush appeared on Xiao Wu's cheeks.

"Little girl is daydreaming about romance~"

A sudden voice startled Xiao Wu, who was lost in thought. When she turned back, she saw Ning Rongrong, who had just finished washing up.

She let out a relieved breath and playfully pounced on her.

"You little brat! How dare you make fun of your little sister Wu! See if I don't teach you a lesson today."

"Bring it on! Last time, I didn't even know who it was, and I was rolling on the floor laughing."

"If Zhuqing hadn't helped you last time, you wouldn't have scratched me at all!"

"Then you can ask Zhu for help too. Hey! Don't do it! I was wrong. I was wrong, okay!"

Seeing Ning Rongrong surrender within seconds, Xiao Wu withdrew her hand resentfully.

To be honest, she felt exasperated whenever this was brought up.

Every tickling session turned into a two-against-one situation.

They were all sisters living under the same roof. Couldn't they show a little respect for martial arts?

Glancing at the two remaining jade boxes on the table, Xiao Wu didn't have the heart to continue teasing Ning Rongrong. She kept her own jade box, picked up the other two, and hurriedly left the room.

A hint of doubt flashed in Ning Rongrong's eyes as she approached Xiao Wu's desk. She sniffed lightly and glanced at the disheveled bedding. Although there was no unusual smell, her intuition told her that something big must have happened!

You want to hide it from me?

A cunning expression crossed the agile girl's eyes. She didn't search or wait, but quietly followed, wanting to see what secrets Xiao Wu was hiding.


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