
Soul Land: Divine Blood (completed)

A Young Boy while playing some games was suddenly killed by a character from said game. The boy was reborn in a new world that he had knowledge of. What path will he take in the magnificent but deadly world of Soul Land/Douluo Dalu as the successor to Mohg the Lord of Blood This is a republishing of my previous book by a similar title: Douluo Dalu Divine Blood. mistakes we made when setting the book up and I didnt realize this until recently. I am changing very little from the original publishing. I am currently redoing most of the first volume and new chapters will be published every 2 days

Xanok_Malakai · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Chapter 67: Wedding Crasher, Death

Chapter 67: Wedding Crasher, Death

Word count = 3197 on 8/19/2023

(Yu XiaoGang POV)

"Huff, huff, huff, damn it" A young man with short hair and a simple black and gray tunic that no longer bears any resemblance to the prestigious Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan is seen. The young man looks behind him and finds that he has run far enough that he has run far enough away to not be chased right now.

After he left Spirit hall almost 2 years ago. He attempted to spread information of his genius in understanding spirit beasts. He was granted the title of grandmaster and many wanted to know how he obtained so much knowledge about spirit beasts at such a young age or at the very least recruited him but that changed when….

Xue Tie had released news about a month before he left Spirit Hall for his mission (the one to go to Slaughter City) that a great pretender who had been amongst the original set of temporary members from the spirit master competition. How they were allowed to peruse their books in hopes of gaining his information. Even if the information was actually by Spirit hall. That is still hundreds of years of experience that he had absorbed. But his reputation changed a few months ago when the Empyrean kingdom arose.

Some people gained the crazy idea that by hunting him, they may somehow gain the praise and admiration of Xue Tie, the newest half-step emperor of the Empyrean Kingdom. As such, certain cities, especially those that originally rose to their prominence due to Xue Tie's expansionism are the worst offenders of this idea.

Most other cities that aren't part of this influence are more 50-50 in regards to this idea. A good number of people still want his expertise, especially the schools but he hasn't found one he wants to join as the few moments he has for peace are regularly interrupted.

He finds himself just outside a smaller city that is outside Xue Tie's influence. He has built up maps to chart out territories to avoid such hecticness. Unfortunately he had encountered traveling merchants who had originally offered him a ride before attempting to catch him as these fanatics had set up a bounty against him. And he had just outrun them as while his meager spirit power was equal to theirs. He was vastly outnumbered and ran away until now.

He enters the small city and finds an inn to rest at. As he settles down in it's lobby/hub area. He overhears a strange rumor. It's one that makes him a bit melancholic about his past affections that were stamped into the ground. But when he remembers that this also involves Xue Tie who was the one who did the stomping. He feels better.

He joined the conversation fairly easily with his eloquence. He got to know a pretty cool guy who is also pretty strong and has his own ideologies that he is attempting to pursue. His name is Flender. He introduces him to a few others such as Xiao Wuji and thus the golden trinity is created through their compatible behavior and personalities.

(third person POV of Xue Tie aka regular pov)

After having gotten his newest set of spirit rings and reaching level 85. Xue Tie was in a good mood as he made his way back to his kingdom. Unfortunately when he arrived, a report was given to him about the latest news that had begun to spread just after he had left the castle.

Bibi Dong was getting Married.

To Qian Xunji no less.

The report stated it as some form of advertisement to inspire the people that Spirit Hall is still strong. But other thoughts are that it's a trap against Xue Tie himself but Xue Tie didn't read that far down after reading the first line about the marriage and it's date.

He crushes the report and burns it into less than ash.

"I am heading out. I hope the pope is fine with a royal attending the wedding." He barely says this as he struggles to not have his teeth clenched in rage. His subordinates stand aside. But as Xue Tie makes his way out again. He encounters the Sun Douluo on the way.

"You better not be going to the wedding. They are expecting you." He warns.

"Then they are expecting Death. Regardless, I need answers as to how she even got talked into this"

"You can get answers when you reach Titled Douluo. You are already so close. Don't waste your life" The sun Douluo raises his hand to block Xue Tie's path.

Xue Tie doesnt stop and passes by the arm. Bumping it aside.

"I'm already strong enough." Xue Tie thinks back to the 2nd soul core he got after he got his 8th ring and how he is likely to get his third and final one once he gets both his martial spirits to 9 rings.

(A/N: I do apologize, I forgot to include this part in the last chapter. I have sinned)

Xue Tie spreads his wings once outside and with slaughter Assault, he makes his way there. The wedding is Spirit Hall members only, even though they spread the news of it. Due to this the wedding is happening the next day and spirit Hall is quite some distance away, so he can only hope that they take their time if they want to lure him in. Mid Flight, he also activates Primal Burst twice which rockets his speed vastly. Shortening the travel time by days.


In a prosperous city, inside a monumental building at the center of this city is Spirit hall. And inside Spirit Hall is a room that houses a well dressed bountiful woman just short of her original iconic appearance in the Anime and Manga adaptation of the show. This is Bibi Dong, and currently, she is struggling against the chains that are wrapped around her wrists. Keeping her in her room and weak as these are artifacts that suppress Spirit Power.

