
Soul Land: Divine Blood (completed)

A Young Boy while playing some games was suddenly killed by a character from said game. The boy was reborn in a new world that he had knowledge of. What path will he take in the magnificent but deadly world of Soul Land/Douluo Dalu as the successor to Mohg the Lord of Blood This is a republishing of my previous book by a similar title: Douluo Dalu Divine Blood. mistakes we made when setting the book up and I didnt realize this until recently. I am changing very little from the original publishing. I am currently redoing most of the first volume and new chapters will be published every 2 days

Xanok_Malakai · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Chapter 82: Tang San (2)

Chapter 82: Tang San (2)

Word count = 1715 on 9/16/2023

The duo of Tang Chen and Xue Tie continued to follow the pair of lovers Tang hao and Ah Yin. As they have an outsider's perspective, they could keep track of them. This tracking went on for a few days until the duo lovers were forced to enter a small village as Ah Yin's water broke. As a powerful beast she can obviously keep running more but that would only endanger the child and she does not have the heart to do this.

As such they are forced to rest at the village. They make up a story about being simple travelers and are welcomed after being given some food and drink. A few of the village wives are also gathered to help with the pregnancy. If only they knew what they were signing up for.

As an hour passes, the contractions begin but also a few shadowy figures can be seen hovering above the small village. "Their trail ended here. Find them or search for more tracks and signs of travel." most of the shadowy figures move out to every corner of the village. Naturally this didn't escape Tang Hao's sight as he watched them hover above them. He is sweating bullets as he is split between wanting to protect his wife and soon to be newborn child. On the other hand, he wants to confront Spirit hall and possibly sacrifice himself to save them. This would also serve as his atonement for causing harm to the Clear Sky Clan.

Unfortunately, he has already been threatened to have his balls ripped off if he even thought of trying to sacrifice himself for Ah Yin and their child. The promise of pain was more than enough to stay his hand which feeds back to his worries again as he is unsure of what to do. While he is focusing on Spirit Hall. He doesnt notice the strange black veins that have spread throughout the house. The shabby wood transforming into glistening, fresh wood. If it was no more than cardboard or plywood before. It is now thick and comparable to Australian Buloke wood. Granted this is the world of Spirit energy which means it's far beyond the Earth standard of dense wood.

To add even more worries to his plate, as Ah Yin gives birth, she is forced to expel large amounts of energy. This is not a controlled form but excess of energy that would typically flow into the newborn baby to strengthen it. A small benefit that those who have higher cultivations get when they have children. Especially a half human like this specific child.

This causes the Spirit Hall elders to easily recognize where Tang hao and Ah Yin are hiding. With boisterous voices, it is proclaimed. "Boulder Village. You have in your possession, a pair of fugitives of Spirit hall. For housing them, even in ignorance. You have all forfeit your lives. Die" All the titled douluo unleash various spirit skills and pressure.

The village and 99% of it's inhabitants are instantly killed while others are trapped under rubble, especially those who live on the outskirts of the village. Surprising both Tang Hao and the Spirit Hall members. The building the lovers were in along with the few people there is still standing and fine. Not even a scratch on the house or it's windows. Tang Hao finally notices the abnormality of the house and how the black veins begin to retract. When he focuses on the source of this situation. He finds something shocking.

An unknown red haired young man in simple clothes is helping Ah yin with the delivery as the housewives and the house owner, which is the village elder were all knocked unconscious by the rampant energy being released by Ah Yin.

A glowing giant hammer is summoned and placed on the shoulder of the young man who is wearing strange gloves and a lower half face mask. "Who are you? What are you doing?"

"That's not a very nice thing to do to your wife's doctor. If it's not painfully obvious, I am trying to help deliver the baby…You're welcome. Or would you rather do it. Covered in dirt and dried blood?" The unknown young man says with slight sarcasm that only makes Tang hao look like a fool. He retracts his hammer but doesnt dispel it.

"Alright sweetie, you're gonna need to be brave for everyone except me and your grandfather-in-law. Now try to take a few deep breaths and relax, then PUSH." The red haired 'doctor' instructs Ah Yin who follows his requests strangely enough. Her plant-like senses had given her a few snippets of how the house was reinforced to be comparable to the defense of a 100k year old beast even though it's not alive. As such, she is calm and willing to trust this stranger who just came in through the side window of this room.

