
Soul Land: Legend of Saint Seiya

After waking up from a hangover, Xiao Yu found himself unexpectedly transported to the Douluo Continent. Luckily, he had the standard-issue golden finger for transmigration, which turned out to be a system that could summon Saints of the Saint Seiya. Thus, the Douluo Continent witnessed unique confrontations: When the Galactic Explosion clashed with the Angelic Holy Sword, When the Pluto Sword clashed with the Asura Demon Sword, When the Five Small Forces faced off against the Shrek Seven Monsters team, In these intense battles, who would emerge victorious? In the Douluo Continent, who could aspire to the peak?

The_Grand_Warden · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 7: Enrollment in the Junior Soul Master Academy

Chapter 7: Enrollment in the Junior Soul Master Academy

After stabilizing his soul power at the temporary residence for some time, Xiao Yu calculated that the enrollment period for the academy was approaching.

Under Milo's guidance, Xiao Yu quickly arrived at the Kaiser Province, heading straight to their destination, the Mingjing Soul Master Academy.

As for the recently summoned Hui Huo, in the Douluo Continent, especially in the early stages, a Soul Douluo was enough to attract a lot of attention.

So Xiao Yu had him hide in the shadows, while Milo, a Soul Grandmaster, was enough to be presented openly.

The cultivation of a Soul Grandmaster was enough to deter some ignorant petty individuals but not enough to attract the attention of major forces. Looking at the original Shrek Academy, people like Grandmaster, Flender, and the others were free Soul Masters, and Zhao Wuji was even a wanted criminal of the Spirit Hall.

Yet, there was no advertisement against them or any attempts to eliminate them from the Spirit Hall, indicating that free Soul Masters of the Soul Saint level were within their acceptable range and not worth their investment or elimination.


It was the time for enrollment when Xiao Yu arrived at the entrance of the Soul Master Academy. The registration booth had already formed a long line. Xiao Yu roughly estimated that there were probably over a hundred people.

Indeed, being able to rank into the Purple Grade Soul Master Academy, with a Soul King presiding over it, might not be much to higher-level powers, but it was definitely an existence to be looked up to by commoners.

The line moved slowly. Some people left with disappointment accompanied by their parents, while others, along with their parents, were led into the academy.

"Register and fill out your basic information."

It took nearly half an hour before it was finally Xiao Yu's turn. The teacher in charge of registration mechanically took a registration form, tapped the table, and said, "Answer truthfully, don't make false claims."

Although the registration teacher said so, Xiao Yu still played a trick. Although he had just turned six, he changed it on the registration form to seven, and he adjusted his innate soul power level to level seven.

Xiao Yu wasn't worried about being discovered. In the academy's perception, making false claims should be about exaggerating one's talents, not understating them like he did.

Although Xiao Yu had understated his abilities, this information still made the registration teacher brighten up. He looked at Xiao Yu up and down, scrutinizing him for a moment, before speaking, "Young man, let me remind you, the information here must be filled in truthfully. Don't boast just for the sake of saving face. You can still change it now."

Xiao Yu smiled faintly and said, "Teacher, I can guarantee that there is absolutely no exaggeration in my self-assessment (it's true). I can accept any test."

The teacher nodded at the words, "Alright, then release your martial soul!"


Xiao Yu nodded politely and immediately activated his soul power, with the spirit of the Underworld Apostle manifesting, a yellow hundred-year soul ring swirling above him.

"This martial soul..."

The teacher couldn't help but stand up. At the moment when Xiao Yu's martial soul manifested, he distinctly felt the ripple coming from his own martial soul. It was a feeling of fear.

As a Soul Grandmaster of over level thirty, he was actually influenced by a Soul Master who was over twenty levels lower than him. It could only mean that this child's martial soul far surpassed his own in quality.

"Good, retract your martial soul."

The teacher quickly waved his hand, and Xiao Yu promptly retracted his martial soul. Now determined to keep a low profile, he didn't want too many people to see his martial soul.

"Follow me!"

The teacher beckoned his assistant to take over and personally led Xiao Yu towards the academy, while Milo followed behind at an unhurried pace.

Before long, the teacher led them to the teaching building at the center of the academy and arranged an empty meeting room.

"Xiao Yu, along with Xiao Yu's parents, please wait here for a moment. I need to discuss Xiao Yu's enrollment class arrangement with the dean."


Xiao Yu replied, and Milo nodded slightly beside him.

The teacher left the meeting room and immediately headed to the principal's office to explain the situation to the principal of the Mingjing Academy.

"Innate soul power level seven, seven years old, level thirteen, the first soul ring is a hundred-year soul ring, preliminary assessment of martial soul is top-tier."

The principal of the Mingjing Academy, named Gao Huan, was a fifty-sixth level Soul King. After hearing the report from the registration teacher, he was also surprised.

"Yes, Principal."

The teacher nodded and said, "Therefore, Principal, I suggest that this child be directly admitted to the Elite Class Two for study. Although this deviates from the rules somewhat, I believe this child's talent deserves an exception."

Unlike the Nuoding Academy, the teaching quality of the Mingjing Academy was higher, and correspondingly, the requirements for students were also higher.

Before Tang San and Xiao Wu enrolled, Xiao Chenyu, who had a ten-year soul ring, was already one of the top powerhouses in the academy, but in the Mingjing Academy, this was clearly not enough qualification.

In addition to regular teaching in ordinary classes, the Mingjing Academy also established two elite classes, Elite Class One and Elite Class Two.

The condition for entering Elite Class Two was to study in the academy for one year and break through level ten in soul power. Elite Class One required the soul power to break through level twenty.

In fact, the students in Elite Class One had already met the graduation requirements. Some of them were the children of the academy's senior officials, purely to support the prestige of the academy.

Others were not yet of age and wanted to stay in the junior academy to further improve their soul power levels so that they could obtain a higher status when entering the intermediate and advanced Soul Master academies in the future.

In the principal's office, besides the principal, there were also the vice principal, Yao Liang, and the head teacher, Gao Jue, both Soul Masters above level forty-five.

"I agree with Teacher Chen's suggestion."

Head teacher Gao Jue immediately stated, "This child's talent is enough to make an exception for the school."

"I disagree."

Vice principal Yao Liang shook his head and said loudly, "The academy has its rules. Without rules, there would be no order. No one can become an exception!"

Although Yao Liang's words seemed righteous on the surface, he also had his own thoughts. His grandson was currently studying in Elite Class Two.

One less person admitted to the elite class meant fewer resources allocated to his grandson. Moreover, this child's talent surpassed that of his grandson. Who knows, the resources allocated by the academy in the future might lean towards this child.

If this child stayed in the regular class for one year, the teaching resources of the regular class would certainly not be comparable to those of the elite class.

In a year's time, maybe his grandson could widen the gap between them. Even if this child entered the elite class, he wouldn't threaten his grandson's position.

Head teacher Gao Jue understood Yao Liang's thoughts very well, disdainful of Yao Liang's scheming while remaining firm in his own stance, engaging in a heated argument with Yao Liang.

(End of this chapter)

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