
The Dragon Clan's Power Saber ferociously chopped onto the Darkness Bell. The saber bounced away but the dark green Darkness Bell surprisingly turned nine-colored in a split second. An obvious crack had even appeared on the surface while a nine-colored radiance rapidly spreading outward shimmered on the surface of the crack.

Darkness Bell screamed out in agony. She could no longer care about Darkness Phoenix anymore. The bell shrank abruptly before transforming into a dark green radiance. It fled toward the depth of darkness with a 'whoosh'.

Tang Wulin held Dragon Clan's power saber in his hands as his nine-colored silhouette gracefully landed on the ground. He coughed as he spat out a mouthful of fresh blood.

Radiance flashed once as the power saber transformed back into the Gale Saber Demon Sima Jinchi. He grabbed Tang Wulin to support him. "Young master, are you injured?"