Bibi Dong has had her strength increased by Xue Tie through refinement but the material of the chains is quite durable to be able to siphon energy away from the victim so easily. She has tried everything, twisting, smashing on all surfaces, biting, Trying to run away but the chains keep her down that she has minimal wrist movement to the point she can only move around her room as at the other end of the chain is another artifact that grows heavier the more spirit energy it gets.

Since it is being treated as an extension of the energy siphoning chain, it is at it's highest level possible since Spirit Hall long found out about her increase in strength when she got her 7th spirit ring.

She slumps into her bed, burying her head into her pillow.

"Xue Tie, don't come here. They'll kill you. I'm sorry. I should have disobeyed you and left with you. I don't care about unifying the stupid continent anymore. I don't care about Spirit Hall. I just want you" She mumbles to herself as she cries into her pillow.


The Next Day.

Bibi Dong is forced into a red wedding dress that greatly accentuates her figure. Her handmaidens are all Spirit Douluo and while they might not fully understand how to be handmaidens, they are at least strong enough to not die from the sealed Bibi Dong. Not through a lack of trying if the bruise marks on their bodies and especially their faces are any indicator.

There is also a titled douluo elder who helps carry her weight for her as otherwise she wouldn't be able to move.

They arrive after a few minutes at the main cathedral that has been renovated for the wedding. Music starts playing and she is talked down the aisle. Her chains are pulled by the weight and titled douluo until she arrives at the main stage. A bishop takes precedence over the ritual as it starts.


(i can only do a western wedding since i'm pretty sure asian/chinese is just kowtowing to parents, ancestors, the heavens and whatever else there is. This makes sense more since it takes longer and Bibi Dong would never kowtow without being forced)







"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Should anyone disagree with this arrangement: Speak now or forever hold your peace." Shuffling is heard from outside the door as a bloodied dead body comes flying through the church doors. This dead body belongs to the platinum bishop that was in charge with guarding the hall against intruders. Sadly for them, the intruders this time around are Xue Tie and following closely behind is Dugu Bo.

Moments prior flashback because I can

Xue Tie flies past the gate and lands not too far from Spirit Halls main building. He begins to check for Bibi Dongs or the others energy signature when as he is walking around, he encounters a wild Dugu Bo who is wearing his standard gray green and black robes. A style he adopted after recovering from his own poisoning.

"Brother, You are here, that is not good" he simply says.

"Where is the wedding? You better not block me." Xue Tie warns.

"I would never, I've come to support you but that doesnt stop me from calling you an idiot. Let's go get your woman and get out. I still have to live to see my grandchild." Xue Tie shakes his head and replies.

"My friend, you age like spoiled milk, don't worry. Now let's go crash a wedding."

"You wound my heart but you are right, though if we fail here, don't worry. I will share my old clothes with you and force you to keep wearing them until you get Bibi Dong back." (funni cause he only wore green to match his poison)

"Now, let's go" The time for talk has passed, the lord's work must be done.

With Dugu Bo as the guide, they reach the wedding venue and encounter a priest who they quickly gank before kicking through the door at just the right time. Seemingly unaware that the wedding has nearly ended with his woman stolen by another.

"I dare say Xue Tie, you are just on time for the kiss" Qian Xunji says as he holds Bibi Dong's chin and leans in.

Only to have to move and pull Bibi Dong along with to dodge a rock that explodes, killing the bishop on the spot. Inventing 4th degree burns with his first spirit skill. Xue Tie interrupts the kiss.

"Qian Xunji, I knew a pedo like you has trouble keeping your hands away from young girls even when I was a child. But now your just pissing me off. I command you KNEEEEL" Xue Tie yells the last part as he summons his trident and with the new 5th skill activated. The ground begins to shake until the roof begins to collapse. (Godrick the grafted moment)

Most of the audience are high level spirit masters or elders and they slap the rubble away while summoning their martial spirits. Nevertheless, they are surprised by the power behind his move as well as the 4 red rings on his trident. As it's far above the standard level of what they recognize as level 85 on Xue Tie. As for Dugu Bo behind him, they pay him no mind as he is still only just a beginner level 92 Titled douluo. Those of a similar level might fear him but the higher ups, aka the hyper douluo do not, at most it is just an annoyance.

Bibi Dong looks to Xue Tie with both a happy expression that quickly morphs into worry. "Xue Tie Run. Save yourself" She tries to reason with him but unfortunately, the others don't care.

The audience rushes forth to take Xue Tie down but he activates his armor and 5th skill while holding Dugu Bo close so he doesnt burn. The few giant martial spirit beasts that enter the vicinity of the tornado are able to resist it for a bit through usage of multiple rings to boost themselves, but something they forgot about is the bleed proc. Roughly a second of constant contact with the tornado causes 2 level 91 titled douluos to explode







Three times and they collapse, their martial spirit dissipating as they fall over dead and then their corpses burn away into ash but the recently boosted fire and the dual soul cores boosting his power even further.

