
Soul Land: Grasping The Sky

To put it short, a guy Reincarnated in Douluo Dalu in the Era of Tang San, with a few perks. The updates will be random as I am also busy and this is just a hobby. The story is also slow pace. It's a harem probably 3, 4 or 5 that's it. I am not chinese if somebody ask and this is not a translation I am just using A.I to improve the grammar. Also don't put too much hope on this fic. I mostly finished Soul Land 1, I barely read Soul Land 2 it feels like it was just trying to gain sympathy points so I stop, Soul land 3 barely read a couple of chapters of manwa it's too depressing when I spoiled it's ending, Soul Land 4 feels too complicated, Then there is Soul land 5 where it felt like the story just started again, when I first saw it I thought it was a fanfiction. That's probably all. I don't own anything besides my oc's and some other things.

Ayries_Jesea · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Chapter 38

As the first blush of dawn painted the horizon, Cai Wen found himself roused from his sleep by the radiant beams of light pouring through the towering, ornate windows that adorned his grand chamber in the Supreme Pontiff Palace.

His living quarters stood as a testament to wealth and grandiosity, boasting a lavishly adorned bed, meticulous carvings, and plush, refined decor. Yet, in spite of the luxury that surrounded him, his mind was solely fixated on the forthcoming day.

Following a routine morning regimen, Cai Wen prepared himself for the day's challenges, indulging in a soothing hot bath. The comforting warmth of the water served to rejuvenate his senses, washing away any lingering traces of drowsiness and invigorating him for the day.

After his bath, he chose his customary attire - a simplistic ensemble of black garments, subtly accentuated by golden trimming. The outfit, albeit unassuming, had over time become his preferred choice.

Feeling prepared and poised, he left his room, a sense of determination radiating from him. His intended destination was no other than Hu Liena's quarters. Upon reaching her door, he knocked softly, announcing his presence.

A muffled, drowsy voice echoed from within, indicating that she was still in the clutches of sleep.

When she eventually opened the door, she presented a slightly disordered appearance, her hair tousled and her eyes heavy with sleep. However, the sight of Cai Wen seemed to instantly rouse her from her slumber. She blushed, acutely aware that her disheveled state was in stark contrast with Cai Wen's immaculate attire.

"Why are you here so early, Cai Wen?" she inquired, her voice tinged with embarrassment.

He responded with a tranquil smile, stating simply, "We're in the same class now."

His words resonated in the silence that enveloped them, causing Hu Liena to blink in surprise.

"What?" She ask in confusion.

"Were in the same class now" Cai Wen repeated. " I ask Mr. Guo Qiang to let me skip a grade and he agreed, so please take care of even on school, Sister Nana"


A whirlwind of emotions danced across her face - joy, surprise, and a touch of disappointment. She was evidently grappling with the reality of their new shared status. Her position as the senior sister was steadily growing less significant with each passing day.

"Why must you grow up so quickly?" She mumbled, her tone laced with regret. She lamented that she hadn't been able to savor her privileges as a senior sister for a bit longer.

Watching her internal struggle, Cai Wen couldn't help but chuckle. "No matter what happens, you'll always be my senior sister, big sister Nana," he reassured her.

His words seemed to assuage her concerns, causing her to blush and break into a contented smile.

"Oh you, junior brother, you always know what to say to make me happy," she teased, lightly tousling his hair. Despite his increasing height with age, he still remained shorter than her. He didn't resist her playful gesture, not minding the affectionate touch.

"Anyway, give me a few minutes to freshen up," Hu Liena requested before retreating into her room, her spirits noticeably lifted.

After approximately thirty minutes, she emerged from her room, looking markedly more composed and presentable. Her hair was neatly styled, and her attire was pristine and meticulously arranged. Having transformed herself, the pair exited the Supreme Pontiff Palace and embarked on their journey towards the Spirit Hall Academy.

As they ambled along in unison, Hu Liena took the assertive role, guiding Cai Wen towards a room set aside specifically for their class's use.

