
Soul Land: Grasping The Sky

To put it short, a guy Reincarnated in Douluo Dalu in the Era of Tang San, with a few perks. The updates will be random as I am also busy and this is just a hobby. The story is also slow pace. It's a harem probably 3, 4 or 5 that's it. I am not chinese if somebody ask and this is not a translation I am just using A.I to improve the grammar. Also don't put too much hope on this fic. I mostly finished Soul Land 1, I barely read Soul Land 2 it feels like it was just trying to gain sympathy points so I stop, Soul land 3 barely read a couple of chapters of manwa it's too depressing when I spoiled it's ending, Soul Land 4 feels too complicated, Then there is Soul land 5 where it felt like the story just started again, when I first saw it I thought it was a fanfiction. That's probably all. I don't own anything besides my oc's and some other things.

Ayries_Jesea · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Chapter 18

Three days have passed since he joined Spirit Hall Academy.

During these past three days, he always participated in morning classes that lasted until midday. He also got acquainted with most of his classmates. He didn't actively try to befriend them, but he made an effort to maintain a close enough relationship with them.

It was easy since most of them were just kids aged 6-10. Among them, he had the highest spirit level, with a spirit rank of 15. Most of them were at level 11 or above, and the oldest among them, a 10-year-old boy, had a rank of 15 as well.

Because they were kids, he easily grew closer to them and even gained the position of an elder brother in the classroom due to his maturity.

Over the past three days, they were taught the following subjects:

1. Spirit Master Fundamentals: This course covered the basics of cultivation, including the understanding of spirit rings, spirit levels, and the ethics that a spirit master should follow.

2. Spirit Beasts: Students studied the characteristics and behaviors of spirit beasts.

3. Spirit Hall History and Ethics: This subject provided a comprehensive understanding of the history, traditions, and ethics of Spirit Hall. Students learned about the founding principles and significant events that Spirit Hall encountered.

Cai Wen found these subjects very interesting, although he knew that it wasn't enough to take everything at face value. He understood that there was much more to this world than what the books explained.

While studying, he also discovered that Spirit Hall acted as a kind of police force, capturing evil spirit masters and imprisoning them around the continent. The lost of the Spirit Hall might have been one of the reasons of the increase of Evil Spirit Master in the Soul Land 2.

There were many other interesting things he learned, but that was all for now.

The bell rang, signifying the end of class. The teacher, a 35-year-old man with a spirit rank of 69, just one level below becoming a spirit sage, gave them a few instructions before letting them leave.

Cai Wen stood up, gathered his belongings, and prepared to leave.

"Brother Cai Wen, do you want to join us? We are planning to play," one of the kids in the class came over to him and asked.

"Nah, I already have some plans, and honestly, I prefer to train and cultivate," Cai Wen said, trying not to sound rude.

"As expected from you, Brother Cai. No wonder you are stronger than Li Huo," the kid said in an admiring tone. Li Huo, the oldest kid in class, was typically a bully.

When Cai Wen had entered the room three days ago, he became popular in the class due to his appearance. Li Huo, feeling jealous, tried to bully him using his age and his spirit rank.

Li Huo tried to punch him, but as a responsible adult trapped in a kid's body, Cai Wen decided that fighting a kid was immature, so he chose to dodge. Li Huo didn't like it and continued to attack, but Cai Wen effortlessly dodged every strike with minimal movement.

Cai Wen found Li Huo to be very slow, much slower compared to the spirit beast he had fought before. To make matters worse, his six eyes were growing stronger again after gaining a spirit ring.

After a relentless attack that yielded no success, the kid became exhausted and fell to the ground. Li Huo tried to taunt him, questioning why he had only been dodging, but Cai Wen responded maturely.

After a few more conversations and helping Li Huo to his feet, Cai Wen earned the admiration of the class. Everyone, including Li Huo, who was four years older than him, treated him like a big brother. Li Huo felt ashamed of his behaviour..

After bidding farewell to his classmates, Cai Wen left the classroom and headed in a specific direction. He wasn't lying when he said he had plans.

His plan was to visit the academy's library, which was rumoured to house the most books and knowledge in the world.

As he made his way toward the library, he felt anticipation building in his heart. Cai Wen understood that knowledge was power, and in a world where power was everything, knowledge was a valuable asset.

The library of Spirit Hall Academy was an imposing structure—an 5-story building with an architectural design reminiscent of ancient Chinese temples, infused with a touch of modernity. Pushing open the heavy wooden doors, he was greeted by a musty yet pleasant smell. It was the scent of old paper, ink, and wood—the fragrance of knowledge.

Behind a large oak desk, the librarian, an elderly woman with a sweet smile, welcomed him. She, too, was a spirit sage, though her gentle demeanor concealed the power she possessed.

"May I be of assistance?" she asked, her voice as warm as her smile.

"I was hoping to find books about..." Cai Wen began.

The librarian's eyes widened at the number of books he requested, but she nodded. "You have a thirst for knowledge, young man. Follow me, and I'll show you where you can find the books you need."

She guided him through various sections of the library, pointing out where he could find the books he had asked for. The library was divided into different zones, each dedicated to specific categories of knowledge. Countless rows of bookshelves stretched out, filled with books of all sizes and shapes.

Cai Wen expressed his gratitude to the librarian and settled at an empty table to read. The number of books he had acquired was so substantial that, if stacked together, they would be half his height.

He spent hours engrossed in his reading, delving into topics such as spirit beasts and their attributes, the different systems of spirit masters, the history of the Douluo continent, and its geography.

He paid particular attention to the books about spirit bones, understanding their significance in a spirit master's growth.

Thanks to the Resonance Heart Technique and Six Eyes, both of which enhanced his memory, he now possessed a perfect memory and flawless recall. This made learning much easier for him. If it weren't for these, he would have already left, as he had no desire to waste time on studying.

Cai Wen was completely absorbed in his reading, oblivious to the passing time. It was only when the librarian kindly reminded him that the library was closing that he realized how late it had become.

"Thank you," he expressed to the librarian as he departed from the library. His mind brimmed with newfound knowledge, that he could effortlessly recall it whenever he wished. He had a firm intention to read all the books in the library in the near future.