Xue Tie changes to the Domination state of his domain, suppressing the power of all in attendance by 45% since it scales with him and he isn't too far off realistically from being a tTitled Douluo himself. The thick killing intent presses down upon the audience. Among them is a mask covered Ghost douluo (manga style with the 3 purple style claw marks on it) and Chrysanthemum Douluo. The two take each other's hand as they begin to glow. An orb is then sent out from their figure. The orb in question is dark with specs of light seeping out of it. Giving it a mystical impression.

The audience retreats while Xue tie is sweating as he cancels the tornado and pushes Dugu Bo aside just in time for Dark Eclipse, the Martial Soul Fusion technique of Gui Mei and Yue Gan(ghost and Chrysanthemum Douluos).

Xue Tie's domain and strength is sealed under this fusion technique. Xue Tie also has trouble moving under this ability's effect. He straightens up from his slouched position as he only remains stable thanks to his trident and armor. Dugu Bo begins unleashing a variety of spirit skills against the fused duo to assist in reducing their energy or hopefully poisoning them to help Xue Tie escape but he is confronted quickly by 2 elders while many others surround Xue Tie. Who hugs his trident to attempt to provoke his own martial spirit fusion to free himself but as he is about to succeed.

The eclipse is suddenly taken down and Xue Tie finds himself besieged by 4 hyper douluo attacks that would have undoubtedly killed him if not for activating Armament mode of his domain and his third spirit ring Immutable.

That is not to say that Xue Tie got out of this scotch free but the titled douluos faced the explosive backlash which doesnt fully make them even but it made Xue Tie feel better.

"TRES", He declares with his 4th ring activating which covers all the enemy titled douluos. He then activates his avatar who begins fighting the two titled douluos alongside Dugu Bo, providing a pincer maneuver that puts a great threat to them. With the church roof non-existing. Xue Tie takes flight but the others give chase. They aren't as fast and Qian Xunji hasn't moved yet, fully observing all that Xue Tie is showing while the fused duo of ghost and Chrysanthemum are tired as suppressing someone like Xue Tie put a great burden on them with his 2 soul cores.

They can still fight but if they are hit with something like nihil then the threat of death is possible. So they are focusing on recovering before rejoining the fight.

Up in the air, a dogfight has ensued, but one that Xue Tie is winning due to his memories of being a bird he obtained from both his spirit rings and bones. His methods astound the chasing douluos and he is able to take down 2 of them through a combination of his 1st and 2nd armors spirit skills as well as the bombastic effect created by mixing his 2nd and 4th spirit rings from his Trident. They are only level 92 titled douluos but that is still 2 dead titled douluos. He also uses his 3rd skill to wound and weaken the others so they cant catch up even if he doesnt use Slaughter Assault to enhance his speed. Xue Tie has sustained a bit of injuries which prompts him to nose dive and get everyone in range under the effect of his blood trace rings.

"DUO" he calls out but just as he is about to fly back up, he is struck by a beam of light that knocks him down onto the floor. The speed, power and knowledge that the attack exists were all outside of Xue Tie's range. But he is still alive.

Xue Tie who has collapsed onto one of the church pews slowly gets up as the light attack is his nemesis. He found that part of the space between his neck and shoulder had been pierced.

He quickly realizes as he is surrounded once more that he cant hold out till the 3rd ring and grasps his trident and thrusts it up…..


A yell is heard as Xue Tie finds himself to be decapitated by Qian Xunji who has used his 9th spirit ring to summon the Seraphim sword. Dugu Bo attempted to interrupt Qian Xunji using his 9th spirit skill, gorgons gaze, once he and the avatar caught a break. Unfortunately he was too late as he only solidified Xue Tie's headless body, his bodiless head and the brainless Qian Xunjij who breaks free from the petrification with Xue Tie's head in his grasp.

He shows it to all in attendance while proclaiming. "This. Is what it means. To go against Spirit Hall. Nothing more than a dog barking at it's owner, thinking it's better than them all while being the lesser party."

Applause rings out but what nobody has noticed is that the robed avatar has not dissipated at all and is instead trembling with it's hood being knocked back and a black flame taking it's place. The flame spreads to the clawed gloves of the avatar. It's as if the avatar is watching it's own transformation.

"AGH" Meanwhile, Qian Xunji is just about to walk away when a hand grabs his arm and bends it back in the direction the hand came from. Qian Xunji grunts from the discomfort. All in attendance finally realize that a black flame is covering Xue Tie's body, the trident has dissipated and the hand that it was being held with. Grabs the loose head and places it back in place. The black fire concentrates on the neck. Seemingly melting it back in place, yet strangely enough, no one feels any heat from it. As if it's not a real fire but the dreadful feeling that all who see the flame feel is undeniably a threat to them all.

Xue Tie opens his eyes and with a cheeky grin he says

"Woof Bitch"


Im proud that this chapter is finally released. I've envisioned this scene since around chapter 30 so i'm glad it's finally done. We have 2 or 3 more chapters before this volume ends and the last volume begins.

This is also the 2nd longest chapter of this book with the first being chapter 57 (the defensive fight where Xue Tie scarred Ghost douluo and defeated Spirit Hall/Balak Kingdoms attack force.