Upon their arrival, Hu Liena, once more in command, gently pushed open the door. Cai Wen was greeted by a scene of nine children, their ages spanning from 11 to 14. Among them were Yan and Xie Yue, who appeared to have been immersed in a spirited conversation prior to their arrival.

All eyes immediately shifted towards the newcomers, and every single gaze recognized Cai Wen. There was an amalgamation of shock and awe in their eyes. This reaction was only natural considering that Cai Wen had effortlessly defeated one of their classmates, a burgeoning star, in combat.

This wasn't an a single incident. Yan, in fact, had challenged Cai Wen on numerous occasions over the past year, only to face defeat each time.

"Nana, Cai Wen, over here!" Yan called out to them in a jovial tone, waving his hand.

Cai Wen and Hu Liena commenced their walk in Yan's direction. As he reached Yan, Cai Wen greeted him with a friendly fist bump.

"Good to see you, Yan. And hello to you too, Xie Yue," Cai Wen extended his greetings to Xie Yue, who reciprocated with a nod and a warm smile.

The friendship that had blossomed between Cai Wen and Yan might have seemed unexpected to some. Over the course of the past year, despite his numerous unsuccessful attempts to regain his lost honor from Cai Wen, Yan harbored no resentment. Instead, he attributed his losses to his own weaknesses and committed himself to more rigorous training.

Cai Wen admired Yan's unyielding attitude towards defeat. To him, Yan was akin to those fervent anime protagonists, like Natsu, but with more intelligence and without the clichéd proclamations about friendship. Their bond was a testament to the belief that most boys form friendships after a good battle.

The conversation among Cai Wen, Hu Liena, Xie Yue, and Yan flowed smoothly. Over time, Yan's feelings for Hu Liena had mellowed. Despite his enduring crush on her, he was considering letting go, as he had never noticed her treating him the same way she interacted with Cai Wen. Indeed, she appeared to be more amiable to Cai Wen than to her own brother.

Meanwhile, the other students observed their interactions and started whispering amongst themselves.

"Hey, the strongest here are Xie Yue and Yan, right? They are equally powerful, but Yan never wins a fight against Cai Wen, so doesn't that make Cai Wen the strongest?" one of the boys queried.

The others nodded thoughtfully in response, their conversation continuing until it was abruptly interrupted a few minutes later.

An unanticipated wave of pressure suddenly flooded the room. At first, the sensation was subtle, but it gradually intensified with each passing minute, causing a tangible shift in the room's atmosphere.

Cai Wen, along with the other students, could feel this pressure building within them, the sensation growing increasingly potent.

"What on earth is this?" Cai Wen pondered within the confines of his mind. His eyes darted about the room, frantically scanning the surroundings before shifting his gaze towards the window, in search of the origin of the disruption. Eventually, his eyes settled on a familiar figure—Ghost Douluo. The man was subtly radiating an aura charged with the force of his spiritual cultivation.

"Could this be some sort of test?" Cai Wen speculated internally, feeling the pressure within him steadily climbing.

The escalating pressure prompted most of the students to summon their Martial Spirits, utilizing their spirit power as a shield against the mounting force. However, Cai Wen and his companions, known as the future golden generation, held back their power, having yet to encounter their own limitations.

The pressure refused to diminish; instead, it sustained relentlessly until one student, teetering on the brink of collapse, finally succumbed. It was only then that the oppressive pressure ceased.

With the cessation of the pressure, the students found the opportunity to relax. Drained from the ordeal, most of them slumped in exhaustion, attempting to regain their strength and recover.

Before long, the sound of footsteps echoed ominously from beyond the door.

"I am disappointed," Ghost Douluo's voice resonated powerfully as he swung open the door. "Most of you were unable to withstand a pressure barely reaching the 27th level of cultivation, and the majority needed to summon their martial spirit for support. There are some exceptions, but overall, my satisfaction is far from being achieved."

He paused momentarily for dramatic effect before continuing, "In accordance with the directive of the Supreme Pontiff, I will personally oversee your training. I will not cease until I am confident that you've made significant strides in your cultivation, enough to present you to her with pride."

Ghost Douluo's words lingered heavily in the air, an ominous proclamation foreshadowing the intense training that lay ahead.