
Star dou forest

When the pressure was released from both of them they realized that the other side didn't have the intention to kill them. This game them some time to catch their breath

The woman realizes that the man in front of her is a spirit beast.

"We didn't realize that this was your territory great spirit beast we apologize, I am also a spirit beast and currently pursued by humans. We hope that the great spirit beast will let us go through your territory" the woman bowed while showing her red spirit ring. She knew that old spirit beasts hate humans. If she can direct his anger toward her pursues that will help them a lot. When she looked at the man he wasn't angry but he was just staring at the two.

"I don't like to meddle in other people's affairs but I have questions if you answer them I will let you two go," Said Anza while looking at them

"alight, I hope the great spirit beast will keep his promise," said the man

"Follow me" Anza saw that the woman has 2 different spiritual energy which meant she is pregnant so he wanted to have a conversation where they can have a comfortable conversation

The man and the woman followed. In some open spaces, Anza waved his hand and the number of tries fell. Then the woods started gathering and overlapped one another making a small house.

Although the way he used spiritual power and made a house with it was unique. But it didn't surprise the two, they were tired from all the journey that they couldn't be bothered.

Inside the wooden house, the was a seat and table.

"sit" Anza told them. After they were seated he started questioning them a lot the man begged to let the woman have rest while he will answer the questions and Anza nodded his head. Anza and the man had a conversation till morning and the man had a red eye tired from constant questions about the simple stuff and common knowledge. He wanted to get angry but he couldn't, knowing the other side's strength and he didn't want to wake up his wife.

From the conversation, Anza learned that the man's name is Tang Hao and his wife's name is Ah Yin. They are currently chased by spirit hall because his wife is a spirit beast. Tang Hao was a Clear Sky Clan member and now he is exiled. This forest is named Star Dou forest. He also asked about spirit masters and spirit beasts.

After leaving the two in the wooden house Anza headed toward the nearest spirit beast's location. Anza wanted to have an experiment. Since spirit beasts get stronger the longer they age and cultivate what if he put them in a hyperbolic time chamber?

He easily caught the grass snake that was roaming around here. And threw it into the hyperbolic time chamber. "let's see how strong they can become in a few years in there" Anza talked to himself

Anza flew toward the lake and cached a few fish. He cooked them and left them on the table inside the wooden house.

Anza tough if he is going to have an experiment here he needs territory to move freely. So he headed toward the deep part of the forest where one of the strong spirit beasts resided.

It was a blue dragon 10 meters in length and had a blue scale. Anza approached while slowly releasing his aura. Sensing the frightening aura the dragon although didn't reach a hundred thousand years old dragon was powerful and wise enough to speak

"what do you want," said the dragon while trembling.

"I want your everything " Anza said