(A/N: the quick small breathes will just make someone hyperventilate which is no bueno)

While this is going on, Spirit hall attempts to strike the building multiple times more and while their concentrated attacks are able to splinter the wood here and there. It somehow has a recovering ability as it is quickly fixed. This is naturally the red haired young man, aka Xue Tie feeding the reinforced house his energy to repair it.

As such, spirit Hall is quite stumped over what is going on while they listen to Ah Yin's mournful wails of pain from giving birth. As such, the final recourse was for Spirit hall to approach the front door and open it. Only to find it locked through some strange contraption. The thing is…that this is a sliding door, a paper thin one too which is what baffles them as they are forced to simply listen to the pregnancy play out.

After 5 hours of stressful pregnancy, a cute but very loud baby boy is born. Xue Tie berates Tang Hao to get the warm water which was gathered beforehand and reheated by Xue Tie. He cleans the baby and wraps it up in a nice blue blanket that matches the small tuft of hair on it's hair as well as the mother.

He hands the baby over to Ah Yin who has tears streaming down her face as she hears the babies wails. She does her best to calm the baby down.

Xue Tie moves to the edge of the room as he takes off his makeshift rubber gloves and paper mask. He cracks his neck and speaks up while spreading his arms wide. "Congratulations to you both on your newborn boy. Before you may have the pleasure of naming him. We must discuss a matter"

The pale faced Ah Yin and worried Tang hao both look at Xue Tie in confusion and wariness. Tang Hao has never released his hammer this whole time. In fact his hand has veins popping out. They relaxed to a moment until coming back now. "What is it."

"Well it's naturally the matter of naming the child's godfather." He says with massive amusement on his face as he also sees the chinese version of an anime tumble from Tang Hao. He also hears a zither play discordantly in his mind for extra amusement.

"Well you have 3 current choices. Either possibly suffer the wrath of bad luck and delay this to proclaim your brother or some random elder of the Clear Sky clan. The 2nd is to proclaim myself as the godfather. The nice young emperor who has lowered himself to serve as a simple doctor for your child's birth. While the last is that shitty old man who is a step away from the grave." he states and when he mentions himself, they all grow strange faces. Even the new born baby stops crying in confusion. Yet their shock only grows further when they finally notice Tang Chen in the corner.

"That's not very nice young man"

"Ill put you six feet under old man. With how heavy you are, you just need to sink 5 more feet and it's done"

"Who are you both? Truly? I appreciate your assistance but I must know"

Tang Chen doesnt answer except for the 9 spirit rings that circle around him which come as a shock to both lovers before Tang Hao nearly turns into a crying mess as the clear sky hammer is showcased. That and the ancestral medal that demarks him as Tang Hao's ancestor

Tang Hao prostrating before the buff old man.

"This one acknowledges his ancestor. I shamefully but willingly proclaim I have failed the clan by endangering it these past few weeks."

"Heh. stupid brat. Spirit hall knows it's limits and could never take down my Clear Sky Clan unless Qian Daoliu can ensure I am actually dead. I'm more disappointed in the clan for being so weak. " He calmly states as he tabs Tang Hao's shoulder, Reassuring him.

Xue Tie clears his throat. "Well. make your decision. We don't have all day. I've stopped supplying the house with energy. So you recover, obviously name as the godfather and then name your son then we can head out" He says as he is quite stuck on the godfather aspect. Uncaring for the ancient family reunion.

Tang Hao still eyes Xue Tie weirdly though he trusts him now but other than calling himself an emperor. He has no clue who this could be other than meeting up with Ah Yin, he is regularly in seclusion or doing missions for the clan and thus out of the loop. For the past few years.

Tang Hao calmly looks at Tang Chen and says "Grandfather, This one humbly requests for you to take on the position of my sons godfather." "Mother fucker. There goes my chance. Should have returned the old man to the hospice." Xue Tie says annoyed but quickly reverts to his regular stance as he mentally distances himself from them by going into the corner and twiddling his fingers in a circle.

Tang Chen instead smiles brightly as he says he would be honored. Then he tells them to quickly name the child.

Ah Yin speaks up "His name….is Tang San"